Big bad Orca hunter

The main character was a reasonably handsome man. He had a frown on his face and he looked angry but that was just his resting face. It was like that because of the tragic backstory I had given. His story was the most tragic out of all the characters in the story to the point where my readers made memes about how I hated my own main character. Of course I didn't hate him. What kind of author worked hard and spend time and effort fleshing out a character just to hate them? Not me!

The main character had white hair that had come from his trauma and suffering. He red eyes that made me feel uncomfortable. He had broad shoulders and a wide chest. His body was quite good and looked aesthetically pleasing as he had focused more on symmetry and leaness than bulking muscles.

He was a tall bloke with a caucasian skin tone. He had a small scar on his face that came from a cigarette burn. That was the only visible one we could see but I knew there was more. His entire body was a scar campus. Even on his genitals there were several scars. His name was Stuart Graham. I had given him that terrible name just because. But soon he would have a name change.

He was talking to a girl. She was not that good looking. I could even go far as to say that was utterly clapped!

Despite that I had managed to recognize the girl, after all I had read until chapter 40 while I was on the bus. She was Amelia Lionheart. Yes, she was the niece of Aliza. Her and Stuart had been getting along well recently for the previous 2 weeks the school had been open.

They seemed like they were having fun watching a movie.

The girl looked over at my direction and frowned when she saw me. She clicked her tongue but I took of my shoes and went to my room without even acknowledging her. I could hear her muttering under her breath while I was passing by her.

I placed by bag down gently in my cupboard. I was really tired so I decided to go to sleep.

I woke up several hours later at 9 o'clock. I had slept for 5 hours. God knows I needed the rest.

I stretched my limbs and freshened up in the toilet.

I then put on a black and red tracksuit and left. I was headed towards the cafeteria. I needed to eat well before I worked out. Considering the fact that I was really hungry i honestly did not mind.

The cafeteria was large. It was like four times the normal size of a normal cafeteria back on earth. This was quite natural as this academy had nearly a thousand students.

I ordered some food and sat down at a table. I had ordered food that was high in carbohydrates and protein. My plate was filled to the brim. I needed this as I had not eaten since this morning. I also needed this food for my healing factor in case something happened.

I dug into my meal and was peacefully enjoying it when I felt someone sit down next to me.

I turned my head and saw who it was. I groaned in my head once I saw who it was.

A blue haired kid with brown eyes. He was a handsome looking fellow.

"You must be Damien," he said. Fuck! Even his voice was sexy.

"No, you got the wrong person." I said. I did not have the time to deal with this.

"Don't try to be smart I have already done my research, I know you are the one called Damien."


"If you already knew then why did you act like you were unsure?" I asked.

I could already guess who this was. This was Nor Biloki Jae, the elder brother of Yi. The rumours must have travelled fast. After all there was a Filipino proverb that went like this. 'May pakpak ang balita, may tainga ang lupa.' This meant news has wings, while the ground has ears.'

"Your insolence and arrogance are as told. I wonder what fuels such arrogance. Ignorance, bravery or stupidity?"

I held my head and tapped my fork on the table and impatiently tapped my feet on floor.

"Can you hurry up? I'm trying to eat."

Biloki looked at my plate. "Make sure you eat well, it might be your last."

"Is that a threat?" I asked him nonchalantly. Despite speaking so nonchalantly I was actually worried. I was already being kept prisoner by Aliza and I did not want a second leash on my neck.

"Take it however you will, but for the crime of insulting and sullying my deceased mother, you will pay the price." Biloki stood up as he said that. "Or maybe others will pay the price for you."

Pay the price. I may be quite flush now but I needed this money to buy Damien's weapon. So technically I was broke. I needed quite a lot of stuff actually. I would need a huge amount of metal vials, some ingredients that they did not have in the academy and I wanted to buy my own set of equipment.

"Did you come all the way just to threaten me?" I asked. I saw the slight twitch on his face.

"A fish does not dare bite a shark, a human does not dare to rebel against the heavens and mere dog does not hunt a lion. You have overestimated yourself. Your arrogance and childish ness is what will bring your downfall."

What was this idiot talking about? Yes a fish did not dare bite a shark but an orca did. A human would never rebel against the heavens but the monkey king did. This man had not even bothered doing any research at all, African tribes had a pack of trained dogs that hunted lions. I'm not saying that I was on the same status as an orca, the monkey king or a pack of dogs that could hunt a lion but still, no matter how powerful something was there was always something that liked knocking its pedestal.

The monkey king was stopped by Buddha, Orcas could be killed by humans and the pack of dogs feared their trainer.

I was planning on becoming that, the big bad hunter that hunted killer whales.

"Please shut up and go." I said to him as I waved him a goodbye.


Guys please vote for me so that I can win the WPC 298. If I fo win I will mass release 20 chapters. Please vote as it ends in 2 days time.