Competition (8)

The third round was as I predicted. It was the classic cliche one vs one battle. It was so basic and overused but who said cliches didn't work. (I'm looking at you webnovel.)

There had been 8 groups with 4 people each. Contestants would fight each other until only 2 people were left. In the end the two people were going to square of against each other in the final.

I really hoped Stuart could make it to the finals so I could beat him once again and see where his strength lay. He had definitely gotten stronger, I could easily tell. Also something happened. Why was this fool so cheery and sensitive all of a sudden?

A thought came to my head and I shrugged it of but it came back.

"It's not possible... did he... lose his virginity?"

In the novel the only time he was like this was when he lost his virginity. Such was the power of getting laid. It made you more calmer and mature especially if you are a virgin.

"No, he couldn't have."

I stood with all the other contestants in front of the giant TV screen that was broadcasting the fight live. The contestants were really weak and yet they somehow managed to drag out their fights for as long as 5 minutes. That may not seem like a long time but if you think about any fight that you have seen in your entire life, none if them have even lasted longer than a minute.

"Hey," Stuart said to me as he stood beside me.


"Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked.

"Sure, speak!"

"I'd prefer if we did this somewhere with a little less ears."

"I don't care about what you prefer, if you got something to say then say it. Speak with your chest and not with your throat. Besides if you want to ask someone for something then you got to ask nicely."

Stuart took a deep breath and stood in front of me blocking my view to the TV screen.

"Please... Can I speak to you privately?" he said. It must have taken him quite a lot to swallow his pride. Stuart despite being the main character was a prideful and arrogant person in the beginning of the story. He had grown up with a lot of luxurious and got nearly everything he wanted. Even after his parents had died he had inherited a huge sum of money.

"No, I refuse." I replied with a smirk on my face.

A sword was placed on my throat and Stuart's expression tightened. "I'm not asking anymore."

I raised my hands and gestured for him to follow me. We stood in the quite part if the room where there were no people as everyone was either watching the fight, resting or getting medical care. If any of the contestants were deemed unfit before their match they would have to forfeit.

Stuart placed his sword back into his sheath. The Night firefly. It was a long light blade made from high quality steel and had been forged by master dwarf blacksmith as a commission from Stuart. It was called night firefly as it glowed a dark red colour in the moonlight. It didn't make sense but I was sleepy when I had been writing that chapter.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about so much that you pulled your precious blade on me?" I asked.

"I am sorry about that but this could not wait... what I want to know is... how did you know?"

I scratched my cheeks as they were really itchy.

"Know what?"

"About the true nature of my parents death?"

Oh, is this what he wanted to talk about? I knew this because I was the one who wrote this entire fictional world, but I could not tell him that. I also couldn't tell him to go fuck of as he would become more persistent.

"I didn't know." I said. Stuart's expression was enough to tell me he did not believe me at all.

"I figured it out but your reaction was a dead giveaway. It was a shot in the dark but it managed to go in the hoop."

"What do you mean?"

"A few years back I remember reading an article about a rich 12 year old child who killed his own parents and made it seem like a house robbery. Of course it wasn't proofed and you were let go but I knew you were guilty. I just confirmed my suspicions and your reaction gave me all the answer I wanted to know."

I could tell what Stuart was thinking just from his facial expression. It was probably something like 'I see, I understand now why you would hate someone like. A person who has killed their own family is disgusting no matter what.'

He was naive as much as he was smart. He didn't have that much life experience.

"Looks like it's time for your match." I said as I pointed to the screen where a match had just finished.

Stuart glanced over. "Yes it is."

I wonder who he was going to be fighting. That was when the old man stood up and walked out of the contestants room. Stuart followed behind him.

This was going to be a fun match to watch. I wonder how strong the old man was. Using my anime knowledge I knew that this ripped old man was definitely strong. He probably spent 100 years meditating or some shit like that.

The match started and I watched from the TV screen.

Stuart was the first to attack. He charged forward and swung his sword horizontally. The old man lowered his body and dodged.

Stuart once again swung his sword and the old man went even lower. He jumped on his hands and kicked Stuart in the face with the heel of his feet.

Stuart buckled but that was not enough to make him stand down. He swung his sword in a wild manner and the old man dodged them easily. He was smiling and speaking to Stuart. I have no idea what he was saying.

Stuart swung his sword and the old man raised his hand and caught it. However that was merely part of Stuart's plan. He kicked him in the knee and head butted him. The old man tried moving backwards but Stuart closed the distance and did not give him a chance to retreat.

The old man slipped and fell backwards. Stuart used this an opportunity and brought his fists down like the wrath of a babylonian storm.

The old man tilted his head and dodged the fist and grabbed Stuart by the head and pulled him in closer. They both fell to the ground and after a bit of struggle Stuart was able to get on top of him. He placed him in a chokehold.

I could see the old man sigh as if he was tired of this. He then tapped Stuart's hand and quit.


Guys remember to vote with power stones and golden tickets.