A Nightmare?

After a long time, Qin Yu, in his arms, wriggled uncomfortably and said with a small face white: "Sister... Will we, too, be eaten by these monsters?"

His voice was meager, like a mosquito. Qin You looked down at his brother's terrified expression and hugged him tighter, "It's alright, with my sister here, I'll be fine!" She murmured, comforting Qin Yu and herself at the same time. At this moment, her mind was full of those monsters with green faces and fangs and the bloody scenes in the yard. She was only confused and hopeless, but she didn't dare to reveal the slightest emotion to make Qin Yu aware of it and even more afraid.

The world seemed to become quite instantly, and the remaining voices, although not accurate, were also creepy.

Qin Yu was only a child of fewer than seven years old. After being so frightened, he fell into a deep sleep for a long time. Qin You hugged him tightly as if absorbing the courage to survive.

There were some strange sounds in the quiet corridor, and the hairs on Qin You's body stood up, holding his breath and listening carefully.

"Ah..." A scream suddenly sounded in the corridor, Qin You trembled and subconsciously hugged Qin Yu and shrank back. But the screaming stopped abruptly at this moment.

With a heart-pounding, she held Qin Yu's head in her arms and buried her face in Qin Yu's back. She did not dare to take a deep breath, so she breathed slowly and low.

After the screams, the corridor became silent again, and she didn't dare to move for a minute, two minutes, half an hour, an hour.

The sky was getting darker, and she sat motionlessly; her body was already weak. Qin Yu moved in her arms, his misty eyes slowly opened, and Qin You raised his head. Qin Yu turned his head to see her; his eyes became clear instantly; he sat up straight and said anxiously, "Sister, I just had a nightmare."

Qin You hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand and shook his head with a wry smile.

Qin Yu opened his eyes wide when he saw his sister's solemn expression and suddenly realized that it was not a dream. He pursed his lips as if tears were coming from his eyes.

Qin You took him into his arms, trying to relax his emotions.

Suddenly, there was a sound of slow and heavy footsteps on the corridor; Qin You's whole body tightened, this sound.

She hugged Qin Yu tightly, her eyes fixed on the security door.

The voice gradually moved up from downstairs. Qin You held her breath, fearing that in a single breath, those monsters would break into the door and devour herself and Xiaoyu.

The slow, clumsy sound of a heavy object falling to the ground suddenly disappeared outside the security door of their house. The world fell into a terrible silence again.

She and Qin Yu stared at the security door with pale faces, their expressions tense, as if they would collapse at any time.

"Hey..." A sharp voice cut through the silence, Qin You hugged Qin Yu, and his whole body trembled.

"Sister, I'm afraid..." Qin Yu couldn't control her emotions and started to cry. Qin You was also extremely nervous. She covered her mouth with one hand and Qin Yu's mouth with the other.

In the quiet corridor, a "chichi" sound of sharp claws passing over the metal.

"Hoho!" The zombies roared as if they would break into the door anytime.

Time passed, Qin You was soaked with sweat, and the zombies outside were still persistently swiping the security door with their sharp claws.

Maybe it was because she was so afraid that she would have the courage to give up everything in her heart. She suddenly sat up straight and released the hand covering her mouth.

Breathing gently, he said as quietly as possible: "Xiaoyu, sit here obediently; the elder sister is going to fight monsters."

"No, elder sister doesn't go," Qin Yu's face was pale, and his eyes were full of tears.

Qin You gritted her teeth; she couldn't sit still; otherwise, she and her brother would have to die! She firmly broke Qin Yu's fingers, then stood up, quickly grabbed the fruit knife on the table, and dodged towards the door, very fast and light.

She slowly brought her eyes closer to the cat's eye, her fingers clenched the fruit knife, fine sweat covered her forehead, and the muscles all over her body trembled slightly because of nervousness and fear.

They lived in an old community with two households on the first floor. When the apocalypse broke out, it was on Sunday afternoon. Most of the people did not go to work, were at home, or played on the street outside. On the contrary, there were very few zombies wandering in the corridors.

But this zombie is just outside his house and will threaten her and Xiaoyu's life anytime.

