Recognize my greatness!

I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I took the ingredients I needed from the supply closet. The supply closet was full to the brim and it had everything that I needed.

Everyone was working in pairs of two and that included me. I was working with my desk mate. The studios girl. She glanced at me and asked me what I was doing.

"I'm making the potion better." I replied.

"That is not on the chalkboard, please stop whatever it is you are doing."

"No, you are in the presence of a soon to be legend. 20 years from now you are going to be telling your children that you used to take potions class with me and they won't believe you." I could already teel what she was thinking. She thought that I was some kind of narcissistic weirdo.

I'd rather be a narcissist than have a god complex.

"Relax, we have an hour. This potion that I am making will only take ten minutes maybe 20 max but that is it." I replied.

"No, we must follow the instructions on the board otherwise we won't get the results we want."

I sighed and bit my lips. "Listen, if you want to follow those half assed stupid instructions then be my guest, but I am going to make something way way way better than that, you could learn a few things if you help me."

"No." The girl adamantly said. She went to the supply closet and got the ingredients written on the chalkboard. I shook my head. People like her despite being so smart were stupid. They were too scared to take new paths. They wanted to change the world but they could not change their way of thinking for a minute. I could not wait to see her expression when I was finished.

I picked the fruit that was the size of a small tomato. I crushed it with my hands and poured the juice into the cauldron.

I skinned the newt skillfully and put his skin into the cauldron. I added some water and a four leaf clover. Adding a four leaf clover was a superstition among potion makers. It is said that if you add it then it increases the chances of success. I did not believe in such nonsense but... what if it is true?

I somehow came to a world where there were creatures of fantasy. What if it was true?

I continued making my potion and finally when everything was ready I let it simmer. It was ready.

I removed the lid from the cauldron and an aromatic aroma filled the room. Everyone looked up and searched for where it came from, even the teacher. My desk mate stared at me with a shocked face.

The teacher was a short woman with dark skin and pigtails. She wore a skirt and a white shirt with thigh high boots. The teacher climbed on to the table like a child which was really awkward.

She glanced at the potion that I had made and she had a look of shock on her face.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed. I smirked as I saw her reaction. That's right! Be stunned by my greatness you buffoon's. None of you in a million years could reach my level!

"I thought this was impossible!" Haha! Fools! If you thought it was impossible then it would only remain impossible. I had made the impossible possible! Only I could do that and none of you idiots could!

"Just how is it for someone to mess up this badly?" That was right! How could someone mess up this badly? Wait what? What did this little midget say?

"What do you mean?" I asked. The teacher had a stunned look on her face.

"Do you have eyes?"

"Yes I do."

"Can you read?"

"Of course I can read."

"Then why is it that you did not follow the steps on the chalkboard?"

I glanced at the steps on the chalkboard and then at the teacher and then at my potion.

"Because it was wrong." I replied. The small murmur and chatter in the classroom instantly died down. The only thing that could be heard was the bubbling of the cauldron and the fire that was coming from the electric stoves.

"Wrong? What do you mean wrong?" she asked.

"The instructions on the chalkboard tell you how to make a potion that increases your testosterone and adrenaline and not a potion that increases your strength, I made a potion that can increase your strength by making your muscles more dense."

The teacher stayed quiet for a few seconds before glancing at the class. "Class is dismissed early. Leave now." she said.

I grabbed my bag and was about to leave when the teacher stopped. "Where are you going?" she asked me.

"You said class is dismissed, did you not?"

"I did but not for you. Sit back down." I sat back down and everyone left the classroom. The only people left was the teacher and I.

"What is wrong with you Damien?" she asked me. It seemed like she could recognize me even if I was in disguise.

"Nothing." I replied. 'But you on the other hand you seemed like a short black dwarf. Shouldn't you be in your blacksmith with Brok and Sindri getting ready for Ragnarok.' That is what I wanted to say but since I was a nice guy I did not let my thoughts be heard.

"We had a deal Damien and you better stick to it or else." she said as she got in my face and grabbed me by the collar.

"Deal? What deal?"

"Don't act like you don't remember, you keep your potions to yourself and not try to one up me in my own class and I let you use the alchemy labs anytime you need it. Do you remember now?"

No I actually did not. Was this in the story? No, pretty sure it wasn't, then it must have happened in the background.

"I do now, I am sorry for my idiocy." I apologised. At least she knew about my greatness so I could let it slide this time, besides I needed to use the alchemy labs to create potions. "This will not happen again."

"It better not because if it does again, you will lose your alchemy labs privileges and you will not be attending my classes anymore."

This fucking Bitch!

You see this us why I did not apologise. The moment you apologise even women grow a set of balls. The moment you showed weakness by apologising everyone thinks that they can say or do whatever they want to you. This is one of the reasons why I hated villains who had redemption arcs. They turned into bitches and had to apologise to everyone and everyone would shout at them and curse them.

Personally speaking I wouldn't let that shit slide, but just this once I was going to.

"Can I at least take one vial before I leave?" I asked her.

"Hmmmm.... just one!"


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