The end of the world is coming!

"After the darkness of December 21, 2012, the dawn of the 22nd will not come. Will the world's end, predicted by the Mayans, come?" In the Science and Education Channel, the host said in a low voice.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Qin You, who was cutting an apple, raised her head subconsciously. The screenshot of the disaster movie "2012" appeared on the TV screen. She turned his head to Qin Yu, holding the remote control board; her eyes were shining brightly, and said: "Qin Xiaoyu, can't you be like a normal child?" Like cute dolls and cartoons, and think less of the things in your mind so that she can worry less?

But he likes quest shows, and he is surprisingly courageous, often scaring other children. For this reason, she was invited to the school more than once to apologize to the parents, and she went there again yesterday.

Just as she was talking, a sharp pain came from her hand, causing her to "hiss" unconsciously.

A fruit knife cut the hand holding the apple, and blood beads were seeping from the wound. Seeing this, Qin Yu hurriedly crawled over from the other end of the sofa, "Sister, are you all right?" He looked at Qin You's wound and asked nervously.

She put the fruit knife on the glass coffee table and sighed, "It's fine."

Qin Yu immediately turned into a good obedient boy, looking at Qin You with innocent eyes like Bambi.

Every time she saw her brother's expression like this, her heart softened, and she stood up with a sigh, "I'll put on a Band-Aid, get up and pack up, and go out to buy things." After speaking, she turned around and entered the room.

As soon as she opened the medicine cabinet, the phone in the living room rang. While looking for alcohol and Band-Aid, she said to Qin Yu outside: "Xiaoyu, answer the phone."

"Well," Qin Yu agreed, put down the remote control, climbed to the table, and picked up the landline handset, " Hello, I'm Qin Yu; who are you looking for?"

"Xiaoyu..." A charming male voice came from the phone with a slight smile.

"Brother-in-law..." Qin Yu called out happily.

"Shh, don't let your sister hear you." Shen Yi held his mobile phone and walked to the streets of country M with his suitcase in his hand. His tall and straight figure attracted blond beauties to look at him, but he had a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. , didn't seem to notice other people's eyes at all.

"Sister can't hear; my sister is..." Qin Yu was about to yell out that her sister was putting on a Band-Aid, but when she rolled her eyes, she was afraid that her brother-in-law would know that he would often make her angry and hurt her, so she would not bring a gift for him, so he immediately turned and said: " He's cooking for me."

Shen Yi smiled slightly, "I'm going back to China on the afternoon flight, don't tell your sister first; wait for my brother-in-law to come back and bring you a gift,"

"Oh..." Qin Yu called out happily.

Qin You heard it and asked in the room, "Who's calling? Are you so happy?"

Qin Yu quickly covered his mouth and replied, "It's my classmate." After answering, he immediately lowered his voice to the caller on the other end of the phone. Shen Yi said: "Brother-in-law, I'm going to hang up; remember to bring a gift for Xiaoyu."

"Okay," Shen Yi replied with a smile and only answered the phone after hearing a "beep" on the other end of the phone.

It's been a year, and thinking of seeing her soon, the smile on Shen Yi's face becomes gentler and gentler, softening the lines of his stern face.

Qin You searched for alcohol and other objects and wiped the wound with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. A small red light flashed, and it got into the jade bracelet of the old pit glass on her wrist.

She blinked, and the red glow was gone. She thought she was dazzled and was about to continue wiping the wound with a cotton swab but found that the blood on her finger had disappeared entirely, and there was only a tiny wound.

I looked at the cotton swab subconsciously, but there was no blood on the cotton swab.

She wondered, was she tired from working recently?

After a while, she didn't see any other abnormalities, so she didn't think much about it. After putting the band-aid on, she left the bedroom.

When I left the room, I saw my brother sitting on the sofa, happily watching cartoons. When her parents left, Xiaoyu was less than two years old and had no impression of her parents, but she remembered it clearly.

She holds the jade bracelet on the wrist of her left hand. The bracelet was the only property left by her mother. According to her mother, the bracelet was from her ancestors. Besides this house, her father's younger brother and her third uncle deceived the other property.

Fortunately, these years, with the support of the money from selling the house and the part-time job, Xiaoyu and I have also survived. In another two years, after he graduates from college and gets married to Shen Yi, the better care Xiaoyu will be able to get.

Thinking of Shen Yi, a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Then she put her mind away and said to Qin Yu: "Xiaoyu, the TV is off; it's time for us to go out,"

She said as she turned around to get her bag. As soon as her fingers touched the bag, there was a sound in the bag.

He opened the bag, took out the phone, and pressed the answer button. Before speaking, he heard Xia Keke's fiery voice: "Xiaoyou, I'm done! I lost the information that Director Liu put on me."

Qin You laughed a little; Xia Keke was careless, placed the information in her book, and brought it home. She found out yesterday and was going to get her to school. She didn't expect her to be in such a hurry, "Classmate Coco, you didn't lose it; you just put it in the wrong place and put it in my bag."

