A certain white lotus b*tch

Robert turned to Adelia, who was busy glaring daggers at that white lotus brother of hers. "Huh, Adel? You punched him?"

He looked at both of them uncertainly. Adelia was a delicate girl so her punching someone was a highly unlikely scenario. But looking at their faces, it didn't seem like Willow was lying either.

"Why did you do that, Adel? I'm sure you won't hit your brother without a reason, right?"

Alex, who had silently walked in, spoke suddenly, "It's just them quarrelling as usual, darling. Don't they shout curses at each other like 20 times a day?"

"I know that, but they've never gotten physical!" Robert pointed out worriedly.

Willow, seeing his chance before Adelia can think of an excuse, chimed in, "Of course it wasn't without a reason. Adelia's just so obsessed with herself that she couldn't stand me saying that she isn't the most attractive person in the world."

"..." Robert just stared at them, speechless.

Alex, however, being a narcissist himself, understood what this all was about. He carelessly said, "Ah, so that was it. Adelia, please don't punch someone just because they aren't attracted to you or don't think you're the most beautiful person. Everyone has their own preferences. He-" Pointing at Willow, he continued, "-Has recently got a crush. Of course he thinks you're less beautiful."

"Even though you're the third most attractive person in the world-"

Adelia, who was initially angry about Willow setting her up, forgot about that for a moment and cut in, "Why third?! I'm definitely the first!" Sure, she may know that the male lead is the first in the whole world, but at least her family members could give her rank 1!

With a very straight face, Alex replied, "No. My darling Robert is definitely the first!"

"T-Then-" Adelia was at a loss of words. She should've expected this much from her crazy in love father. "-I'm second! Why third, huh?"

"I'm second. Be happy with your place, Adelia."


Hah, the ranking at her home was even worse than outside. In the family of four, she's third!

Looking away, she sat down in a depressed manner. Her lips were pressed into a thin line as she gazed downwards, showing that she's clearly unhappy.

Taking her hand, Robert tried to console her, "Adel, please don't get angry, okay? You know how your father is. You're definitely the most beautiful person, alright?"

"-Really?" She asked, pretending to wipe a tear that wasn't even there in the first place.

Smiling brightly, Robert nodded, "Of course. Now, say sorry to your brother and make up, okay? No hard feelings, right?"

Since he was asking so nicely and even praised her, Adelia apologized, "I'm sorry."

Wow, were pigs flying today? From what direction did the sun rise? Oh, thank god Willow lived long enough to see this wonderful day and hear these melodious words with his own ears-

When he didn't say anything, Adelia hissed, "Hey, at least reply!"

It was hard enough as it was to keep her pride aside and apologize, and now this prick isn't even saying anything?

Willow wasn't someone who forgives easily either. He clutched his chest dramatically like some second male lead and said, "Even though your actions hurt both my body and heart, I'll forgive you, Adelia. Though you've never treated me like you like me, I always cherished you as a little sister. I know I shouldn't be this good, but I just can't help it when it comes to you. However much you hit or hate me, I'll always love and cherish you as my dear little sister."


This damn white lotus!