The system's condolences

Skeptical, it inched further away from her towards Willow.

"-Did your sister change souls again or something? Where's that rude idiot with an IQ lower than that of a goldfish?"

"No-" Willow tried to explain, but the system cut him off.

"Ah, it's sad. Even though she was rude and obnoxious and narcissist and- Oh wait, you shouldn't insult the dead."

Joining his imaginary hands, it grieved, "I'm very sorry for your loss. Hostess Adelia was a very good person. Even though it's a blatant lie, we should at least give her a few praises, which she liked the most, as a last gift."

Willow tried hard not to laugh at the system who genuinely believed her gone and the girl staring murderously at a certain screen.

Backing away, Adelia got ready with her fist clenched. Breaking out in a run, she rushed straight towards the unaware screen.

"But it's not really that bad! Now we can finally get some brains here, my second most brainless host-"

It's words were cut off when it saw Adelia charging forward like a mad bull. Frightened, the system cried, "Hey! Hey hostess, wait! You can't touch me! You'll just pass through-"

Ah, but how sad it is. Before it was even able to complete his words, Adelia was already there, but since she couldn't touch the system and wasn't able to slow down in time, her fist landed heavily on Willow's chest.

"ADELIA!!!" Willow cried in pain, falling backwards.

Clutching his chest, he sniffled, "Wahh...T-This hurts so much. Why, Adel? Why?"

His eyes teared up from the pain. Adelia couldn't help but thank the heavens that Charlie wasn't here or else, she wouldn't have been able to see tomorrow's sunrise.

"Will, are you alright? Are you hurt?" She asked as she knelt beside him. Cautiously supporting Willow's arm, she helped him sit on the bed, looking worried.

'Maybe this sister of mine isn't so bad after all,' Willow thought when he saw the amount of care Adelia was treating him with. Fortunately, Adelia was just a side romance character so her hit wasn't that hard. God knows how he would've survived if she was even an extra of an action novel.

Her lips were pressed in a thin line as she looked at him with worry filled eyes.

Willow sighed contentedly. His sister might be impulsive, narcissistic, selfish, but at least she had a good heart-

"Oh god, is your face okay? What am I going to do if you injure your face? Please, I hope Charlie still loves you."

Never mind. His fault for thinking Adelia could ever genuinely care about him.

"Are you even worried about me right now?" Willow couldn't help but sneer. He knew that she didn't mean to do it, but she could at least be a little worried for him as her brother, not as a novel character!

Adelia was surprised by his question. "Of course I am."

"No, are you worried about me as your brother and not as a main character you need to live?"

Willow knew what she would say. She would realize her mistake and apologize in an emotional way. After all, Willow knew she cared about him.


Forget it.

"Will! Adel! Are you guys all right?!" The door flew open as a very worried Robert barged in the room. He continued in a panicked manner, "We heard a scream from your room, are you guys okay? What happened? You aren't hurt, right-"

Willow felt a little sorry for worrying him like this. He hurriedly explained, "Calm down, dad! Nothing happened. We-" He was about to shrug it off but stopped. Smiling in an evil manner, he continued, "-Or at least, Adelia is fine."


Since his pain was a little better now, Willow got up and explained, "Adelia, my dearest sister, just punched me, but being her brother and all, I didn't hit her back. However immature she may be, she's still a girl. I'm the one who'll have to be sensible here."

That's right. He's going to use this opportunity to look good. Even though they might not be their real parents, this whole mission was going to take a while. There's no harm in looking good. Making Adelia look bad is just an additional benefit. He's not petty enough to do it all just to make Adelia look bad, after all. Really.