She mustered up her courage and looked at the cat's eye, whether she was mentally prepared or her heart shrank from the fear of the zombie outside. A male zombie was out, also wearing a blue-gray T-shirt, with a bluish-white face, a thick liquid dripping from a big mouth with fangs, and a strange "hoho" sound came out of his throat.

Such a visual impact made her face pale, and her hand holding the fruit knife tightened. The harsh scratching sound hit her eardrums through a layer of door panels, and her legs went weak unconsciously.

But she knew that she couldn't retire, and letting herself be timid would only bring herself and Xiaoyu to death.

The courage to risk everything gradually covered up the fear in my heart, and if a zombie outside the door breaks into the door, then I must kill it!

She clenched the knife's handle tightly and kept telling herself that she could kill it, she would be able to!

The "chichi" sound of the security door kept hitting her eardrums and heart, and her breathing became more chaotic. The zombie seemed unable to open the door for a long time and was also a little irritable. His mouth reached the base of his ears, and he shook his head randomly.

Her heart was in her throat, and the palm of her hand holding the knife handle was sweating.

But at this moment, the zombie outside the door suddenly stopped moving, and his head shook as if listening to something.

Qin You, who saw its movements through the cat's eyes, immediately held his breath and observed it. Suddenly, it turned its body around and shuffled towards the bottom of the stairs. The clumsy sound of "patta" and "patta" faded away gradually as it came, and Qin You breathed out slowly, and the person slowly slid against the door panel.

Qin Yu didn't dare to move; he sat by the window with wet eyes and looked at Qin You nervously.

Qin You shook his head and squeezed out an ugly smile as if reassuring.

She listened to the movement for a moment, only to hear the sound of "click" coming from the stairs farther and farther. She slowly stood up with her arms, not allowing herself to make a sound.

"Ah..." Another scream made Qin You's legs tremble involuntarily.

The screams did not break off immediately like last time, but intermittently, torturing people's nerves. The sound came into her ears, but a bloody and bloody image appeared in front of her. She shook her head, forcing herself not to think about it. She supported herself to stand up with the only remaining courage and quickly walked to Qin Yu's side and hugged him from the ground. He got up, jumped into the bedroom a few steps, and locked the door, blocking the screams that destroyed his will and courage outside.

"Sister..." Qin Yu whispered to Qin You.

Qin You regained his senses, put him on the bed, and coaxed softly, "Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu, my sister will protect Xiaoyu."

Although Qin Yu was extremely afraid, he nodded obediently and held her clothes tightly.

The two brothers and sisters were lying on the bed in their clothes. There was no terrifying sound outside in the quiet room. The sky was getting darker a little bit. The vast moon hung outside the window, but it was not as bright and beautiful as before—like the devastated world outside.

Qin Yu was lying on her chest, not daring to fall asleep, and asked in a low voice, "Sister, have those children in the school been eaten by those monsters outside?"

Although his childish voice was asking, there was a kind of affirmative tone.

Qin You paled and touched the top of his head, "Their relatives will protect them."

Qin Yu shook his head, tears slipping out of his eyes, "Sister, it's my fault; I shouldn't scare them, Little Pig, Lulu, they might all be eaten by monsters..." After speaking, his voice was already full of tears, but he was too suppressed to cry.

Qin You didn't feel well in her heart. With such a crisis of the world's end, her friends, even Shen Yi.

She didn't dare to think about it; as long as she thought about it, her heart seemed to be cut by a sharp knife slowly.

She shook her head and told Qin Yu to say to herself, "They will be fine; they will be as safe as my sister and Xiaoyu."

Qin Yu was in her arms and didn't say a word. Half an hour later, Qin Yu went to sleep again; Qin You's nerves that had been tense all day relaxed a little in the quiet room. She gritted her teeth and forced herself not to fall asleep, but it seemed like an invisible hand was destroying the last trace of her will.

The fruit knife fell to the ground, and she fell into a deep sleep.

In the dark room, a flash of fluorescence suddenly flashed, and gradually, the fluorescence spread, emitting from the emerald bracelet on her wrist, gently wrapping her in it.