
In this world that I had created there were several people who had reached the top. The dragon king who reigned over all dragons. the demon lord who resided and ruled all over the continent of Asia.

The elf queen who had the secret to immortality and lived for over 10,000 years, the barbaric giant called Dovago the crusher who was known for crushing the neck of phoenix's and Jorgumander, a neutral friendly giant so big that was wrapped around the world that he bit his own tail.

All of these people had two things in common. The first was that they were all born into strength. They were born with their ridiculously absurd level of power. And the second was their strength. They were all so strong that no one dared to step in their path.

Compared to them Damien had started from scratch. He had absolutely nothing. He flipped it around and turned it into something. He grew so strong that they feared him. So why was it...

That I was struggling with this 50 kg dumbbell. I had awakened Hyoksi but I wanted to strengthen my body more so that I could absorb more Hyoksi and grow stronger, but this was just getting ridiculous.

I had to rely on my gigantification ability and yet was still struggling. I thought that I would be able to at least find it easier with my gigantification ability. It had helped but it was still heavy.

'Stop crying.' I told myself. 'This will make you stronger.' I said. This reminded me of the first time I had gone to the gym. Although I had struggled with the weights at first at the end of the week, it had become easier.


I left the school gym late at around 11:00. The gym closed at midnight anyway. I was so tired and sleepy. I had exhausted all the energy I had recieved from eating a large amount of food earlier on.

I heard someone calling for me so I turned around. That was a mistake. A fist connected with my face and broke my nose completely.

I spun around and saw a fist heading in my direction. I quickly dodged it and punched the person who had been planning to hit me.

My fist hit his jaw. The person was wearing a mask so I could not see anything. I could not see their facial expression but I knew it was the same face I would make when a small kid hit me.


I was tackled from behind and I fell down to the ground with someone on top of me. They get of me and picked me up by my leg and arm.

A kick landed on my face completely. I did not know what to do as flurries of punches and a rain of kicks hit me. I activated my gigantification ability and grabbed one of the legs that was kicking me. I pulled it forward and the person who the leg belonged to fell down.

Amidst the kicks and punches I managed to stand up and punch one of the guys in the face. I had increased my arm size thanks to my gigantification ability. I heard a crunch an did knew his nose was broken. I punched him twice again in quick succession and I felt his face cave in.

I kicked one of the other guys in the knee and pushed the three remaining guys to create some distance. I turned around and ran. I could hear them running behind me. I turned a corner and stopped. As soon as they turned the corner I punched on of the masked assailants in his chest that he flew back several metres.

I returned my leg to it's normal size and kicked on of the guys in his baby makers. Just as my leg was about to hit it l, it increased in size. A loud painful shout.

I smiled but my joy lasted only a millisecond as my brain quickly registered something. It was a black metal bat. The bat was headed for my head so I raised my hands to protect them. I increased them in size until they reached their max.

The metal bat hit my arms resulting in a painful experience. I let out a shout and dodged several more swings before I head butted the final assailant. This created a momentary lack of sense. I sweeped his feet and he fell to the ground.

I jumped on top of him and punched him in the face. My fists were the size of a small watermelon. My punches were so heavy that with each punch the back of his head hit the ground and bounced back up.

I hit him several more times until I felt a hand grabbing my fist. Another assailant. I turned around and stopped in my tracks.

Stuart Graham was holding my fist preventing me from hitting the assailant once again. Amelia Lionheart stood a couple metres away from us. "That's enough, if you hit him anymore he will die." His grip was powerful and strong. It was like being grabbed by a superman who,did not know his strength.

"Let go of me..." I snarled at him. I wanted to pummel these idiots more. I wanted to teach them a lesson and if they died then that was on them. This idiot had swung a metal bat aiming for my head. If that was not attempted murder then I don't know what was. If they came here to kill me then it was only fair that they put their lifes at stake.

"It's not worth it..." Stuart said. Of course he would say that. After all he had killed his own parents. Seeing people consumed by anger with murder on their mind reminded them of him.

I loosened my arm to make him think that I had calmed down and as soon as he relaxed I grabbed him by the forearm and threw him to the side. I did not care if he was the main character I had created do not get in my way.

I got of the masked assailant that was barely breathing and went to another. I removed his mask and saw a tattoo in the shape of a tiger behind his ear. These idiots were sent by Bolik. I left the scene of the crime and headed towards the infirmary. The bones in my forearms were probably broken.


Stuart stared at Atlas as he left. Atlas limpt away muttering and cursing loudly.

"What's his problem? You just saved him from committing murder and yet he acts like that." Amelia said in her normal bratty voice.

Stuart looked at his forearm in the area where Stuart had grabbed his hand. It was bruised and bright red.

"That's just the effect of anger," Stuart said to Amelia. "It blinds you. Do not worry about it, they seem to be breathing except for this guy. He's nearly about to die. Let's take him to the infirmary."

Amelia nodded and helped Stuart pick up the masked assailant Atlas had nearly killed. She helped Stuart place him on his back and held his body so that he would not fall of.

"What do you think of him?" Stuart asked Amelia on their way to the infirmary.


"Your dormmate."

"That guy, he is a creep. I can hear him muttering to himself at night. Every once in a few days he screams and shouts. I once saw him scratching the bathroom walls until his nails were destroyed. He puts his hand in boiling hot water and seems to enjoy it. In a nutshell the guy is a creep. I tried moving dorms but i was told i was not allowed to until next year."

"Is that so?" Stuart said as he looked over at Amelia.


Stuart stayed quite for a little while before speaking. "That guy seems familiar. I feel like I've seen him somewhere."

"Don't worry about it, that's what everyone says when they see him. He just has one of those faces."

"No I mean it..... I remember now... he was there at my sister's funeral. I barely remembered him."

Amelia stared at Stuart for a while who was thinking of something.

"Here's the infirmary." Amelia said. "let's just leave him at the door, knock on it and run away."

"Should we not take him inside?"

"No they will ask to many questions? Just put him down. We've already done our job."



Guys please remember to vote for me so that I can win WPC 298. If I do I will mass release 20 chapters.