The scarecrow

I let go of the giant gorillas neck and it fell down on to the ground. I sat down on the branch of the tree that I had been standing on and looked down at the bodies of all the creatures that I had just killed.

My strength had improved so much that I was so strong that I could deal with creatures easily. I retracted the three giant tentacles protruding from my back and wondered for a while. How was it that I had gotten stronger? Yes, I did do some training but that couldn't possibly make me so much stronger that I could easily kill creatures as if they were fodder. So what was it?

After a bit of thinking I received my answer from my brain. It was the monster meat that I had eaten. Although they had given me their abilities they had also increased my strength, speed, endurance, stamina and even healing factor. All this time I had fought with these creatures without even using my gigantification ability? I had just fought them with my new abilities and physical strength.

These creatures were to weak for me. I would need to find stronger creatures if I wanted a challenge. And that is what I did!

I jumped of the tree and landed on the floor. The shock was more painful than I thought that it would be. I had thought that sturdier bones and more durable skin would allow me some leeway but it turned out by not that much.

I wondered aimlessly dodging the creatures that roamed the area as I did not want to fight them in search for a worthy opponent. I felt like some kind of swordsman in an anime that had grown to strong and was looking for a good fight that would satisfy him.

I stopped in my tracks as I finally noticed something. It was a tall black and brown object. It stood 4 metres tall and after squinting my eyes I saw what it was.

It was a scarecrow. It was made with straws, mud and old clothing. There was blood on its body and the pumpkin on its head was carved to resemble a Halloween pumpkin. I got closer for a better look and saw that it's eyes were glowing orange as if there was a candle inside it.


The scarecrow slowly turned its head towards me which nearly gave me a heart attack. I brought out the giant tentacles from my back and jumped back. The scarecrow moved its feet which had been rooted into the ground. Roots, soil and weeds were stuck to its feet. The pumpkin grew bigger and its smile grew even wider. This was a scene straight out of a horror film.

It stood on legs that were 2 metres long and had arms that were also 2 metres long. It had 2 joints on its arms. The first was on its elbow and the other was on its biceps.

It had long slender fingers that were skinny and fragile and it pointed at me. It let out a chuckle that made my heart drop. Thus was going to be fuelling my nightmare for the rest of my life.

The scarecrow charged at me taking large steps and with each step it let out a booming noise as if it was a giant. I panicked and froze as it charged at me. It swung its hand at me and I managed to move back just in time as my tentacles grabbed on to a tree and pulled me back.

The creature swung again and I saw that on its fingers were sharp claws. I now regretted not taking the nerves of steel potion. My mind was in a panic. I continued moving erratically and without any general pattern.

The creature stopped for a few seconds and raised its head into the sky. It then turned back to me and spat out lava! I used my tentacles to pull me up into a tree. The lava streamed out of its mouth like water as if there was an infinite supply inside it.

The only saving grace that I had was that the lava did not come out of its mouth like a high pressure water hose. It flowed out quiet decently and reached a certain distance.

I watched as the scarecrow latched itself onto the tree I was on and started climbing it like a bear while the lava flowed out of its mouth.

I jumped from tree to tree and created some distance and slapped myself in the face. "Get a grip!" I told myself. "You are not Atlas anymore! You are Damien! And Damien does not fear anything!"

I looked up and saw the scarecrow running on a tree branch towards me. I quickly steeled my heart and ran at the scarecrow. The scarecrow had stopped drooling lava. I ran on the branch and at the scarecrow. I then quickly turned back once the scarecrow jumped and slammed the branch that I was on with all three of my tentacles. The branch broke of and the scarecrow quickly plunged down to the ground.

I quickly brought out 7 more of my tentacles and wrapped it around the scarecrow and jumped of the branch. I slammed the scarecrows head onto the floor and crushed its body.

I did not know just how much pressure my tentacles exerted but once I let go of the scarecrow I saw what it had just done. The scarecrow was practically in pieces. The pumpkin was smashed into pieces, it old clothes it wore and the small pieces of metal armour it wore were crumbled. I had broken it.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" An ominous laugh came from the pumpkin that was shattered onto the ground as a green must rose up from it. It then shot into the sky and disappeared out of my eyesight.

My vision blurred after I felt a heavy blunt object hit the back of my neck. I turned around and saw a fist heading for my face. I raised my tentacle but for some reason the fist just went through my tentacle and connected with my face. I do not remember what happened after that.


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Also remember to vote with power stones so that I can win WPC 298. If I do win then I'll mass release 20 chapters.