Future daughter-in-law?


Silence fell in the room. All three of them just blankly stared at Adelia.

'J-just what are you saying now, Adel?!' Willow asked through the mind channel.

'What are you shouting for, huh? I already told you we were going to change classes, right-'

'Yes but You. Did. Not. Tell. Me. This' Willow retorted, furious that she had once again started with her crazy antics. Couldn't she just discuss things with him first? Or is it fun seeing his anxiety skyrocket? Is a normal mental state too much to ask for?

'Oh come on! How could I tell you when even I didn't know it at that time? When I asked dad about it, he wanted to know the reason. So I just came up with something-'

'Something? Are you kidding me? You could've said anything, just anything except this ridiculous reason. I can't live without him? What cheap weed are you even smoking-'

A little frustrated, Adelia cut him off, 'It's not like I lied anyway.'

At his skeptical look, she explained, 'I mean, you CAN'T live without Charlie Taylor, the male lead. I can't either. Get it now?'


Wow, just wow. Somehow, the level of his sister's craziness has risen even higher which he didn't even know was even possible in the first place, but here we are.

At that moment, their parents seemed to be somewhat recovered from the shock. One of them took a step towards Willow. There was still a shocked look on his face, but he tried hard to keep his tone soft.

"Will, you've got a crush on a girl?"

Ugh, Adelia dug this hole and now Willow has to fill it. Every time she intentionally or unintentionally messes up, he's the one left to clean up after her.

Since she already said this much, it would be best to go along with it.

"Uh, yes dad. I-Is there a problem?" Willow's tone was uncertain, somewhat nervous due to their shocked faces. Even though he wasn't the original owner and they weren't his parents, he still felt some sort of strange parental attraction towards them. It's like his soul had naturally accepted them or something.

Robert's expression loosened a little as a slight smile covered his face. With a voice full of affection, he asked, "Oh, is it so? No, of course, there isn't any problem. Your father and I were just a little shocked as it's the first time you've had a crush. Before you didn't care about any other of your classmates, boy or girl."

He smiled, ruffling Willow's hair, "-But, it's good, right? Who is she? Is she pretty? How long have you-"

Alex, who was silent till now, cut him off, "Don't shower the kid with questions, Robert. You seem more excited that the person in question."

He pouted a little, "But! it's the first time Will told us something like that. It's natural for me to be excited." His eyes sparkled as he continued, "Who knows, she might even be our future daughter-in-law?"

Whoa, whoa, dad! Aren't you moving a little too fast there?

Willow suppressed a laugh as tried to imagine Charlie as a 'daughter-in-law'. Even he had to admit, that guy's hot. Don't misunderstand, he's not interested in him or anything! It's just a judgment about a guy's face from a straight guy's perspective! Like, when you think a pair of shoes are pretty, it's not like you're attracted to the shoes, okay! It's like that!

Alex's frowning face revealed a small smile as he tenderly gazed at his husband. "Don't go so fast, Robert. Look how much that kid is blushing due to embarrassment."

Willow almost jumped due to surprise. He...he was blushing?

He's perfectly straight! There was no way he'll blush from the thought of another man! Hah, wasn't the heat here just too much. Maybe there's a problem with the air conditioning...

An apologetic look came on Robert's face. He said, "Will, did I make you uncomfortable? Sorry, your dad was too excited." His face dropped, eyes dulling, "Ah, why am I like that?"

Willow could practically see rain clouds floating over his head at this point. A little surprised, he hurriedly comforted him, "...N-no, dad! You didn't make me uncomfortable!"

He cringed when he prepared himself to say the next line. One's gotta do whatever it takes to live after all.

"I b-blushed because I just thought of them...." Willow trailed off, looking away in the other direction. If he saw any other guy pull this shy maiden in love act, Willow was sure he'd be laughing about this the whole afternoon. Your dignity really is a small price to pay as long as you're not the one paying it.