Competition (9)

In this world that I had created there was a certain group of people called Hyoksi masters. These people were 99 percent of the time enhancers. They had an innate ability to control and manipulate Hyoksi to strengthen themselves. For someone to reach such a state of power they would have to go through incredible trials and tribulations.

They would go weeks on end without eating, sleeping or even taking shit. They usually shat on themselves. This was all in order to gain strength that exceeded the normal boundaries of strength.

They would train until they hallucinate. They would train until they vomit blood and their muscles screamed at them and begged not to go on any further but they would persist and continue. They would train until foam came out of their mouths and the training did more harm than it did good.

I stared at Verizon from the TV screen. He was entertaining the crowd by releasing his Hyoksi into the air. The air trembled and distorted as if it was a portal in a video game. The clouds in the sky parted and the entire stadium shook.

Just staring at the screen was enough to leave me with my mouth wide open.

He stopped showing of and returned to the platform he had been on.

I trembled as I felt goosebumps on my skin. This was the level of power that I wanted to reach. No I wanted to reach an even higher level of power. I wanted to be the strongest to ever exist, but to do that I needed to train hard.

I laughed at myself who didn't want to take part of Miyamoto's training. To reach such a level of power I should take whatever I could get.

After seeing Verizon show his strength I needed, no I wanted to get stronger.

The next fight that happened was between the muscle guy and Sofia. There fight ended swiftly in Sofia's victory. She had used a lot of feints and her superior speed to easily take down muscle guy. He had withstood her several of her attacks but in the end he had to give up as he had taken a lot of internal damage.

My fight came and I ended it with a single punch. I actually felt bad for my opponent as I had knocked him out with ease before he could even grasp the situation.

The fight continued and stuart, Sofia and I made it to the semi finals.

My opponent was Sofia. She stood in front of me with a smile on her face.

For some reason the crowd was even more livelier than before. I don't know for what reason as I don't think I did anything to make them this excited.

"You should quit for your own safety."

"Huh, and why is that? Is it because I'm a woman? Just because I'm a woman that does not mean that..." I sighed as the dumb bitch babbled on and on like a parrot talking about how people always looked down on her because she was a woman.

"No, I say you should quit for your own safety because I will not hold back just because your a woman."

"There you go again with your misogynistic views. I hate men like you who think woman are inferior, I'll show you today how strong a woman can be." My eyebrow twitched as I heard this. Look down on woman. I was killed by a woman before and I am currently in servitude for another woman and providing her with potions for God knows how long.

"I hate woman like you. You see woman like men with muscles but not the guys who get in their face and bulge their muscles. The same goes for men. They like strong woman but not woman who go around talking about how powerful they are and show of. You won't see a dragon going around to a bunch of ants and showing them it's strength. It knows it's strength and doesn't look for the approval of others. If you are truly strong then shut up and act like it. Stop acting like a child whose character just leveled up in a video game. Anyways enough with the talk."

I lowered my body and immediately Sofia got into a stance. I charged forward and she put up her gaurd. I punched through the gaurd and sent her flying several metres back. She did a backflip in midair and landed on the ground. She skid backwards for a while before coming to a stop. She looked up only for my fists to greet her face. "Hello bitch!" They said.


I didn't allow her to fly backwards as I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her back. I then smashed her into the ground creating a decently huge crater. I slammed her to the ground several times until she fainted. Her eyes were rolled to the back of her head.

I let go of her and stood some distance away from her. This was in case she had not fainted and was playing possum. After several medical staff arrived carrying stretchers it was clear that she was not faking it. I was announced the winner of the battle and was allowed to move on to the finals.

It was finally time. It was time for the rematch against the main character. Last time I had won against him and I had no intention of losing my one match winning streak. He was definitely going to lose and I was going to get the 10 million dollars.

"I wonder... why did he enter the tournament? He's already well of and 10 million dollars is nothing to him so why did he join? Did he know that I was going to be here and wanted a rematch?" Thoughts swirled in my head but no matter what I thought of there was no logical reasoning behind him joining the tournament.

It didn't matter, I was going to have to put him in his place and leave with my pockets full. I'm gonna go get that bread.


Do you miss the rage? I miss the rage!