In the infirmary

As soon as Atlas opened his eyes several fists introduced themselves to his face. Atlas fell to the ground where he was kicked several times.

Atlas quickly put his hands above his head to protect it.

"Not so tough now are you?" Atlas managed to hear a voice through all the attacks.

"This is what you get for not knowing your place!"

"Hold his hand out Roy!" all of a sudden the attacks stopped and Atlas felt a strong hand grab his hand and stretch it forward.

"Hold it down!" a voice came right before an unimaginable and indescribable pain came from his hand.

Atlas screamed from the pain. It was only natural that he did. He did not even know what he had done and yet for some reason he was getting his ass beat for absolutely no reason by some people he could not even see.

Several more strong kicks knocked the wind out of Atlas's chest.

Finally they resided. Atlas could not even see. His eyes were closed as they were swollen and he could not open it. He felt someone holding him by his hair. "This is your first and last warning. Mess with me one more time and the only thing that will be sent to the infirmary will be your corpse." A solid punch connected with his face knocking him out completely.


Atlas slowly opened his eyes. His face and body were aching. Bright light from the ceiling nearly blinded him. "So I was a good person in life." Atlas said to himself. He grunted as he held out his hand in the air.

"Your awake! Don't move around too much." A voice said. A woman suddenly entered his sight. It was beautiful woman with blonde curly hair. She wore a lab coat which was open revealing her magnificent jugs. She wore thigh high boots and leggings. She also wore heavy makeup which did not in any way take away her natural beauty. In fact it only added to it.

"Who are you? Are you an angel?" Atlas asked. Atlas stopped for a second. His voice was different. Also his hands were shorter than before.

The lady chuckled and shook her head. "No sadly I am not. Angel's are near perfect beings but I am full of flaws. I'm merely a human."

Atlas tried sitting up but the lady put her hand on his chest and made him lay back down.

"Rest, you need it. Most of your wounds have been healed but there still is a bit of damage. Also you will feel pain any time you try to move. Just lay down and relax and wait to heal."

She smiled at Atlas who blushed. His heart felt light for a second but he quickly regained himself.

"Did I not die?"

"Die? No? Absolutely not? Not a single one of my patients have ever passed away in my care. Besides your wounds weren't fatal. It was a severe beating but not anything that would kill. Rest now. No more questions."

Atlas turned his neck. He endured the pain and managed to look around. He was in an infirmary. There were several beds, several machines and quite a few posters on the wall.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"I told you no more questions... but since I don't have anyone to talk to I just might as well speak with you. Your in the infirmary. Do you remember what happened?"

"Infirmary? Not the hospital?"

The lady pulled a stool and sat down next to Atlas.

"An infirmary is a hospital in a way." the lady frowned when she saw Atlas's confused look. "Can you remember anything at all? For example the date or your name?"

Atlas thought for a while before replying. "It's the 2nd of September 2022 and my name is Atlas Emmanuel." Atlas felt proud of himself for being able to remember but the lady was not. She shook her head sadly and tutted.

"The 2nd of September 2022, that was 2 decades ago and your name isn't Atlas Emmanuel."

"No that is my name. I remember my name."

"Nope, your name is Damien Junior, your a first year in the Vor De Mir academy. Try remembering." The lady gently spoke to Atlas.

"Damien Junior? Vor De Mir? Those names sound very familiar. Where have I heard them befo-" Atlas glanced at the lady who was looking at him with eyes filled with sadness and worry.

"What is your name?" Atlas asked her.

"Me, Veruca Jones. I know we haven't met before but does that ring a bell?" Veruca asked. Maybe her fame had reached people outside the medical field. It was not like a normal person could name a single doctor or anyone in the medical profession unless they were incredibly famous. Her fame wasn't that big as she had only 97k followers on Picbreak. Maybe he was a fan of hers and recognized her.

"Veruca Jones... Veruca... Jones... Veruca Jones... yes it does ring a bell slightly. I know you." Atlas muttered.

'Veruca Jones is the only doctor at the infirmary of the academy in my novel Journey to ultimate power. What is she doing here? No, it's not like she could be here. It could be someone who had read my novel and liked the character a bit too much, but still though she looks exactly how I described her, I think.' Atlas's mind was trying to figure out what was going on. It's not like it had anything else to do. 'But she called me Damien Junior. That's the main antagonist of my novel. No this is a prank. It must be a prank.'

"Alright... Haha... very funny... where are the cameras? You must have caught me making a very stupid face. I must admit. This is a very unique prank. You don't see this level of creativity on YouTube."

"Prank?" Veruca filted her head slightly in confusion. "No one's pranking you. I'm a doctor, I could lose my license if I played a dumb prank on my patients irrespective of how good I am at my job, I'm not immune to lawsuits."

"Don't play dumb now, come on. I caught on to the prank now knock it of. I just woke up after having my back riddled with bullets. I don't need this."

"Ok kid, I am getting tired of your nonsense. This is not a prank, you do not have bullets in your back at all and I do not have any idea what YouTube is." Veruca stood up. She pulled out a small torch from her pocket and flashed it in Atlas's eye, mouth and nose. 'Everything looks alright but I don't know if there is any interior damage, I'll have to do a scan.'

Veruca's hand glowed green and a green triangle passed by Atlas. It moved slowly and made it's way up Atlas. Atlas could not believe his eyes. He was inside the green triangle and could not believe it. It was mainly because it lacked logical reasoning.

It was only after the green circle reached his waist did he accept that he had reincarnated into his novel Journey to Ultimate Power and as the main villain at that.


Guys give me some feedback please. I want to improve my writing but I can't do that without your help.