You have forgotten the face of thy father!

"What?" Buu shouted as he grabbed me by the throat. "What are you talking about you fool?" He shook me for a while and I let him because I had been expecting their reaction to be way worse.

"The second procedure is possible but the chances of it being properly performed is low even in the hands of a skilled doctor." I replied. The procedure I was talking of was called fake queen removal. After Damien found out that he was suffering from the Mad Dreamer disease he decided to perform it himself as he trusted no one to properly perform it.

The procedure was similar to fishing. You throw a little bait and lead the Drert queen bee out of ones brain carefully so as to not damage the nerves or brain. A single sting from the drert bee inside the brain was painful enough to make people commit suicide. It was a good thing they were nearly extinct otherwise a lot of people would be committing suicide and not because of depression.

"I knew you were a fraud. I merely showed you some face because you are a clan leader but I have no idea what I was expecting from a quack who forced his way into a small sect." Buu shouted. He continued insulting me and shaking my body as I had done so with the dumb lion.

I took both of his hands of me and reached into my pouch and rummaged about.

"Vice leader Buu, please watch your tongue otherwise one of these days you won't have it. You did not even let me finish speaking before jumping to conclusions. In the hands of a skilled surgeon the chances of success is less than 20 percent while in my hands the chances of success is 100 percent. I can easily remove the drert bee lodged inside the young ladies brain however since you called me a fraud and have insulted me and my intelligence then I shall take my leave." I stopped rummaging in my bag and turned around to leave.

"Leave! You are not going to leave until you cure the young lady." Buu said. "I may have insulted you but you have threatened me just now, do not think that just because I am acting civil that I will not send your corpse back to your people. Cure the young lady and I will overlook this incident."

I scoffed at him. Just how high up was his nose in the sky? Send my corpse back! HAHA! One of the benefits of semi immortality was that I don't die, sort of.

"Vice leader Buu, your arrogance is showing. This entire misunderstanding started merely because you were not patient enough for me to finish my explanation and yet you still dare to threaten me... I will take my leave and I hope you find a skilled enough surgeon to cure the young lady."

I started walking away and once I had placed my hand on the doorknob I stopped moving.

"I promise you this... if you unsheathe your sword then I will fight you with intention to kill. Think carefully before yo-"

I quickly ducked down as a giant slash flew past me and cut the door into two equal slices.

"I never knew that the Golden Canary was so dishonourable that they would attack a guest in their home."

What was honour? In my opinion it was the law of the foolish. It spoke of honour and yet did not believe in it.

"You have forgotten the face of your father!" I shouted as I turned in my spot. I could feel the rage coming of Buu. He was definitely pissed of. He swung his sword and a second slash came flying to which I dodged.

I leaped in the air and spun not once, twice or even four times but eight times. I had upgraded one of Taekwondo's most hardest moves to perform. The 1440 degree spin kick! It was impressive to perform such a powerful yet flashy move in itself that most, who were bound by the rules of normal humans could not, I was able to perform the 2880 degree spin kick.

The only reason why I had not performed more spins than eight times was because of 2 simple reasons. The first was the circumstance. I could easily perform a 5400 degree spin kick but I was too scared Buu would react in time.

The second was that it was hard to land. Spinning 8 times in rapid succession messed a lot with a persons sense of direction and balance.

I had barely managed to hit Buu. My kick grazed him but just that simple graze made him skid back some metres. The ceiling flew up into the several hundred metres into the air and sunlight entered the room. Luck was no exception. She flew back into a wall due to the wind pressure generated from my kick along with the rest of the stuff in the room.

Buu was astonished. I didn't have to read his emotions to know that but simply look at his face. It was written all over it. First came shock followed by astonishment and finally came anger.


I blinked in amazement. This was the second in command in the Golden Canary clan. Just how did it survive for so long? He was an arrogant hot headed fellow who was quick to act on his impulses. This is what made me worry just why exactly was he the second in command.

Buu rushed to me. To be honest he glided more than he rushed. His sword delicately moved through the air and I watched as it moved towards me. I was captivated by the sword and could not draw my eyes of it. Luckily for me my brain instinctively recognized the danger and I moved back and dodged the sword just in time however Buu wasn't finished.

He threw his sword in to his other hand and swung again and again and again and again. For an old fella he moved pretty well. Someone must have lubricated his old rusty joints for him.

I quickly noticed an opening and moved my fist forward. Buu smiled and it was only then did I know that he had purposely shown me an opening. It was so that he could counterattack which worked. It was too late for me to withdraw my hand.


The smile on Buu'sface disappeared when he noticed my hand had not flown of. He frowned when he noticed a large layer of Hyoksi protecting my hand.

No more! No more was I going to entertain this fool! My body grew in size until it reached 15 feet in height. I had grown stronger and my powers had also grown.

I was completely naked as all my clothes had been ripped of. Buu was nothing less of an insect to me in this form. I felt an itching in both my eyes, an uncontrollable and painful itch and a desire for destruction.


A black beam of light flew out of my eyes. It was headed straight for Buu.


Laser eyes: Unlocked.

Tell me guys, what do you think of the murim arc so far.

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