The hero saves the beauty

"...I think they hate me."

His lips were pressed into a thin line as he spoke nervously. It was the first time Athanasia saw such an expression on his usually calm and collected face. Hah, it was so cute...How can someone be so good-looking, awesome, intelligent, and incredible at the same time? Just, how perfect is her brother?!

"Why would they hate you?" She assured him, "Charlie, see, you don't need to be nervous, everyone feels this way about their crush. You're handsome, rich, good in studies, why would anyone in their right mind hate you-"

Sighing frustratedly, he cut her off, "-Sister, that's not it. It's not my nervousness causing me to think that. I think they really do hate me. You know I'm not sociable and can often come off as rude. Today, they ran off scared and probably thought I was angry or annoyed by them," He helplessly stated, "I honestly don't know how to clear it all up."

"Even before we ever spoke, they always had an unfavorable impression of me. I just want to go to them and tell them how I feel, but how?"

Sighing again, Charlie continued droopingly, "I can't even speak a single word when I'm in front of them. It's like everything gets stuck in my throat. All I can see that how pretty they are, how much I like them. It also reminds me that in their eyes, I'm probably just another classmate. Just another normal guy who studies in the same class, nothing more..."

'Whoa, whoa, stop there Charlie! Just another classmate? Are you kidding me?' She wondered, 'Anyone mistaking my brother for just another classmate must be blind! You aren't marrying a blind girl, right?'

"Stop! You're belittling yourself too much!" She calmly continued, "Okay, so what if they hate you? We can clear it all up. They are your classmate, right?"

Charlie nodded. From what Athanasia knew about Adelia, she was a simple and stereotypical girl. She loved makeup, boys, and those clichés most girls her age loved.

"Charlie, listen carefully. If we want to change someone's opinion about ourselves, there's no better option than saving them from danger. Everyone looks at their savior favorably."

Some hope returned to his eyes that there was still a chance. Still, he shook his head and denied, "But wouldn't it be dangerous? I don't want to harm them at all! I'd rather admire them from afar forever!"

Anastasia couldn't help but smile when she saw him worry so much like that. "We'll create the danger, Charlie. They won't get harmed because you'll save them. I think its time to enact-" Clapping her hands, she stated excitedly, "-The hero saves the beauty trope!"

Little did she know, on the other side of the city, the same words were spoken by someone else.

A very familiar someone else who just happened to be Adelia.

"Will, let's do the hero saves the beauty trope!"

In every novel, be it romance or action, there is always this one secluded dark place where most crimes take place. It's generally the place where a lot of plot expands. The hero saves the heroine, the protagonist gains power, or someone loses their innocence here.

Known by different names, this is the legendary dark alley of crime. And yes, it exists in a high school.

So, you must be wondering, why is such a place being described? Because that's where Willow Astor, our protagonist, is right now.

Gulping nervously, Willow glanced at the 20-something delinquents in front of him. Adelia had clearly explained the plan to him the night before. She told him how she was going to pay 7 delinquents to harass him, how he had to act scared like they really might hurt him, and call for the male lead. They even spent the whole night practicing.

But looks like that wasn't needed after all. Because right now, Willow was feeling very, very scared.

Cornered in the legendary dark alley of crime, he shivered as he fished out his phone. What plot, his life is more important!

Dialing Adelia's number, he prayed for the phone to go through.

Now, most of you must be wondering why didn't he call the police in this dire situation. Well, that's because the protagonists generally lose their rationality in the situation where it's most needed. Unknowingly, Willow is slowly molding himself according to the laws of bottom in a BL world. It won't even be that long until he's bent.

"What, Will? Why're you calling now? Shouldn't you be advancing the plot when I got you this hard-earned opportunity, huh?"

"Adelia! I'm trying!" He shivered, "B-But, just how many people did you order?"

"Hmm? 7, didn't I tell you? Plus, they'll all be wearing red. Anyway, bye!"


His words were cut short as Adelia hung up. Ugh, why doesn't she let others complete before hanging up whenever she wished?

"Trying to act smart, pretty boy?"

Trembling, he looked up to the burly men around him. Sure enough, there were 7 red ones, but why were 8 people in yellow clothes?

And what's up with these 5 colorful ones?

Just...What was happening?