Deserved to be punished

In a dingy underground room with only a single flame candle lighting up the area a man was tied to a wooden stake.

A hand flew through the air. They hit Muvolik's cheeks.



"Why is it that you snore while you're unconscious?" I asked Muvolik. He looked around confused before turning to me.

"Sect leader, what is the meaning of this?"

I pursed my lips and kept silently for a while. I stared deeply into his eyes while I wore a serious expression on my face. Only after knowing that I had his full attention did I speak in a very deep voice. "I think you already know what this is about Muvolik."

Muvolik sighed. "How did you find out?" he asked me.

"You didn't make the person you sent to sign an NDA. Lalo told me about you before I killed her. About how you came to her and told her that I was in your way, about how you told her to kidnap my child."

"You killed Lalo? How? She was stronger than me."

"Stronger than you. Who isn't stronger than you. Your weak and pathetic and yet you act like you are strong."

There was a small silence between us. "It was smart of you to use illusion runes to fake your injuries. I didn't even see through it until I was told and looked properly."

"You don't deserve to be the sect leader of our clan." Muvolik snarled.

"And why is that?"

"Although our clan is small we have a history of 200 years. All of our sect leaders were honourable people and not some whiny little kid that has not seen the world. You barged into our home and made things to your liking. What kind of person with honour does that?"

The contradiction in his statements were so obvious and yet he still said it with a straight face.

"Sure.... I haven't traveled the world but what I can tell you and what I know... is that honour is pointless. You don't like me as sect leader that is fine but just remember this..." I edged closer and closer. "I am the sect leader whether you like it or not. You have committed treason or something like that and for that you will have to pay for what you have done." I touched the whip that was hanging on my hip.

"Don't worry you won't die... but you will suffer."


A few hours had passed and Muvolik's body was covered in blood. His back, chest, legs and face.

"No... no more..." he whispered.

"No can do... you still got two more hours to reach today's quota." I grinned and raised the whip above my head when I heard someone call out for me.

"Sect leader..."

A maid walked into the room and as soon as she saw Muvolik she stopped in her tracks. Her eyes were wide open and they were glued to Muvolik.

"What is it?" I said. The maid turned towards me and I could feel her trying her best to not look at the former young master she used to serve.

"There is an envoy from the Alzik Dragon clan."

"I've never heard of them before, tell them where not buying whatever they are selling."

"Sect leader, the Alzik Dragon clan are not door to door salesmen. The Alzik Dragon Clan is the only clan that remains neutral and has never had bad blood with any other clan. They are usually used as a third party to mediate peace talks. They are most likely sent by the Golden Canary Clan to talk."

I smiled. The Golden Canary Clan was not a small clan nor was it a big clan. It was what people would consider the best of the average. In this city they ruled however if placed against big clans they were nothing more than small fries. Usually they would not allow such a level of disrespect. They would suit up and prepare for war. However since they sent some messengers of peace then that would mean they wanted something from me.

No doubt they wanted me to cure the young lady. No body must have gotten close to finding out what was her illness and yet I did. The life of their young mistress was more important than their pride. What sensible people! From the amount of wuxia novels I had read that was near impossible to find.

I walked over to a table that contained a basin filled with liquid. Not just any liquid it was lemon juice.

I raised it over Muvolik's head and poured it over him. His screams of pain nearly burst my eardrums. The maid who was present could not watch, she turned away and covered her ears.

"That should take care of any infections and inflammation's for a while." I said to myself.

The maid followed after me. I walked up the stairs at a slow pace.

"Sect Leader?"


"If I may be so brave to ask, what had young master Muvolik done to be tortured like that?"

"He betrayed my trust and pissed on the integrity of the clan. He broke the rules and tried to get his sect leader killed. He deserves to be punished. He is lucky that I am not killing him and allowing him to live."

We walked up the stairs in silence and when we came out we were met with bright sunlight. A day had passed since I destroyed the Golden Canary Clan residence.

"Where are they?" I asked the maid. She pointed towards the door.

"They are standing outside, they refused to enter without your permission. They said that it would be rude and insulting to enter without being invited inside by the sect leader."

"Tch... so they want me to go all the way to them just so that I can greet them. I'll be heading to the meeting room next to my room. Send them in." I said. The maid walked away and I watched her buttocks move and sway like an ocean wave.

Something rose and it definitely was not civilisation.

"Fuck!" I whispered before doing several pushups before heading inside.


I seriously want to write a smut scene but I am gonna wait for a while.