"Huh?" Xia Coco first screamed in surprise and then said ecstatically: "Xiaoyou, I knew you were my lucky star; bring it to me quickly; Director Liu wants it now." After speaking, he put on a coy tone.

While answering the phone, Qin You turned to look at Qin Yu, who was about to turn off the TV, made a move to stop him, and then said to Xia Keke, who was on the phone, "I was going to go out with Xiaoyu to buy something. Are you in a hurry?"

Xia Keke pursed her lips, "I'm in a hurry."

"Okay..." Qin You spread his hands at Qin Yu and said, "Xiaoyu, my sister is going to school now. You watch TV at home first, and my sister will call you later."

Qin Yu was obviously unhappy, pouted, and understood from the conversation between Qin You and Xia Keke, and said contemptuously, "Sister Keke is always careless; even my little friend is better than her."

The sound transmission effect of the phone was perfect; Xia Keke could hear Qin Yu's words without missing a comment, gritted his teeth, and shouted into the phone: "Qin Xiaoyu! I won't buy you ice cream next time."

Qin Yu didn't hear Xia Keke's rage; otherwise, he must have changed his face and immediately ran over to hug Xia Keke's thigh.

Qin You shook his head with a smile and said to the phone: "Okay, Coco, I'll come right over." After that, he hung up the phone, put on his bag, and changed his shoes while saying to Qin Yu, "A stranger knocks on the door, Don't open the door, don't run out alone..."

"Well, I see." Qin Yu pouted to express his dissatisfaction and leaned back on the sofa.

Qin Yu took the trouble to repeat what he had to say every time he went out, and then he said again: "Sister Coco has something to do today next time. I will make up for you, okay?"

"Okay!" Qin Yu finally calmed his face and called out happily. A sound.

Qin You then opened the security door with confidence and walked out.

After leaving home, she took the bus to school. To take care of her younger brother, she stayed at City C University when she has admitted. Xia Keke was her high school roommate, and the two had a perfect relationship. Xia Keke's parents were businessmen, and they didn't want their daughter to go too far. In the end, Xia Keke also stayed at C University.

For more than a year in college, Xia Keke was with her, allowing her to make up for some of the emptiness and longing caused by Shen Yi's going abroad.

As soon as he walked near the school gate, he saw Xia Keke in a light blue dress walking toward him. Xia Keke was beautiful and fair-skinned. Add up to less than two hundred dollars.

Xia Keke is not arrogant, and Qin You is not inferior; the two almost go in and out simultaneously.

"Xiaoyou, you're finally here, hurry up, hurry up; Director Liu's phone keeps ringing, killing me..." Xia Keke hurriedly urged Qin You.

Qin Yu didn't delay; you just took a small stack of A4 paper out of the bag and handed it to Xia Keke.

Xia Keke took the information, kissed Qin You on the face with a slap, and then said with a smile, "Xiaoyou, I love you!"

Qin wiped the saliva from his face, "Are you a dog?"

Xia Keke smiled "hehe," she turned around and ran to the school gate, turning back as she ran, "I'll tell you later; I'll come when I go."

Xia Keke rushed into the school gate like a wind; she didn't have time to answer, so she had to wait helplessly for her at the door.

Many people were coming and going at the school gate, and when he saw someone he knew, Qin You, smiled and nodded.

About ten minutes later, before Xia Keke came out, the sky slowly darkened. Many students around me muttered that it would rain, so they quickened their pace and walked toward the school.

After waiting for another ten minutes, Xia Keke finally ran out.

"It's going to rain again?" Xia Keke muttered and took Qin You's arm.

Qin Sheng nodded, "It looks like it's going to rain."

Before she finished speaking, the already gloomy sky became even darker, as if something was swallowing the sunlight little by little.

"What's going on?" Qin, You subconsciously looked up at the sky.

At this time, there were bursts of exclamations around, "Look, a total solar eclipse..."

The vast sun hanging in the sky was being eroded by the darkness little by little as if being eaten away by people.

Qin You's eyelids jumped for no reason.

But in just one minute, the sky changed from bright to completely dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Xia Keke vigorously pulled Qin You's sleeve, "Xiaoyou, what's the matter?"

"It might be a total solar eclipse; it will be fine in a while," she replied casually, but her heart beat as if something was wrong. Something terrible is about to happen.

The two stood in the dark for a minute, and before the sky got brighter, Qin You fumbled and took out his mobile phone from his bag, ready to call his home phone to inquire about the situation, but after the call, there was a busy tone on the phone.

After trying several times to no avail, Qin You had to give up, and then by the light of his mobile phone, he pulled Xia Keke to the roadside under the eaves and leaned his back against the wall.

Time passed by, and there were various sounds around, exclamations, and footsteps.

"Crack", "Crack"...

There are sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground one after another.

Her heartbeat became faster involuntarily; Xia Keke held her hand tightly, "Xiaoyou, why do I feel something is wrong."

