Need money

"I didn't see this before." Atlas said as he stared at a piece of paper that was stuck on to his door. It was his timetable. The timetable was packed with nearly no space for resting.

Atlas had made it like this for Damien. Damien was innately evil and had a grudge against everything. He killed people because he wanted to, he destroyed people's life because he felt like it, he stole children's candy because he wanted to see them cry and he practically went around creating mischief for no reason.

The main reason why Atlas had created Damien was simply because of the fact that he wanted a breath of fresh air. He had read several light novels, manga's, manhwa's and watched several movies in which the villain was only evil because he was misunderstood and was doing all those evil deeds for the greater good or some dumb reason like that.

Atlas hated that. He wanted a villain who gave zero fucks and carried grudges and did evil stuff because he wanted to or liked it. Apparently it wasn't only Atlas who was thinking this because everyone loved Damien. His readers always wanted more of Damien than the main character. It was to the point where it was suggested that Damien became the main character of the story.

Atlas stared at the timetable. There were only three subjects in the entire timetable. Potion making, hyoksi theory and carpentry.

His timetable looked something like this.

Monday: Morning- potion. Midday- potion afternoon- carpentry.

Tuesday: morning- Hyoksi theory midday- carpentry Afternoon- Hyoksi theory.

Wednesday to Friday was the same as the others.

Atlas knew he could not miss potions class no matter what. The main reason being was the fact that Damien was known for his high quality potions. In his second year he would make several breakthroughs and sell it on the dark web. He would then invest the money he made into stocks and manipulate the market. He would either leak false information or murder someone important in the company he was manipulating.

He then used that money to start several casinos and made a shit ton of money. That money would then fund Damien's wicked plans.

If he skipped potion making then he would be stupid.

Potion making was hard but with Damien's research Atlas could finish it with his knowledge of the novel. Damien without potion making knowledge was no different than superman without his indestructiblity.

Atlas pulled out his phone and opened it using face recognition. That was lucky for him as he did not know what the password was.

"Today is a Friday. I could probably make some money using my knowledge." Atlas said to himself. Atlas swiped around and managed to log into his bank account. He barely remembered it because he had set it as his little brothers date of birth.

"Only 1,200 dollars. It's not that bad but this is practically less than 1 tenth of the amount needed for a Hyoksi injection."

A Hyoksi injection was an activity in which a person who had already activated Hyoksi poured Hyoksi into the one who did not have any. Once a person connected with the Hyoksi force they would be able to meditate and increase the amount of Hyoksi in their body.

Atlas sat down on his bed and thought for a while. "I need money." he said to himself. "And I don't need chump change. I need at the very least 200,000 dollars."

Atlas thought for a while and with each idea that came to his head a counter came to his head.

"I could manipulate the stock market like Damien did in the novel."

"No, how are you going to do that? You don't have the resources to do that? Even if you did, do you have money to invest in the stock market?"

"I could hunt monsters and sell their body's."

"Not every creature is valuable, besides it8not like you have the strength to hunt even the weakest of creatures, but hypothetically speaking even if you did, unless the monster is really powerful and oozing with Hyoksi then you will earn only 100 dollars per monster. You would have to kill 2,000 monsters to make 200,000 dollars and even if you did kill 2,000 monsters, how are you going to get it back? Who are you going to sell it to?"

Atlas was tapped. He had even thought of fighting in the gladiators ring in the underground fighting arena but he quickly dismissed it. He knew how powerful those fighters were.

Just as Atlas was about to give up an idea came to his mind. He jumped of his bed and held his head in disbelief.

"How did I forget this? My other ability." Atlas felt ecstatic as he remembered one of the most important abilities he had given Damien.

The ability to steal other people's luck! He could just steal someone else's luck. He could then go gambling and make quite a bit of money and save up for a few days until he had enough money for a hyoksi injection.

Atlas then came to his senses as the small pessimistic voice at the back of his head opened its mouth.

Atlas sat down on the bed and kissed his teeth as he realized another flaw. His ability to steal other people's luck was too overpowered so he had to nerf it in the novel.

Before he had nerfed it Damien could steal several people's luck for 48 hours without even touching them. All he had to do was think about it. As his writing improved he soon figured out that it was too powerful so he had to nerf it.

Now if he wanted to steal someone's luck he had to touch their body for at least 10 minutes.

"Looks like I need to do some more thinking."


Hey guys. In the next chapter I'm going to switch from third person story telling to first person story telling so please don't focus on it too much.

Also vote for me.