back to class

I was walking in the academy hallway headed towards my classroom. It was going to be my first time going to class. I had potions and I knew it was going to be a breeze. At least I hoped so.

I reached the classroom and it was no different from a science lab in a university. There was equipment and ingredients on the table. It seemed like it was going to be a practical class. The other students were sitting on chairs behind their tables. I found an empty seat and sat down. The empty seat was in the front of the class which was annoying but I had no other choice.

I read a textbook that was in front of me. It was a potion textbook. It seemed really useful as it described different ingredients and their use in different potions. It was fascinating to read a book in such a format like this. There were pictures on the book of the ingredients and where they came from. My knowledge of potions made me understand everything. There was also a certain theoretical approach that I had not considered. It was called the opposite effects approach.

The opposite effects was where instead of an expected reaction, the reaction that one got would be the opposite. For example, let's say I had a bottle of potion that was the same as the potion I was making, I could add it to the potion and instead of it becoming more powerful it would become more deadly.

It was like oxygen. Oxygen was good but too much oxygen was bad for the body and cause you to faint. It could also cause you to die. This was interesting because the nerves of steel potion also worked like this in a way.

A girl sat next to me. She wore a white shirt and glasses. Her bust was way to big for a 16 year old. She wore a long skirt and a necklace that hanged from her neck and slipped in to her cleavage. She was a slightly chubby caucasian girl with a bit of fat on her body and averagely long hair. I glanced over at her. She seemed to be the studios type.

She smiled at me in which returned her smile back. The teacher arrived ten minutes later and the lesson started. The potions lesson was no different from chemistry class back on earth. They even had there very own periodic table next to the normal periodic table.

The lesson was to continue for 3 hours straight which was kind of dumb. What kind of person could go three hours without getting tired? We had just woken up from sleep and we were about to be put right back. The lesson was slightly fun and I learned several new things.

After an hour had passed the teacher gave us papers to do. It wasn't just a random paper with random mumbo jumbo. The questions were from what he had just learnt in class. There was 60 questions on the sheet. This seemed more like an examination to me.

I finished the paper in twenty minutes and had nothing better to do so I stared at my desk mates answer sheet.

"That one is wrong." I said to her. She glanced over at the question and shook her head.

"No, it's not." she replied.

"Yes you are, to create a potion that can cure a snake poison that has caused the victims blood to clot you will need to use the saliva of hydra and not the cure all powder from a bats crushed bones."

The girl pulled her glasses up onto her face and gave me a confused look. "The saliva of a hydra is more poisonous than a snake bite. If someone digests it they die."

"No they don't, hydra poison is only dangerous when you don't have Hyoksi in your body. If you do then it will cancel out the other poison making your body poison free."

The girl seemed confused and shook her head. She thought that I was lying. I would have thought that I was lying if I was in her shoes. Although this was common knowledge that could be found on the internet she didn't seem to k ow about it.

The next hour was a practical. We were spending our time in pairs making the potion that had been written on the chalkboard. We were following the steps and yet it felt wrong. No, it was wrong.

What we were making was a strength enhancing potion. It really wasn't strength enhancing, it was more testosterone and adrenaline increasement in the body. Such thing would make a person think that it was strength enhancing but of course it wasn't. It was a lie told to sell more potions. It was easier to tell a simpleton that it was a strength enhancing rather than get into all that mumbo jumbo about testosterone and adrenaline.

What pissed me of was the fact that this potion no matter how perfectly someone followed the steps they would produce only a half assed potion. It would be a terrible mimic and could be considered a China knockoff.

The part of me that was in charge of potion making was angry and fuming. Potions was an art and as an artist seeing such things made my blood boil.

I was going to have show them. I was going to have show them just how lacking their skills are and they were inferior to me. I was going to have show them just how great I was.

This simpleton fools really had the audacity to stain such a pure form of art with their idiocracy. No! I would not allow that! As long as I was alive, then I would make sure no single idiot ruined the art of potion making.