Monster hunting expedition (4)

1 hour prior.

I moved around the water at fast speeds enjoying myself for quite a while. I needed to get used to moving underwater so that is exactly what I did. I swam around in circles and got really creative with my movements. I tried moving backwards with my body facing down. It was like inverted vision.

I reached the bottom and pushed myself of the floor like superman when he was flying. This was one of the fun things that I used to do back on earth when I had learnt swimming.

I spent quite some time doing this before finally deciding to follow the directions of the small radar phone in my hand. I kept moving until finally I reached the area where I was supposed to be. The red dot on the radar blinked and flashed red several times until finally it was flashing rapidly.

I looked around and did not see anything. I could not see any monster or creature in sight. Not a single fish could be seen. The ocean was eerily silent. This was terrifying. My heart could not take it anymore and decided to let me know by pounding in my chest.

As I was looking around I heard the most terrifying sound I had ever heard in my life. It was a high pitched scream. It sounded like the noise a whale made but louder. It grew louder and louder until finally I managed to pinpoint where it was coming from. I looked down and saw a pair of glowing red eyes glaring at me from the depths of the ocean.

It was getting closer to me at a fast pace. I turned and swam as fast as I could go. I turned around and saw what it was that was chasing me. It was a gigantic hippopotamus with scales on its body. It had fins for feet as if it was a fish.

This was not a hippopotamus at all. Hippopotamus were not salt water animals. They lived in fresh water lakes. This monster, whatever it was, was definitely not a hippopotamus. I knew that for a fact.

I stopped swimming and turned and charged at it. As I got closer the hippopotamus turned out to be bigger and bigger until I could finally see its size. It was the size of a blue whale. It opened its mouth and tried biting of my head. I turned and managed to evade it just barely as i swam past it.

It turned quickly like a rabbit and made it's way back. It charged at me just like before. I continued dodging it for a long time trying to see whether it will do something else. It did not seem like it. Monsters were dumb creatures unlike beasts and creatures and they had no sense of their self.

My tentacles grew on my back and wrapped themselves around the hippo. It was strong and still struggling despite the fact that I was restraining it with 4 tentacles. My tentacles were bulging and had become thicker than usual.

The hippo struggled and rolled around resulting in me let go of it. It then charged at me and as I was about to dodge it stopped and hit me with its giant tail. It's tail was similar to that of a shark. My senses were disordered and once I had managed to regain my senses the hippo was swimming around me at speeds so fast that it created an underwater vortex. I was stuck in the eye of the vortex and I could see it charge at me.

I heard a muffled crunch and a painful sensation in my arm. I stared at my forearm and saw that it was completely detached from my arm. What just happened? What had caused that? I could see hippo in front of me so what was it that caused this. The pain was unbearable but I managed to remain somewhat calm. I grabbed my arm that was floating in the water and tried moving out of the vortex.

As soon as I touched the vortex it pulled me in and spun me. It spat me out and I found that there was a hole on the right side of my chest.

I glared at the hippo as my entire body was overtaken by adrenaline. It seemed to be sneering at me. My tentacles grew out of my back and pushed me forward. All this time this hippo had been on the offensive while I was on the defensive. No more. From now on I was going to control the flow of this battle.

I quickly moved to the side as I thought that I had seen something pierce through the water at high speeds. I thought that it was just my imagination but after moving several times I found out what it was. The hippo opened its mouth and I moved to the side.

I had just figured out what it was. It was shooting highly pressurised jets of water at me. I was able to see it as it was a stream of water that pierced through the ocean. I dodged most of them but a few of them managed to catch up to me as I watched injured severely. They hit me in my shoulder, abdomen, thighs and even barely missed my head several times. The pressurised jets of water scraped parts of flesh from my body.

I managed to finally close the distance and was quickly met with the hippo's tail. How unlucky for it. I wasn't someone who would fall for the same trick twice. I moved to the side and placed my hand on the hand and let out a huge electric current.


I watched as the hippo had a seizure. It was really weird seeing something that was not a humanoid have a seizure.

I then wrapped my tentacles which contained a deadly poison that my body produced as a result of the octopus that I had consumed.

It was a paralytic poison that led to blood clotting once inside the bloodstream. It should die within a few minutes but I didn't want to give it a few minutes and regret it.

I squeezed on the hippo using my tentacles. I squeezed harder than woman did when they were having an orgasm.

I watched as the hippo's meat, organs and blood scattered across my sight of vision. I used my tentacles to move it out of the way. As I was about to turn I saw a shiny object that caught my eye.


Guys please remember to send power stones. Also if you golden tickets don't shy away with it.

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