The big blue ocean (2)

A few hours had passed by and I had only been given bread with cheese and a water bottle but that was it. My hunger was still there. My stomach let my brain know what it wanted. It wanted some food that would fill it.

I had used all my reserves healing my body and now I was left with nothing. The captain finally walked in. Behind him was Jerome and Jesse.

He stared at me as he walked around the room before sitting at his desk.

"So... Did you find anything fun?" I asked.

The captain raised his eyebrow. "Oh yes we have found some things."

"Well then stop teasing me and tell me what you found."

"We found out quite a lot about you Damien Jr. You grew up in an orphanage, you go to a fancy academy due to a scholarship that you managed to win. What really caught my eye was the fact that you have also been declared missing for the past 3 weeks and now you are in the middle of the Eltrian Ocean."

Declared missing? Why would I be declared missing? I had been texting mother Sarah on the phone every once in a while. I had even been sending her money for the orphanage.

So who was it that declared me missing? Was it the academy?

"So what does that mean?" I asked.

"It means that you are not a threat. We also found the speedboat you spoke of. It was lying on the ocean floor so your story checks out."


"It means that you have been classified as a no threat. Since you are not a passenger we will have to place you in the brigs."

"What if I want to become a passenger? I got money."

The captain glared at me before sighing and laying back in the wheely chair . "That's not how this works." He said. "Even if I was to make you a passenger have you got 200,000 dollars."

I coughed as I heard the huge amount. What the fuck! Who in their right mind would pay such a price? 200,000 dollars! You could buy your own boat for 40,000 dollars.

"I don't have that." I said.

"Exactly, that is why we have to place you in the brigs with the stowaways, criminals and trouble makers."

That was not fair. I was going to be placed in that place filled with criminals just because I happened to pass by.

"Very well then." I said as I stood up. I exerted some pressure on the ropes and broke free. "I'll be leaving then." I said.

"Going where?"

"Ill be getting of the ship." The captain stood up from his chair.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that." he said.

"Can't or won't, because if it is won't there will be some problems."

The captain hesitated for a second. "Both. Jerome, Jesse take him in."

Jerome and Jesse stood still and did not move.

"What are you waiting for? Get him!"

Jerome shook his head. "Our priority is the passengers safety, if an anomaly decides to leave the ship without any damage done then that is good."

"What? I'm the captain Jerome and I order you to take him in."

Jerome ignored the captain's word and walked up to me. "Come on let's go. We'll see you get of the ship."

I followed Jerome and Jesse out of the cabin while the captain shouted threats on how he was going to have them lose their jobs.

"Over there." Jerome pointed south. "That is where the nearest land is. Just keep heading in that direction. Here." Jerome handed me a life buoy.

I handed it back to him as I didn't need it. I had wasted a few hours on this ship that I was not going to get back. I was pissed of. I had gotten even further from land than my starting point.

I jumped of the railing and landed in the water with a resounding splash.

I swam southbound while cursing in my head. It was at times like these that I wished certain artists back on earth existed. In this world we had NLA GLOCK, Nbe oldman and big ak vertigo.

I think hours passed with me swimming southbound. I had no idea how long had passed and neither did I care. I had been swimming for so long that my arms, legs and entire body were aching. Swimming was a good workout. It helped strengthening one's heart and lungs. It was also good for thighs, upper back, triceps, hamstrings and lower legs.

If any olympian swimmer saw me they would tell me that I was over exerting myself and should take a break every once in a while. Of course that was back on earth were common logic although rare was not absent. But now in a fantasy world what exactly was common logic. 'Common logic? Fuck em.' Those were my thoughts when I had been writing this book.

I came across a small boat with a lot of people on it. They pulled me up and gave me a blanket and warm porridge. I talked with them for quite a while and found out that they were planning on sneaking into Foria. That was the name of the fictional country I lived in.

Foria was the equivalent of America if egotism and injustice was set to the max.

They were a bunch of lovely people and I actually enjoyed their company. They introduced their families and showed me pictures of them. They told me their stories, why they were sneaking in and their plans for the future. It was interesting seeing people like this. People who actually had to struggle just so that they could survive.

All of them came to this country hoping to make some money so that they could either send it back home or try to make it to the top. I took all of their numbers from them and gave them my number and told them to call me within two weeks if they wanted a job.

They were ecstatic and happy that they managed to find a job and I was happy that I had found myself some cheap labourers.


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