Competition (1)

Morning came and after a long time we reached the shore. Everyone jumped out of the boat and ran in directions different from the other person. They ran as fast as they could with their heavy luggage on the sand.

I jumped of the boat and walked leisurely. I was in no hurry to run away. I was a citizen of this country and if I was to be asked for ID I could provide it although it was wet. My wallet was wet and the couple hundred that was in it had turned soggier than biscuit dipped in tea.

There was a lot of people at the beach. It seemed like I was at a public beach. I remember the monster territory where we had gone to the ocean.

I wonder if it was close by.

As I was walking I saw a flier that was attached to a post. It caught my eye as it was brightly coloured. Red, white and pink being the main colours.

The flier went like this. "Calling all fighters who wish to feel their blood pumping and hearts beating, come to the Forest Hyung Arena if you wish to fight."

I squinted my eyes as at the bottom of the page there was a small writing. It read : "Also if you win you get 10,000,000 dollars." I whistled as I was going to make some pocket money. I should do this more often. Just going around and seeing what I can get. Who knows? Maybe it will turn out to be profitable. Luckily for me the tournament was today. It starts late at night and it should last for 2 hours.

I walked for a long time and as I walked I asked people for directions to the Forest Hyung Arena. They gave me directions and I followed them. I reached the Forest Hyung Arena.

It looked like a football stadium from the outside but it had a giant statue in front of the stadium. The statue was of a Tall man covered in clothing made of leaves. There were vines wrapped around his arms, legs and his waist. I had to admit despite having an awful sense of fashion he looked a bit cool. He was valid.

I spent my time looking at the statue.

"He was a hero you know?" A voice came from behind me. A short woman reaching heights of 4 foot 11 with long hair stood next to me.


"Forest Hyung, the man in front of you."

"No I meant, Who asked?"

I watched in satisfaction as I watched her die from the inside.

"Just because I'm standing in front of this awfully constructed statue does not mean that I want a history teacher. I failed my history classes way too much."

I moved away from the woman and left her feeling stupid for trying to start a conversation with a complete stranger.

I entered the stadium. The stadium was like any other football stadium. The only difference was that there was a giant fighting arena covered in sand in the middle of the stadium. That was the fighting arena were the combatants were going to fight.

I managed to find the reception centre and entered the competition using a shirt as a mask. It was wrapped around my face.

The fight was obviously going to be televised and I did not want anyone recognizing me. It would cause problems for me if I was to become famous overnight.

Besides the money there was another reason why I had joined the competition. The people who I was going to fight was top rate martial artists. Although most of them had not awakened Hyoksi their were a few them who did. There was also a few of them that were able to cause damage that was similar to a person who had awakened Hyoksi.

I wanted to see where I stacked up against them. I wanted to see how far I could go. Would I go far before finally stopping or will I stop at my first wall. It was going to be fun for me.

I had only been fighting creatures. They were creatures who had no instinct and attacked in an animalistic manner. I wanted to see how good I was against another human. Another person with a fully functioning brain that could adapt to the situation easily and make me sweat a little or much. It depended on the person who I was going to fight.

I entered the fighters training room and was immediately hit by a strong stench. Luckily for me my shirt mask masked most of the stench. The stench of sweat was in the air. The smell was worse than the mens locker room in any gym.

I could see everyone doing different things. Dome were meditating in this room, some were lifting weights, some were doing normal back exercises, some were threatening each other and some were just staring at people as they were eyeing the competition.

I had decided that in this competition I was not going to use my tentacles, poison, electricity or any skill that I had. I was going to do this through pure physical contact. Whether it was martial arts or physical strength it did not matter.

I removed my three part nunchuk from my breast pockets and started practicing with it. I made sure my nunchuks did not turn into a staff or a blade as I did not want anyone to know. I was going to use it as a surprise attack.

Time passed with me working out until finally it was time for the competition to start. It was time for me make my pocket money.


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