The dojo

I sat in silence inside a maid cafe slurping a banana milkshake. My mind just kept replying what had just happened back in the forest. That was the only thing that was on my mind. When I was driving back, when I was returning the car, when I sat down in this maid cafe and even when I had ordered the milkshake.

I was staring absent mindedly at the wall. I removed the pitch black card from my pocket and placed it on the table. It was a good thing that the table was sturdy as this small card weighed at least 100 kilograms or so.

I tapped it on the table. I knew what this was. This was a summoning card. I had to throw it into a fire. Fire of any kind would summon whoever the card belonged to, a candle, a volcano, a fireplace and even a trash fire.

This was what Damien had used to summon the demon lord but this was not the demon lord. The demon lord was in his castle back in his kingdom. If he had been trapped in a scarecrow and kept hostage then he wouldn't be much of a demon king would he? Besides the demon race would have declared war on every other race had their king disappeared.

It was a strange custom really. If someone killed the demon lord they would become the new demon lord and their words were more binding than a legal contract. But if a demon king disappeared and there was no signs of him, then it was an all out war with everyone. The demons would turn into Scottish men and declare war on the entire world until the demon lord came back.

I had been reading the book over trying to find out who that was. That was definitely not the demon lord. It couldn't be his family as the demon lord had no family. So who else could it be?

A monstrous entity with wings so powerful that they could fell trees that had survived the harsh weather for decades just from flapping. I couldn't think of anyone.

He said he would grant me one favour. What should I ask for? I should ask for something that I could not get currently. What did I need now? That's right, a Mallet crows carcass. Maybe I should ask him for it. Or maybe I shouldn't.

I did not know the first thing about him. I didn't know whether he would keep his word or was just lying. I did not know the first thing about him. I don't even know know his name, his personality, his background. I didn't even know if it was a he or a she.

Demons were sadistic by nature. The only person who was an exception was the the demon lord as he was a man of his words. If he promised something he would do it.

"Sir...." I turned around and looked at the person who called for me. It was a teenage girl with pigtails and glasses wearing a maid outfit. It was really sad how people made other people stoop low just so that they could make a quick buck. I would stoop low myself and wouldn't make another person stoop low because of me. In a capitalistic society money moved mountains and made the earth rotate. But who cared? Life was just one giant bitch that everyone had to deal with!

"Your omelette sir." she said as she smiled. I glanced over at the omelette that had been placed on the table.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Would you like ketchup on it?" She asked me.

"Don't worry, I can manage." I said as I grabbed a bottle of ketchup that was on the table. The maid left me alone as I splurted the ketchup on to the omelette.

I ate it and then I left. The money I had was getting a bit too little for me. After shopping in the underground, buying a warehouse, a new car, furniture, equipment, and all the other stuff, I had only one hundred and twenty thousand dollars left.

After knocking some people out and stealing their luck I headed over to a casino. I made an extra five hundred thousand when I left the casino.

As I was walking back I saw a dojo. It read Madam Justina Fullion dojo. It was interesting as it was no different from a dojo. Look wise and even the atmosphere about it.

It looked a bit pretty run down as if no one had been taking proper care of it for a long time. I entered the dojo and was surprised there was a bell that rung.

No one was inside. The only thing inside this dojo was disappointment. I walked around for a bit when I heard a voice.

"You should take of your shoes before stepping onto the mat." I searched for the source of the voice and quickly found it.

A caucasian woman with wrinkles on her face stood on the stairs to the second floor. She wore sunglasses, a necklace and a white dress. She seemed really familiar. Where was it that I saw her?

"Are you the owner of this establishment?"

"Yes, I am. What can I help you with?"

My brain finally clicked and I knew who she was. She was the old cougar who standing in front of the potion shop.

"I would like to enrol." I said. The woman jumped down from the stairs, landed on the mat and smiled.

"I thought shoes were not allowed on the mat."

"Eh, does not matter." She said as she shrugged. "Do you know what I teach here?" she asked.

"How to manipulate elements?" I asked in an unsure voice.

"Yes, but do you know which element?"


"Lava!" She said. Now I understood why this place looked like it was run down. In the novel, people usually had one affinity to a certain element. You might find the very few who were lucky enough to have a second affinity if you looked closely.

Lava was very rare affinity to find. It was even harder to master so I could see why a place that teaches people how to manipulate lava would be struggling.

Luckily for me, Damien had a natural affinity to all fire type elements. Fire, lava, electricity, eternal fire and even darkness fires.

"Great when can I start?" I said.


Making some progress finally.

Remember to vote for me with power stones.