Charlie's crush

"Sister, you're here", Charlie said as he looked up to see a woman walking up to him.

Athanasia sat at Charlie's table, the two of them being the only people in the otherwise deserted coffee shop. Why was it deserted? Well, because the male lead bought it. After all, how can such a heavenly being even be expected to occupy the same space as peasant-like extras?

"You didn't need to rush over if you were busy." He added, "We could have easily talked some other day."

"No!" Athanasia flapped her hands in denial, "My dear brother, how could I miss a chance to be with you? Tell me, what is it? Did someone bully you? Should sister ruin their family-"

He shook his head and denied, "No, no. Nothing like that." Charlie quietly continued, a strange look in his eyes, "It's about that person."

Only those four words were enough for her to know just why he wanted to talk today. Of course, it's about that person. 6 months ago, her brother told her that there was someone he liked.

Although she didn't know their identity or anything else, she had heard quite a bit about them from Charlie. His mouth only ever opens to sing praises about how they are so awesome, kind, beautiful, etc...

To be honest, it was quite annoying for her to see Charlie hold someone in such high regard. But still, for whatever reason, at least he talked to her.

At her sad expression, Charlie asked, "Why do you look so disappointed, sister? Were you expecting something else?"

Startled, she hurriedly denied, "N-no! It's just that, I feel sad that some girl is going to steal my precious brother away..." Athanasia trailed off, afraid that Charlie would get angry and leave if she said more.

But it seemed like he was in quite a good mood today. He laughed, a rare existence for side characters like her, "Oh, you were worried about that? Don't worry, I'll still be your brother. If anything-" Charlie sheepishly muttered, almost to himself, "-You'll gain a brother. Anyway, I need your help."

Her ears perked up at that as she eagerly asked, "My help? Just say the word, Charlie. I'll help you with whatever I can. Should I contact their parents? Or should I kidnap them if they are unwilling? Or-"

"No! Maybe I should just ask someone else..."

Charlie began looking through his contacts, thinking about another person who can help him. His sister's mind was too corrupted from reading those weird novels.

Seeing him regret his decision, Athanasia quickly grabbed his hand. "-Wait, Charlie! Sister was just joking, haha. How can I kidnap a person in modern times?" She laughed awkwardly, "Haha...Of course..."

He still looked skeptical but there wasn't anyone else he could ask anyway. He sighed and continued, "Okay, I'll take your word for that. I told you we bumped into each other a few days ago, right?"

Listening with rapt attention, she nodded eagerly.

"That person, along with their sibling, transferred in my class today."

Something clicked in her mind and she was stunned for a moment. Being the male lead's blood sister, her IQ was one in millions it didn't take her long to put the pieces together. Didn't that annoying old man say his kids transferred classes? He must like one of them! After all, it's not like class transfers happen every day.

Thinking back, she tried to remember all the information she had about them. Actually, it would've been strange if she didn't recall after he almost made her head spin with all the 'qualities of his children'!

Robert had two kids, one boy and one girl, the same age as Charlie. The girl was quite pretty. The boy? Oh well, he wasn't particularly handsome, and it's not like her brother likes guys anyway.

Charlie waved his hand in front of her face. "Sister? Are you there?"

"W-What?" She was startled but soon recovered, "Yes, yes. I'm sorry, I guess I got lost in thought for a second."

"No problem." He asked lightly, "Did you hear what I said before? They transferred to my class."

Since Charlie didn't want to tell her, she didn't say anything and pretended to be oblivious. "Oh, is that so? That's quite good."

Athanasia sighed, still lamenting how can someone be so liked by her brother. Every time he talked about that person, such a bright smile covered his face. But for some was different.

"Charlie, why do you look sad? Isn't it a good thing that they transferred to your class?"

"Yes, it is, but...I think they hate me."