The big blue ocean (1)

Jerome walked out of the captain's cabin along with his friend Jesse.

Jerome and Jesse were 2 of the hired guards on the cruiser ship and they had just taken an earful of shouting from the captain as they had decided to go for a quick smoke break.

"This sucks man..." Jerome said.

"We're getting paid good for this, just smile."

Jerome let out a sigh and brought out a cigarette and lit it.

"I don't think you should be doing that." Jesse said.


"Because of the captain." Jerome smiled at Jesse. Jerome was a tall Asian man a slender body while Jesse looked like a sexy model from a playboy magazine.

"What's he gonna do? Turn the ship around..."

Jerome and Jesse stopped in their tracks as they saw a man climbing on board. He was tall with well built body. caramel skin and medium sized hair. He had yellow eyes and was dripping wet. His wet clothes allowed for one to see his well built body and his nipples. Their eyes locked with the man and they stared at each other.

"Hey guys..."

They both pulled out their swords and got into a stance.

"Who are you?" Jerome asked.

"Me? I'm a regular paying customer... I just went for a quick dip... is that not allowed?" Damien asked.

Jesse lowered his gaurd and stood up from his stance and put his sword away. "False alarm man, he's a paying customer. For a minute we thought you were a hijacker or something."

"JUST HOW GULLIBLE ARE YOU?" Jerome asked. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a radio. "Captain, we have a bogey on board. We're bring him in."


I stood in front of a jovial fat man who looked somewhat like Santa claus. I was tied with a rope.

"Nice nipples." he said to me.

"Thanks, I just can't say the same about you." I retorted back. The two man who had escorted me to the captain's chambers let out a stifled laughter. He glared at them before turning his attention back to me.

"What were you doing in the ocean?" he asked me.

"I already told you, how many times do you want me to repeat myself, I went fishing but then my boat was hit by this giant fish and broke it in half. I saw this ship and climbed on board."

The captain had his hands folded and seemed to be thinking.

"If that is true then your ship should be on the ocean floor. Jerome and Jesse will check it out and if it is there then it will prove that you are telling the truth, if you are lying then you will be placed in the brig."

Jerome and Jesse groaned and cursed but not loudly, just enough for the captain to hear them but think that it was his mind playing tricks on him.

"Well personally, I don't think you should do that. These men have a job to do so it would not be nice of you to tell them to go swimming in the cold water."

Jerome and Jesse whispered thank you to which I replied with a wink.

"Why? Is it because your fishing boat is not there and you are hiding something?"

"No, besides I said it was a speed boat not a fishing boat."

The captain snapped his fingers at Jerome and Jesse. They clicked their tongues and left the room.

"In the meantime you will stay here until we do a background check on you." I nodded my head in understanding.

"By the way when you finish the background check can I get some food. I am really hungry." I said. Healing my wounds had been taxing to my body.

"I can only give you bread and water. The rest of the food is for the passengers." The captain stood up and was about to leave.

"Then what if I become a passenger?" I asked.

The captain glanced over at me and let out a chuckle. "You look like you can barely even afford good clothes." The captain said.

"Of course I can pay. Where are we headed?"

"This is a cruise ship, we're going to be turning back within a few days. If you can pay for after the background check then you will be treated as a normal passenger."

A thought came to my mind and I asked the captain. "What if you don't find anything on me?" I asked.

"Well that is impossible, even a ghost was once a human. But let's say hypothetically that that is true and we did not find out anything about you then we will just chuck you over board. Don't try anything funny." The captain left the room.

I sat down on a chair as he seemed like a sensible man and did not want to cause trouble for him. He just wanted to make sure that I was not a terrorist, hijacker or pirate. Once he finds out he will properly let me go and allow me on to the cruise ship. That was if I paid the fee first. The fee was not that big of a deal for me. I had my phone which was connected to my bank account. I had 40,000 dollars in my bank account so if the cruise ship was more than that I would be spending my time in the brig.

It was a good thing I didn't try covering up my identity and going ghost. I had no intention of committing anything illegal...



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