Doctor Damien

My patient was a young girl who seemed to be around my age although one would normally assume not just from her looks. She had tanned skin and was slightly plump. Her plumpness was not that of fatness but of thickness. She had amazing curves and had a glow of some sorts. She had a face so beautiful that it could tell the moon to move over.

A beauty mark above her lips, short reddish orange hair with blue at the tip. She wore a simple dress and sat on a chair looking out of a window.

She turned and smiled but as soon as she me she sighed. "Another quack." I heard her whisper under her breath.

"Young mistress, we have found a healer who wishes to cure you." Buu said respectfully while bowing.

"Is that not what you said to me when you brought all those other quacks?" she asked. Buu glanced over at me before speaking to the young mistress once more.

"My lady, he is the respected sect leader of the Dark Purple Rain Clan. He has come of his own accord to heal you. Surely it would not hurt for him to have a look and attempt to cure your sickness."

"It but it does hurt." the young mistress said flatly. "I know that I am dying and no one can cure me so why is it that every single day there is someone new to feed me pointless medicine? If I am going to die then I went to die peacefully while looking out of this window and not while I am heavily medicated."

Buu didn't know what to say as evident from his mouth that was opening and closing in the shape O like a fish.

"You shouldn't stay stuff like that." I said. The young mistress glanced at me. "You say that you want to die peacefully but there is no such thing as a peaceful death. Death is scary. It is the most terrifying thing that scares even the greatest of men and most savage of beasts."

"When you die your soul leaves your body. That is painful. The cold that you fail and the thirst that you feel are unbearable. Even if you die in your sleep your death won't be painless nor will it be peaceful. That is something that I would know."

Both Buu and the young mistress stared at me. I don't think any of them were expecting me to say that. All of a sudden the young mistress laughed raucously. It was unlady like but beautiful seeing her laugh without restraint.

"You speak as if you have died before. Buu, you have brought me a well articulated philosophical comedian to treat me. How amusing."

I edged closer to the lady and went down on one knee before holding her hands. They were shaking. No surprise there. Death was looming over her.

"Do you believe in fate?" I asked.


"Do you believe in fate?" I repeated my question.

"No, I do not." She replied.

"Well I do. The universe is over several hundred billion years old and there are over 9.2 trillion living organism with human or above human intelligence on this planet alone. The fact that You and I are alive and breathing and met at this exact moment says a lot. This is fate. I am here for a reason. Let me do what I am here to do and you won't have to see me again if you wish."

The young lady was speechless. Of course she would be, I had somewhat of a silver tongue and spoke grandiloquently ever once in a while.

The young lady nodded her head after staring into my eyes for a while.

I placed my pouch on the floor and brought several items out. A stethoscope,a thermometer, a small,wooden stick and some other things.

I then started a normal body checkup. I listened to her heartbeat, I checked her uvula, I recorded her temperature and then I took a sample of my blood.

I brought a potion out of my pouch and dropped the blood into the vial. I shook it and the liquid turned a murky green colour. I immediately knew what the illness that affected her was.

"The mad dreamer!" I said as I stood up.

"Pardon..." Buu said.

"That's the name of the illness. You... What's your name?" I asked the young lady.

"Luck... Luck Canary."

"Okay luck... the good thing is I found what has been affecting you recently to result in your bad health. Have you recently been having hallucinations of sorts?"


I stared at her until she nodded her head.

"Have you been noticing a change of colour in your stool, a greenish colour?"

Once again she nodded but this time her eyes were looking at the floor.

"Have you been having severe headaches at the top of your head and hearing buzzing sounds?"


"Have you had trouble sleeping?"


"Have you been having weird dreams about a man either chasing you or killing you over and over again?"

"How did you know?" She asked in surprise. Buu ran up to.

"Do you know what illness the young miss has?" He asked.

"Of course I do."

"Can you cure it?"

"Easily. The illness she is suffering from is called the mad dreamer. Usually it is caused when a Drert Bee decides to nest itself inside the frontal lobe, inside the hippocampus to be precise. This leads to a lack of sleep, nightmares, paranoia, hallucinations and a few other side effects."

Buu and Luck were both ecstatic. They were smiling and looked like they were about to burst into balloons.

"Cure me now then!" Luck shouted as she grabbed my hands.

"It's not quite simple. You have two options. The first is surgery on your brain which I do not suggest. I have never done a surgery before especially on someone's brain and the other option..."

"What is it?" Luck asked worriedly.

"It could possibly kill you."


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