A terrifying experience!

The moment I opened my eyes my head started acting up. The pain coming from it was similar to that of a hangover headache. My face along with the back of my head ached in pain.

I groaned and looked around. I was in a small empty hut made of sticks. There were 3 people who surrounded me.

"He's awake." an old man with red hair said.

"Look at him, he doesn't even know what he has done." a woman said. She was a beautiful woman with caucasian skin and a beautiful face.

"What do you think we should do with him?" a man with dark skin asked. He had slightly large lips and a bald head. All three of them wore heavy armour that seemed to match each other.

"I say we kill him!" The woman said as she brandished a knife.

"HOLD THE FUCK UP! WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOU DUMB BITCH?" I shouted. Just who exactly were these idiots. Kill me? For what reason? What did I do?

"Who are you calling a dumb bitch little boy? I am way older than you child, You don't even know what you have done and yet you throw a tantrum as if you are a child."

The woman placed the kitchen knife on my throat. The knife was so sharp that just a little touch on my throat and I could feel the blood trickle down my throat.

"Stop Thatiana! We can't kill him, we have to question him." The dark skinned man said as he held on to her arm. I could feel the pressure of the kitchen knife on my throat.

I tried moving my arms but found out they were tied down by a rope. I was tied to a stick by a large thick rope.

"Then I'll do it." she said as she smiled. It was a mischievous smile, the type that the class clown usually had when he had done or was planning something.

"Who sent you?" she asked me as she punched me in my solar plexus.

"You fucking bitch!" I shouted. The punch was heavy and packed a lot.

"What did you call me?" she asked as she punched my face twice in succession.

"Aaarrgghh!" I let out a shout as her fists were no different from a steel pipe. Just what was it that made me have bad luck with woman. I thought back to when I arrived in this world. Every single woman I had interacted with was either trying to kill me or screw me over. This woman, Aliza, Amelia, Amelia's fan club and even Hades. But not Elsa. Elsa was sweet.

"You two, are you going to get this mad woman of me?" I asked the two men who shook their heads almost simultaneously.

"Men who talk a lot are not attractive." She said as she punched me in my face. As soon as her fist removed itself from my face I was shocked at what I saw.

All three of them had the bottom half of their body gone. All that was left was the bones of their legs and hips. What the fuck just happened?

They all collapsed to the floor when suddenly I felt heavy breathing from behind me. I didn't know what it was was but every single piece of hair on my body rose as if there was static electricity in the air. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds and my mouth instantly dried up.

I felt the rope tying me down loosen and I fell down to the ground. I looked up and saw that the three bodies had disappeared. I turned around to look behind me but there was nothing there.

I quickly went outside and almost vomited. The three people who had surrounded me had their heads on a pike. There was three skeletons hanging on a piece of rope and flesh littered the ground.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe and not because of what I saw. I could feel a presence watching me. Something that defied logic and all boundaries of fear. This was not fear that I was feeling, it was terror.

I slowly turned my head and looked behind me. On a tree stood a figure. It had skin darker than midnight and horns sharper than a knife. It had a long tail that wrapped around the branch it stood on. It stood on two goat like legs. It's eyes were all black. Every part of it. The pupils, the sclera and even the irises.

It jumped from the tree and stood in front of me. I stumbled as I walked backwards. The horror that stood in front of me walked closer.

"One favour." It said in a raspy voice. I could feel it's hot breath which was causing me to sweat heavily.

"W...wwha... what?" That was the only thing that could come out of my mouth.

"You have freed me... so I'll do you one favour. Use it wisely." The creature held its hand out into the air and shook it. A fire appeared and a card that was more pitch black than its skin appeared.

It placed the card on my chest and smiled. His white teeth contrasted his dark skin. It was as if his teeth were just floating there.

The creature then walked away quite some distance from me.


A set of magnificent large wings spanning over 500 metres appeared on it's back. Just the wind pressure alone caused all the trees in a 3 km radius to fall. The closest ones were disintegrated instantly.

They hot wind blew me quite some distance away. With a single flap the grass, small hut and bushes all disappeared. With a second flap, the air in the atmosphere was gone and with third flap, the horror disappeared.

My vision blackened as I could not withstand it anymore. Withstand what you? Nothing! Just his presence alone had already increased my age by several decades and put my body into a state of high defense so when the horror disappeared I immediately fainted.


Who do you guys think that was? Use your imaginations.

Also remember to vote with power stones!