Competition (5)

I stood up and put my notebook back in my pockets.

"You should not be doing that," I said " Privacy is an important thing even among animals."

The old man shook his hands and head. "Forgive me for that, I wasn't planning on peeking at other people's stuff but it just caught my eye and for a person like me who is intrigued by Hyoksi it is no different from a wet dream."

Quite a way to put it old man. Why did you even put it that way?

"Whatever, just leave me alone." I said as I walked away. The old man walked besides me and asked questions. He had an earnest expression on his face. "So how did you discover that theory? Is it completed? Can you explain the entire theory to me?"

I increased my walking speed but he was still walking next to me. I turned to him.

"Listen I can't tell you this theory, it is in the works and it is going to be a well kept secret. The only way your going to get the theory is to kill me and steal this notebook, can you do that?"

"Kill you?" The old man shook his head furiously. "Don't insult my honour, I am not a thug who kills people just to steal their possession."

"Then leave me alone I'm not going to explain to you my theory."

"What if I give you something just as valuable?" the old man said.

I clicked my tongue and stared at him. "You just read part of my theory, do you honestly think that there is anything in this entire world that is as valuable as this?"

The old man folded his arms and closed his eyes. "There are actually quite a few things but I am going to offer you something that everyone wants. Money?"

"Money, you think that money can buy the guide to shape shifting?" I asked. The theory that I had been working on was a guide to shapeshifting. Shapeshifting through the use of Hyoksi manipulation. It was really hard to explain but if it was simplified all you had to do was change the shape of your Hyoksi vessel. Different shapes led to different results and I was still in the process of figuring it out. It was far from completed.

"If the price is right, then I think so yes. There's a lot of things that you can do with money. If money is not enough then how about the long lost ancient arts."

I squinted in disappointment at him "Do you think that just because you add the words ancient and long lost that it will speak my interest, for all I know you could be talking about king fu or the art of not getting your ass whooped which I have already mastered. Tell me what is this long lost ancient art and I might be tempted to share my theory with you."

The old man looked to the sides to check there was no one there. "The way of the demonic fist." he whispered.

I choked on my saliva as soon as I heard that. The art if the demonic fist. The art of the demonic fist was not a long lost forgotten art. Nearly every demon and their grandmother could do it. The more proficient you were at it the stronger your demonic fist would be. In the novel the demon lord was able to kill the barbaric giant Dovago the crusher with the demonic fist. Damien then used the demonic fist to kill the demon lord, elf queen, world serpent and the dragon king.

I regained my thoughts and coughed before speaking nonchalantly. "No, I can easily learn the demonic fist if I go to the continent of demons, as powerful as it is, it is not rare."

"Indeed that is true, I have several other lost arts that I can trade for the guide to shapeshifting. I have the elf imperial arts, the way of the dragon and even the giant stomper."

Now I knew this man was a scam artist. He was naming the world's most strongest martial arts and he expects me to believe such things.

"Here, I'll give you my phone number, I'll contact you after the theory is finished and then I'll tell you what I want."

"Fair enough." I gave the old man my number and he left me alone. I sat down on a bench and collected my thoughts.

"Just what is it with you?" Stuart asked me. He had managed to sit down next to me without me noticing.

"What do you mean?"

"You seem out to get me, what did I do to you to make you go after me like this?" he asked. The answer was that he did nothing to me. So far i was the one who went and provoked him.

"It's not what you have done, it's what you will do, you are a threat to my existence and I need to get rid of you." I stood up.

"What does that mean?" he shouted at me.

"Looks like the second round is about to start." I said as I pointed towards Verizon and Serena who had just entered the contestants room.

Serena glanced at me and I smiled at her. It seemed to piss her of as it looked like she remembered who I was. She turned away and walked forward until she was in the middle of the fighters room.

"Everyone please come closer, the second round is to start and I will be explaining the rules."


13/20 Only 7 more chapters to go. cheer me on guys by voting for me with golden tickets.

Also gifts are a huge motivation.