Monster hunting expedition (3)

Morning came and we all got ready. We woke up early as soon as the sun brought its glorious light since we had a job to do.

We didn't bother having a talk about what happened last night. We just continued and acted like everything was natural. Peter and I were quiet as we didn't have much to say but Mark and Jason spoke often. Now I understood why they were good friends. They both had a friend in each other.

We finally reached the ocean. The tide was low and the waves came to the ground splashing across the floor. This particular ocean we were at was called the Etric Ocean. It was a large expanse of water like all other oceans.

Jason, Mark and Peter reached into the bags I had placed on the ground. They took out metal strips, bolts and lots of other stuff that I had no idea what it was. At one point they removed 2 giant engines.

I watched in amazement as they connected all of them together and formed a giant speedboat! The speedboat was twice the size of an average speedboat and it had several machine guns and turrets. It had nets, metal spears, harpoons and even those were just one of the few things I recognized. Was I carrying all that this time?

That was definitely heavier than 300 kilograms and yet I had not felt it. Had I grown so strong that I couldn't feel weight like that at all?

"Are you getting in?" Peter asked me. I stepped onto the speed boat and watched as Jason pushed the boat into the water. He quickly jumped in and started the boat.

I could feel the boat engine as it accelerated and hit its max speed. We continued like this for an entire hour. Peter played a video game on his phone while Jason stared of into the sea. Finally Mark slowed down the boat. It came to a standstill.

"Ok guys, we have finally arrived. We are going to be making a lot of money today." he said. He stood up and placed his leg on the side of the boat and looked over the side.

"We are going to go catch the Foya King fish!" Jason cheered while Peter and I just clapped. The fuck was a Foya King fish.

"Jason, get in there and draw its attention and make it poke its head out of the water." Mark said.

I nodded and stood up. I stretched my limbs and looked Mark in the eye and asked. "What the fuck is a Foya King fish?"

"You don't know what a Foya King fish is? Here let me show it to you." Mark opened his phone and showed me a picture of the Foya King fish. It was a giant monster fish reaching nearly 30 feet. It had a beak like a platypus and two small front legs. It's beak was filled with 2 sets of row that was similar to a shark. I could not see any molars or incisors, there was only canines.

"Foya King fish is a delicacy for rich people. They can also be used to make alopecia medicine, insect repellent and even perfume for people who like smelling of fish. They easily go for 2 or 3 million dollars on the legal market but if we take this to the underground we will get 800 k or something like that." Peter explained to me.

It was a bit to much information but I didn't mind. He was only trying to help.

"Then do you know where it is?" I asked. "The ocean is a big place."

Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out a device with a radar on it. It was as small as a handphone but had a handle. There was a small red dot on it.

"Here, we managed to place the tracker on it a few days when we killed its partner. It'll be more dangerous and violent so take care, it also produces this poison from its body so watch out." Mark said.

"Anything I should look out for?"

"There bodies produce this slippery liquid which makes it harder for sharp weapons to pierce but you should only draw its attention for us. You do that and it will be the easiest money you have made in your entire life."

I climbed overboard and dived under the water. Easiest money I made? I'm only making 20k on this and you are telling me to risk my life. I had made much more money than 20k while asleep. I only joined because I needed this battle experience.

Fighting a sea creature under water was different from fighting a land animal on land. This was going to be an interesting time to open my mind up and gain some better battle experience.

As I moved further and further deeper I found it easier to breathe. I touched my neck and found that I had grown gills. This must be one of the other abilities I gained from the electric eel. I was also swimming like an eel. I was wiggling through the water at a fast pace.

If I wanted I could move through the water like an octopus does using my tentacles but I decided against it. This was easier and much faster.


Back on the surface 70 minutes had passed since Damien dived under and Mark, Jason and Peter stared into the water where Damien had jumped into.

"We shouldn't have done that!" Peter said in a worried voice. "This is wrong."

"What is wrong with you Pete? We need this money. Once the Eltrian hippo eats him, it'll shit him out as gold. I know several rich folks who would pay good money for a living golden statue." Mark said.

"But still though..."

Jason put his arm around Peter. "Peter, you need this money as much as we do. What was it that you were trying to do? Start your own vet. How are you going to do that? You need money. Mark and I are getting married soon and we need money for all the expenses."

Peter glanced at the water before biting his tongue and staring at the other two. "Fine... but this is the last time I do something like this. Once I get paid, I'm starting my own vet."

Jason removed his hand from Peter's shoulder and smacked his back. "Of course it is. We only do it again if you run into debt and end up bankrupt."

Mark and Jason laughed out loud as Peter clenched his fist.

It was at this moment 8 giant tentacles grabbed the boat from different sides and pulled it apart.


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