Truly evil

I sat inside the meeting room on a chair and looked over at the dumb lion. "Why did you not try to escape?" I asked. The lion was truly dumb. I hadn't been monitoring him for a while and yet he stayed like a loyal dog.

"It's pointless after you placed a nano bot tracker inside my body." he replied.

"Oh yes, I had completely forgotten about that." I replied. My Bokia phone came with a nano bot tracker that could be used on one person and I had used it on the dumb lion. I had also placed nano bot trackers in Thomas long ago with nano bot that I had bought from the underground marketplace.

Their was a knock at the door and I replied, telling the other person on the other side to enter. The maid opened the door and in walked three men.

They were tall, wore white clothe, had long gray hair and beard. The way they carried themselves reminded me of Confucius scholars. Tall, proud but they did not look down.

They sat down and I offered them the treats on the table. "Forgive us Sect Leader but we are fasting, we cannot eat food or drink water."

"More for me." I said as ate the small cakes on the table.

"Sect Leader, we are mediators sent by the Golden Canary Clan..."

"I know that." I replied. "So what is it that they want?"

"They wish to have a sit down with you and discuss a course of actions that everyone is happy with and does not lead to war between your two clans. Here." One of the Confucian scholars reached into his sleeve and pulled out a giant bottle that I did not understand how it fit in their.

"This is a 150 year old Golden Nectar wine that the sect leader of The Golden Canary Clan asked us to pass to you."

I glanced at the bottle of wine and shook my head. "I don't drink alchol. I've never touched it in my life and I would like to keep it like that. Can you please return it to the sender explaining the circumstances."

The three scholars nodded. "Yes, indeed we can. Master Damien, the Golden Canary Clan wish for a sit down a month from now, would you be so kind as to attend it?" One of them asked me.

"Why a month? Let's hold it next week." I replied. I scratched the ear of the dumb lion and smiled at them.

"Do you wish to hold it a week from now?"

"Yes I do."

"Then we shall relay the message. Please wait for a messenger sent by the Golden Canary Clan."

I nodded and I walked them out of our residence. As soon as they left I let out a sigh and stretched my arms. I then headed to the training area.

Recently I had begun to teach everyone how to fight. No one was an exception. Even the old maid that worked in the kitchen learnt how to bob and weave as if she was Mohamed Ali in his prime.

As soon as everyone saw me they all ran into a line and bowed. "Good Afternoon sir." They all shouted in unison.

I looked around at everyone. Most of the pot bellied merchants had lost some weight and built some muscle. They were doing well.

I took a close look at the warriors and noticed that they had gotten stronger. There muscles were bigger and more detailed. Their shoulders were bigger and the veins in their thighs were popping out.

"Well done everyone. You have worked hard. 7 weeks from now there will be a tournament and participation is mandatory. The winner of the tournament will receive a reward." Everyone looked up at me. This was probably the first time they had a tournament.

"The reward will be a Muscle enhancing pill." There were gasps of shocks and nods. Truth be told I was going to be giving 'healthy steroids' to them and the winner will receive a high grade steroid.

"Ok now everyone get into formation and copy my movements."


It was night time and I was inside the new apothecary of the Dark Purple Rain Clan or in simpler terms, my lab. Recently I had been thinking of ways to make a profit and to get the Dark Purple Rain Clan's name to be heard by everyone.

I came to the conclusion that the most important thing in life was not money, wealth, power or woman but it was actually health. I had come to this conclusion many years ago.

Therefore what would happen if there was a killer virus that roamed the lands. How much money would the person who cured the disease make? Just how much bigger would his name become?

A few lifes would be nothing in the grand scale of things. In the grand scale of money a few lifes did not matter, unless one of those lifes was mine or any of my subordinates.

"This is not helpful." I muttered as I closed Zur. I was looking for a video on how to create a killer virus for inspiration.

Every disease was unique and had it's own set of symptoms. I wondered which part of the body my disease should attack? I wondered what the symptoms should be and how severe they should be.

"The symptoms should be extremely severe and lead to death in a matter of days otherwise no one will feel the urge to get treated. It will also create a state of frenzy which I can take advantage of and introduce myself as a saviour."

I immediately got to work. First I needed a virus. An airborne virus that affected one's stomach and head. It should lead to intense headaches and belly aches so that people feel the urgency. It should also cause one's skin to fall of.

After I created the virus I got to work. I needed a cure. Making a cure was actually more simple and faster than creating a virus. I was done within a matter of 10 minutes.

I was such a genius that I did not need to even test out my virus because I knew it would work. Even if I put aside the arrogance and overconfidence I knew that it would work because all my calculations were correct.

The dumb lion appeared after I called for him. I handed him the virus. "Do not break the bottle. If you do you will die. Take this to a place filled with people and crack the bottle. Make sure the bottle cracks."

The lion looked at the vial that contained the virus. "Hooman, this is wrong. This will lead to deaths of many people."

I sighed and picked up one of my slippers before hitting the dumb lion on its ass.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion you dumbass. Do as your told."

The dumb lion ran out of the door with the vial of virus in his mouth. I watched as it jumped from building to building and disappear into the darkness of the night.

What I just did was truly evil? But who gives a shit? If no one found out and I cured it, then I would be a saviour. I would win a noble prize or something in the modern world.

In the end, the one who wins is the one who thinks properly from behind the half way line of the pitch because thinking outside the box was not enough.


Lotteries are rigged dont judge Damien. He's just doing something that exist for a long time.