Discharged from infirmary

Atlas recognized what Veruca was doing. She was scanning him for any internal injuries. How would he not recognize this skill? After all he was the one who gave her this ability so it was only natural he did.

He had given her this skill due to the fact that she was a doctor and it would make a lot of things easier. For example scanning someone on a battlefield instead of having to carry them back and hooking them up to machines.

"You only have a bruised chest. No contusions and no hemorrhages whatsoever. I healed you but the rest was done by your healing factor. Your brain seems to be in a normal condition and I see nothing wrong with your body."

Atlas nodded and breathed heavily. He had just been reincarnated in his own novel as the main villain.

The man who plunged the entire world into anarchy and chaos and brought suffering pain and death wherever he went. He was responsible for the death of several billion people and the extinction of several races such as the dragons, giants and vampires. It was only after his final battle with the main character did he lose after being outwitted despite being stronger than the main character.

Atlas did not want that. He didn't want to kill anyone at all. Just because he was reincarnated in the body of the villain did not mean that he should go around killing people.

"I remember, I remember now. Yes." Atlas said.

"You remember, that's great. Do you know what the date today is?"


"Okay do you remember anything about yourself?"

"I am Damien Junior, a first year who managed to get into this academy through recommendation. I stay in dorm 5-Zl."

"Okay, it seems like you remember. But anyways stay there and rest until those two IV bag finishes. Your healing factor has been working overtime." Veruca stood up and left Atlas to be by himself. She pulled the curtains as she left.


Atlas had been released from the infirmary 5 minutes ago. It was 9 o'clock in the evening. He was walking around for quite some time as he did not know where he was to go. Atlas watched as students walked around the school campus minding their business.

Some were couples who were spending time together, some were honour students who were studying and some students were playing super basketball. Super basketball was practically basketball but with 8 players on each team and every hoop was worth only 1 point. Atlas had added that to his novel to make his novel unique but it was only ridiculed by his readers.

"Excuse me." Atlas stopped a male student who was reading a giant textbook.

"Yes." he replied.

"Can you tell me how to get to dorm 5-Zl?" he asked.

The student gave Atlas some directions before continuing on his way while reading his textbook.

Atlas followed the directions he was given. He looked around in fascination at the academy that he had created. It was beautiful. It had sculptures on the walls and several gargoyles statues on the roofs. The academy was quite big as there was many students.

The hallways were giant and the staircases were immense. Just the sight of it alone made Atlas question why he had made it this big.

Several stairs ran past each other, some on top of the other while some were on the own. The stairs were practically like a railway if they ran above each other.

The windows and walls were filled with gothic architecture and several giant paintings were on the walls.

Atlas managed to reach his dorm. The room to his dorm was high security. The only way to get inside it was to either use the student ID to unlock it or kick it down. Luckily for Atlas the only people who could kick down 4 inch thick titanium doors were the teachers. No one else was strong enough.

Atlas walked into his dorm. His dorm had 4 bedrooms, a kitchen and a toilet. In the novel Damien shared it with three other students. He usually did not interact with them as he spent most of his time either in his room making potions or studying or just simply training in the gymnasium.

Atlas walked around and looked at the doors of the bedrooms. It was easy to find his as it had his name on it. Atlas opened the door and walked in closing the door behind him.

He flicked the light on and stared at the messy room. It was filled with papers, clothes, equipment, vials and ingredients. The giant 4 metre by 4 metres room was filled.

"I should start cleaning before I go to sleep."

Atlas spent 2 hours organising the room. His clothes were sorted into dirty and clean. The clean ones were folded and placed in his cupboard.

The equipment and ingredients were also sorted. The papers were packed and Atlas placed them in the corner of the room.

He felt really tired so he took of his shoes and went to sleep. "Today was really crazy. I'll just close my eyes and find myself back home in the morning sleeping in my bed."

Atlas turned of the light and went to sleep. He almost instantly fell asleep as he had been really tired from the events of today. The cleaning had also tired him out greatly.


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