The big blue ocean (3)

Time passed and the wind grew weak. It reached night and as the sun went to sleep the moon and the stars came out to play. There was no cloud in the sky and they illuminated the vast silent ocean. It was eerily silent and everyone had gone to sleep. The only one who was awake was me, a young child, a Latina woman and an old man who had been steering the boat.

The boat was packed as it was only twice the size of a giant row boat and yet it was over packed. Some how it managed to carry everyone's weight and all the peoples luggage.

Everyone was carrying something that was akin to several giant black bags. The type for the wheely bins.

"Senor!" the Latina woman called for me.

"Si..." I replied. It was a good thing that my basic level Spanish that I had learnt from the internet was working.

"Can I please make a call on your phone?" she placed both of her hands together. I don't know what it was that made my heart flutter but I think it was her face that was illuminated in the moonlight.

Her face was like that of a mermaid, flawless and perfect with just a touch of spice on it. Her long hair reached her back and she wore red lipstick that reminded of Rose's.

"Sure." I said as I passed her my phone. I watched her type in a number and hold the phone to her ear.

"Mamá... soy yo Camila... Camila... tu nieta... Sí, estoy bien, nos estamos acercando mucho."

I stared up to the sky and watched as the stars twinkled. I wonder if aliens exist. Even though I had created this world there was a lot of things that I did not know. There was a lot of things that were happening in the background. Although there was a main character in this world it seemed like it did not revolve around him which surprised. People continued with their lifes as if there was nothing wrong. They loved their lifes not even knowing they were the side characters in an online novel.

It wasn't even a novel that actually had hard copies and yet they were all smiling. They were all rushing around trying to get to their jobs as if they did not care. I wonder how they would react. I wonder whether they would blame me and demand for me to give them a blue pill.

I stared at the moon for quite a while. It was pretty. I never thought that I would say that about a giant rock in the sky.

"gracias Señor." The lady handed me back my phone.

"A la orden." I replied with a smirk on my face.

"Do you know Spanish?" she asked me.

"Si... soy competente en hablar español." I could see her surprised expression and I smiled.

"That sounds really good, Dónde aprendiste a hablar español?"

"Si..." I nodded my head and she giggled. I must have answered wrong.

"What's your name?" she asked to which I gave her the answer.

"That is a nice name. I'm Camilla. Where are you fro-" A loud sound disturbed the silence of the night. It was an awful wail that sounded like an opera singer.

"Sirens ahead!" the old man shouted. The men who were asleep immediately woke up. They tried jumping of the boat but I stopped them using my tentacles.

The boat moved forward and I saw where the sirens were. They sat on a rock in the middle of the ocean. They looked like mermaids from a distance but I knew better.

"Hey... Can you shut the fuck up! There's some people trying to sleep." I shouted.

"My bad." One of the sirens replied. Sirens were half Male half fish creatures in my book. They were a species that consisted entirely of men. Handsome men that looked like studs. Any girl who saw them would be having wet dreams of them for years. It was a bit too bad they were homosexuals.

Sirens were pretty ballsy but once their voice did not work they lost all confidence and left people alone. A sirens voice was rarely irresistible unless the person found it annoying and disgusting like I did then they would not be enchanted by the voice.

I released all the men who went back to sleep without a hitch. They had not even noticed they had been awake. It was as if they had been sleepwalking and went back to sleep with no problems.

Camilla stared at me. She was staring at my tentacles to be precise. "Magnífico! Are you a cambiaformas?"

"A what?"

She tapped her hand as she looked for a word. "What do you call in English? A person who changes appearance?"

"A shapeshifter?"

"Si... are you a shape shifter?"

"Well in a way I guess so." I replied. She had a creepy look on her face. Her smile was so wide and creepy that I could see the molars of her teeth.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." She said.

"Likewise, but why are you so happy?" I asked.

"In my culture, shape shifters are a sign of fortune and good luck. They are also considered as our guardian spirits so meeting a shape shifter is good for me."

Ahh! A superstitious person. I never liked those type of people. It was funny because my step sisters and my brother were all superstitious. I was also superstitious but only when my luck was active because I knew it would affect me.

I raised my hand above my head and placed my hand on my shoulder like a king would do when he would knight someone.

"I give you 2 years of good luck." I said.

Camilla had a disappointed look on her face. "Why only 2?"

"Listen, don't be selfish there are other people that I have to give luck to."