Oruko Mercenaries (2)

I was currently flying at a leisurely pace heading towards the hideout of the Oruko mercenaries. The Oruko mercenaries were a bunch of mercenaries that had been messing with small clans. Usually they were commissioned by large clans to terrorize small clans so that they don't step out of all. I had gotten this information from Muvolik. I hadn't healed him but I used a potion that temporarily blocked his pain so that he could answer my questions.

Too bad for the Oruko Mercenaries that it was me that was stepping out of line. Surely they were idiots if they thought that they could get away without any repercussions especially after taking something of mine.

The Oruko mercenaries specialised in kidnappings, assassinations and money laundering to make money. This sounds like a group of people that I would hang out with hand they not done something as stupid as kidnapping my son. No he isn't my son. I should stop thinking like that. He is merely a seed that I had sown that I will reap.

As I fly above the city I looked down. It was nearly dusk and the setting sun shone a bright orange benign light. It was a beautiful scenery and at anytime anyone looked up they would see me. I could see the kids pointing at me and babbling to their parents.

I finally noticed the hideout of the Oruko mercenaries. It was a small shabby building with a surprisingly decent of people heading in and out of the building.

I stopped flying and plummeted from the sky and just before I landed I did a superhero landing.


Fuvk! I should have listened to a certain loud mouthed merc with a mouth. Superhero landings were incredibly tough on one's knees. I stood up and my knee had already healed.

"Did you just say that? That man just dropped from the sky!"

"Oh My God! He just did a superhero landing! It was probably tough on his knees but he's an absolute legend for going through with it."

"Why did he even do that? He just could have landed properly. Is he nuts?"

I walked into the shabby looking building. As soon as I went in I was immediately sweating as if I had just walked into a black party. I walked in and I heard music being played. The small shabby building was actually a nightclub.

This is the first time life that I had walked into a nightclub that played live music and not just any live music, it was with ukuleles and a lot of traditional instruments that I had never seen before.

There were no neon lights or disco balls. Just lame music and a lot of drunk idiots dancing.

"What do want?" The guy behind the counter asked me. He was the receptionist and made sure that only people who were invited entered.

"I want to meet Lalo Feng." I replied. The guy looked up from the book he was writing calculations on.

"I don't know who that is."

"Lalo Feng, your boss. The leader of the Oruko mercenaries. The guys who owns this building."

"Once again, I dont know who that is." his voice was slightly aggressive. I noticed several men standing behind me. I could feel them.

I reached over the counter and grabbed the man by the throat before smashing him onto the table. The men behind me swung their bats and metal pipes so I easily moved out of the way. Small fry like them did not even pose a headache for me. I quickly took care if them and all the people inside the basic nightclub ran outside.

I walked back to the receptionist. "So are you going to answer my question or will you keep quiet until I break your bones one by one."


I slapped him across the face. Who was he calling a bastard? Damien was a bastard but not Atlas but since I was Damien I technically was. a bastard.

"You won't get away with this!"

Sometimes I really wished I had the ability to skip conversations just like in video games.

I grabbed his arm and squeezed.


For a few seconds his body did not register what was going however once it did he screamed out loud in pain.


"Bastard? Is that the only word in your vocabulary? Now tell me where Lalo Feng is before I break both your legs and your one good arm."

"Downstairs... Downstairs, Bottom floor." I smiled and patted his shoulder.

"That wasn't so hard, why did you have to over complicate it. You would still have a functioning arm had you just answered me the first time."

I walked towards the stairs and the guy shouted out. "You won't get away with This! Lalo will take care of you! Don't think that even for a minu-"

I threw a shuriken at him and it embedded itself on his head. He should have kept his mouth shut. Had he done that he would still be alive, sadly he didn't so now he was put in a pack.

I really should consider a career in rap!

As I walked down the stairs goons started popping out of nowhere. It was like they had spawned out of nowhere like some video game characters.

They posed no problems to me. I quickly took care of them.


A giant man wearing heavy armour with a giant sword stood in my path. "You will not get past m- Gufuu!" I hit him in his stomach and sent him flying through a metal door.

Finally I had reached the bottom floor. I walked into a room filled with men. The rugs were made of tigers and a jasmine scent filled the room. Over a dozen naked men were all over the room.

"You must be Lalo!" I said to the woman sitting on the bed. She was a beautiful woman and she looked like she was a mix of Persian and Indian. She had big lips but not too big, long silky silver hair and she wore a choker on her neck. She wore several rings and her clothes were revealing. Part of her breasts were exposed, so was her naval button, part of her thigh and even her back. She was a looker. Just not your average woman. She was exotic.

"Yes I am... and you are?"

"That's good!" I said as my hand started to crackle with electricity.