Oruko mercenaries (3)

The woman glanced at the boy who had just barged into her room.

"You must be Lalo!" the boy said.

"I am... and you are?"

"That's good!" He said as his hands started crackling with electricity. Lalo frowned at the sight of this. He had just bust into her room and wanted to attack her. Just what exactly was wrong with this boy?

"My slaves, take care of him." She said. The men in the room stood up and formed a defensive line in front of Lalo. Several of them charged at Damien.

The moment Damien raised his hand they were engulfed in green electricity. They screamed as their skins were melted of their body. Damien glanced at his hand.

"My strength has grown." he commented. Lalo clenched her teeth when she saw what happened to her men.

"You Scum! You killed my lovers?" She shouted. Damien did not care. He did not care because they had charged at him and now they paid the price for it.

Lalo stood up and immediately the men around her knelt. When Damien looked at them they reminded him of well trained dogs.

"Where is the child?" Damien asked.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" Lalo screamed as she charged forward. Damien did not even see her move. She just simply appeared in front of him before slapping him in the chest.

Damien flew back and before he hit a wall he positioned himself properly, placed both of his legs on the wall before rocketing forward.

Lalo took a martial art pose. She hit Damien in the face with enough power to stop him in his tracks and hit the floor.

Damien placed both of his hands on the floor and swung his legs several times like a whirlwind. Lalo blocked his legs however her men that had run at Damien to help her where sent flying metres away.

Damien pushed himself of the ground and while in the air hit Lalo with several bicycle kicks. Lalo was slightly pushed back however she did not mind. She moved forward and grabbed Damien's leg before smashing him into the floor.

Damien glanced at her and eyes started to glow a black colour.


His laser eyes shot a beam which Lalo barely dodged. It singed part of her hair. With swiftness Lalo did several backflips and created a distance between her and Damien.

A thin layer of Hyoksi started covering her body. People in Murim referred to Hyoksi as Chi.

Her Chi formed several lines of ropes and they all lunged at Damien.

Damien raised his hand and almost immediately lava started to rise from the floor. It created a barrier between the two blocking their vision. They could not see each other.

Lalo took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She started to focus however all of a sudden a fist connected with her face. Before she could fly away Damien grabbed whatever was left of her hair and pulled her back before hitting her in the face again. Her nose was completely broken and her blood covered her eyes.

Damien paid no mercy. He was like a video game character with the way he hit combos. He smashed her face into the ground, he pound her chest, he scratched her face, he kicked her calf, he launched her into the air and kicked her several times before finally hitting her with a punch that sent her fly through the ceiling.

She flew through one ceiling after another before she found herself a few hundred metres in the sky.

Before she could even reach free fall Damien was beside her. He grabbed her by her hair while floating in the air.

"So you want to tell me where my child is?" he asked.

There was no answer but after a while a he heard a whisper. "My... men..."


"Are... they..."

Damien pulled her up so that she could see him eye to eye. "Listen you dumb bitch... I'm the one asking questions... not you... now you should tell me where my child is before I kill you and every single person in that building."

Lalo could not see well but when she looked into Damien's eyes she could see him for who he truly was. The conviction in his eyes was enough to scare her. He was a cold blooded killer and she knew that he would follow up on his threat.

"HEEEY! YOU BLOODY BASTARD!" Damien heard someone shouting. He looked down to see a naked man holding a child. The child in question was Thomas. "IS THIS WHO YOUR LOOKING FOR?"

Lalo gasped. "No..." she whispered. "You... idiot... run..."

Damien smiled at this sight. He slowly lowered himself until he was slightly above the man. He was holding a dagger to Thomas's throat. Thomas was crying. He was scared.

"Let her go... and I will give you your child." He said. Damien glanced at the man's hand. They were shaking. So were his legs.

Damien moved forward at a rapid pace before grabbing the man's face and crushing it. His blood splattered on Damien's face as well as on Thomas. Damien grabbed Thomas and threw Lalo on the floor. She crawled forward to the corpse of the man. "No... Yu Hwang! I'm... so sorry... I'm so sorry... because of me..."

Damien stood on top of Lalo. "Oh yes... I forgot to ask you... who commissioned you?" Lalo could not move. No she didn't want to move. She merely gazed at the corpse of the headless man as tears slowly blinded her vision. How could she let this be? The men that she had loved. Most of them were dead because of Damien.

'No, they're dead because I couldn't protect them. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have accepted that commission.' As she cried she slowly reached forward and tried to touch the arm of the headless man.


Damien stepped on her hand completely shattering all her bones. He then stood up properly on top of Lalo. He slowly but surely grew bigger.

"You can feel me grower heavier, don't you?" He asked. "If you don't answer my questions then by the time I grow bored your body will contain nothing but blood and broken bones. I once again ask you, who commissioned you?"

The scream Lalo let out showed just how heavy Damien was becoming. Lalo could feel her bones breaking, cracking under the pressure like diamond.

"Muvolik Meng!" She shouted. Damien stopped growing instantly and get of Lalo.

"Your not lying to me are you?" he asked.

"No, he commissioned us and told us that you were a thorn in his plans and that he wanted us to take care of you. He told us to use the child as bait." Damien frowned and rocked the crying Thomas in his arms. He thought for a while before his wings grew out if his back.

Almost immediately Thomas shut up. He was fascinated by it. He tried reaching out to touch it however his arms were too short.

As Damien flew away he stopped and turned only to see Lalo glaring at him. He could see the anger bubble in her eyes. He could feel the animosity and rage that could not be expressed. The regret, desperation and despair she felt.

Damien raised his arm and a ball of Hyoksi formed at the tip of his fingers. They all grew bigger and bigger until Damien released it.

He was not going to take any chances and remove any pain in the ass early on.

The explosions were loud. Buildings collapsed, debris fell, fire blazed but despite all that Damien could see Lalo glaring at him. That was before the building she was on exploded.

All in all after all the damage was done, an entire city block was gone and the only thing that remained was a crater a hundred metres deep.


So what do you guys think of Lalo?

Send power stones guys. Be generous like I am. I'm mass releasing 16 whole chapters.