Qin, You frowned in the dark; she also noticed something was wrong, "P "The sound of "pop" sounded continuous not far from her; what was it?

The two held their breaths and held each other's hands tightly, trying to draw some sense of security from each other.

In the darkness, every minute seemed extraordinarily long, and their breathing was audible.

I don't know how long it took, but finally, the dark sky seemed torn apart by force, revealing a ray of light.

Qin, You exhaled; Xia Keke was also slightly out of strength.

That ray of light fell, slowly repelling the darkness.

Qin, You was a little uncomfortable with the sudden sunlight, so he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the surroundings were apparent. But when the two of them saw the situation around them clearly, they both opened their mouths in surprise.

There were already a lot of students coming and going at the school gate. At this time, more than half of them fell to the ground, and the situation was unknown. The standing students went to visit the failed students or called emergency calls.

"What's the matter with them?" Xia Keke was about to go forward, but Qin You pulled him back, "Koke, don't go now." She always felt that this was a bit strange.

Xia Keke listened to her words and stood beside her without moving forward.

Qin, You thought for a moment, "Coco, I have to go home and see Xiaoyu. I think today's event is extraordinary, so you should go home quickly."

Xia Keke had no opinion on significant matters. After listening to Qin You's words, nodding repeatedly, and seeing the comatose classmates everywhere, a layer of fog seems to envelop my heart, which cannot shake away.

"Then be careful," Xia Keke said goodbye to Qin You with a frown, and the two went home separately.

Qin You was walking on the street, seeing the paralyzed traffic; the feeling of unease was layered upon layer upon layer, lingering in his heart. She took out her mobile phone and made a call to her home, but it was still busy. Getting more anxious, he hurriedly rummaged through to find Shen Yi's phone number and called, but Shen Yi turned it off.

She put away her phone in disappointment and turned to look at the surrounding environment. It turned out that not only in the school but also on the bus, the roadside, and the store, people were unconscious everywhere. I wanted to get home faster by car, but now I can only walk back.

She was swift, and it took less than fifteen minutes to run back to the community. After the incident in high school, she went to learn taekwondo, so her physical strength is much better than that of ordinary girls. When she reached the community, she was only panting slightly.

As soon as I entered the community, I found that the situation was not right. Many people in the community were unconscious, and their relatives were anxiously watching.

She sold the original house. To go to school and live, she could only change to a remote old community. She also moved here in the past year, and she is not very familiar with too many people, just meeting and nodding.

This community comprises nine-story high-rise buildings with no elevators, and their home is on the top floor.

As soon as he walked downstairs, he heard Qin Yu's immature voice shouting, "Sister, sister..."

Hearing his younger brother's voice, Qin You suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head, and waved at him; he rushed to the ninth floor in one breath.

When I got home, I took a few breaths. Seeing that each other was fine, the two siblings were relieved.

"Sister, why are the uncles and aunts outside, as well as the mother-in-law and father-in-law, all lying on the ground?" Qin Yu lay down on the window again, looking at the situation below, and asked.

Qin, You had some guesses in your heart that some infectious virus might cause those comatose people, just like SARS in those days.

Thinking of this, she just gasped and stood up from the sofa again, "Xiaoyu, wait for my sister at home, and my sister will go down and buy some food."

After speaking, she pulled out two masks from the medicine box, one for herself. Put it on, put one on for Xiaoyu, and then go out.

In her opinion, controlling such a large-scale infectious disease immediately is impossible, so the safest way is to isolate it at home to prevent infection. The school will not be able to open classes, so she is at home these days, not anywhere. Go.

She walked back and forth between her home and nearby stores nearly ten times and finally hoarded food and various foods for almost two weeks, and she was so tired that she lay on the sofa like a dog.

After Qin Yu helped Qin You pack up, he leaned over to the window to observe the situation in the yard.

As soon as Qin You put the food away, Qin Yu screamed in surprise.

She hurriedly stretched out her head and looked at Qin Yu, only to see Qin Yu pointing out the window with a pale face, his voice trembling: "Sister... Yes, there are monsters..."

Monsters? Qin, You hurried to Qin Yu's side, lifted the curtains, and looked down from the window.

At this moment, she saw a scene that she would never forget. Those in a coma didn't know when they had woken up; their skins turned bluish-white, they had sharp fangs, and they were biting at the nearest person.

Qin You's face turned pale, and those monsters looked like zombies in "Resident Evil."

There was a high-pitched scream from the community. Qin You subconsciously covered Qin Yu's eyes, but her heart kept trembling. Are those blue-skinned monsters still human?

If she read it correctly, when they opened their mouths, a row of fangs was exposed, the corners of their mouths could reach behind their ears, and they even swallowed the human head directly.

In just a minute or two, the people alive in the yard were torn apart and swallowed by this monster. Blood covered the green grass and the gray stone road, and it looked like a purgatory.

She seemed exhausted; sweat dripped from her forehead, and she slid to the ground with Qin Yu in her arms.

For a moment, there was no living creature in the community's courtyard!