Competition (6)

"The next round is going to be simple. Before I explain the rules for the second round everyone get in groups of four." Serena said. Verizon nodded in agreement. It looked like he was here for decoration like a kings bodyguard.

I looked around for suitable people. I needed strong people for whatever the next round was. "Hey let's team up." Stuart said to me.

"No, I'm good." Just what was he thinking. I was out to get him and yet he was asking me for something so stupid. I turned away from him and walked away.

"You need a team of four, although I don't trust these people it's better if you and I teamed up. These people are strangers."

"Today is a Tuesday no? Why are you not in school? Did you perhaps think truancy is something cool?" I asked him.


"Your a truant yourself."

"Listen case in point is that I do not want to team up with you. Go find yourself a team."

I walked around looking for someone strong that I could bring into my team. I saw a man with muscles as huge as my head and a towering figure.

"Hey you, join my team." I said to him. He shrugged his shoulders and nodded.


I walked around for quite a while and I still did not manage to find a teammate. I only had this meat head in my team.

"Okay time is up, if you didn't find a teammate then raise your hands." Verizon said. I raised my hand and so did the meathead. Two other people also raised there hands. One was a woman. She had a delicate, petite figure. Her body was athletic and she wore a tank top and tights. She had long hair that was tied back that reached her waist.

The other person who raised his band was Stuart. I wasn't surprised at this, it was only expected since he was a social reject who did not like talking to people besides his close friends.

"Alright then, all four of you are part of one team. If you don't like it that is not my problem. You were given a chance to pick your own teammates."

Afterwards Verizon started explaining the second round. The second round was a group fight against monsters. The monsters would be fairly strong enough to give the contestants a challenge. Contestants would be ranked on how fast they beat the monster. The first eight teams out of the 17 total teams to beat the monsters the fastest would move onto the next round.

It seemed simple enough but I could tell it wasn't. Most of the contestants were meeting each other for the first time in their lifes which would make it harder for them to beat a monster together as a team.

Lots were drawn and since I appointed myself as leader I got the number 17. The first team went outside and I could hear the crowd go crazy.

My stomach growled as I had not eaten anything the entirety of today. I had only eaten porridge yesterday in the small ship but I was still hungry.

"Why do you get to be the leader?" Stuart asked me as I stared in to space.

"Yes, I have also been wondering about that? Why did you appoint yourself as the leader?" The woman asked. Her name was Sonia and she was a martial artist.

"Yes, that is a very good question and the answer is very simple. It's because I'm the strongest out of all four of us."

Stuart and the woman both raised their eyebrows as if they were doubting me. "Stuart," I think that was the first time I called him by his name. "I have already proven that I am stronger than you twice. And as for you little miss if you want to try me then go ahead, but just know... I will not hesitate to smack the fuck out of you just because your a woman."

Stuart shut up after I put him in his place but Sofia would not let up. "Little miss? Who are you calling little miss you tiny dicked bastard?"

"Tiny dicked? How do you know that? Are you by any chance staring at my dick using some kind of x ray vision? Pervert!"

Sofia got into a fighting stance and so did I. "Don't call me a pervert you sick fuck!"

"Guys... I don't think that... that you should be fighting... come on... we're on the same team." the meathead said. He was stuttering his words and spoke in a soft voice. He was intimidating but in reality was a BFG.

I got out of my stance and sighed. "It doesn't matter, it's a simple plan that I have devised. It works on any living being. Humans, elfs, demons, dragons, giants and even vampires. Do you guys want to hear the plan?"

"What is the plan?" Stuart asked.

"Yeah what is the plan?" Sofia asked me.

"Well it's a really simple plan. It has been one of the most earliest tactics deployed since the beginning of time."

Sofia tapped her feet on the ground. "Spit it out. What is this plan?"

"We rush it and knock it out." Sofia, the meathead and Stuart's faces all had an expression that was telling me I was stupid.

"It's a great plan, it may be crude but it has always worked. Ask any ant, bee or hyenas and they will tell you."

I don't why they looked so shocked. It was a great plan no matter what anyone said. We don't what creature we were going to fight so it was a good plan in my books.



A loud booming roar that was even louder than the crowd split the air. Before us stood a bipedal creature 5 metres tall with two tusks growing out of its mouth. It had spikes covering its entire body and the top part of its skull was missing exposing its brain.

"So do you think it's still a good plan to rush it." Sofia asked rhetorically.

"Yes, let's rush that bitch!" I shouted as I removed the nunchuks from my breast pocket and turned it into a staff.


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