The savior

Now, his only hope was that somebody's bladder would act up, leading them here...How funny. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that one day, his hope for survival would be someone's bladder.

Sure enough, god heard him. A tall guy was passing by, seemingly searching for someone. He had blonde hair and light blue eyes, a typical appearance of a foreigner.

When he saw some very suspicious guys cornering someone, he immediately rushed over. Approaching them a little cautiously since he didn't know who the other party was, he asked sceptically, "What are you doing? I'm pretty sure it isn't something legal."

"Mind your own business if you don't want to get hurt, young man," Mr. Burly said with a hint of annoyance.

"I will if you let me see you're not hurting anyone," He stated bravely. Even before so many shady guys, he stood straight and fearless. A true upholder of justice.

"Get out of here, if you know what's good for you," Mr. Burly said firmly. It was evident that it was the last time he was saying this. One more word from the blond man, and things would get physical. ( Not in a romantic way, guys. It's shounen-ai, please. )

Willow swore he could almost see a golden halo around his savior when he still didn't leave. Such a brave man certainly couldn't be some extra. Hey, Mr. Brave, he'll be due to repay you when he gets out of here.

Mr. Burly's last strand of patience snapped when that guy still didn't budge. Clenching his fist, he charged towards him throwing a punch at his face with full force. However, the man swiftly dodged, making him punch thin air. To be honest, Willow was quite surprised by his timely response and skilled movements.

When he saw Willow was just standing there with his mouth open, he yelled, "Get out of here! Call for help!"

Willow understood what he was saying. When Mr. Burly went to punch him, there was an opening. If he ran fast enough, there might be a chance for him to escape.

Without wasting a single moment, he abruptly broke into a run, giving the others no time to react. He did feel a little bad leaving that guy here, but what can he do? He'll just be a nuisance.

Willow knew what typically happens in situations like this. The person being saved shows unwillingness to leave the savior there. An incredibly stupid action, really. What help would you be anyway? Then, the savior urges them to go. But they don't. Like, just move, dude. The best thing you can do is return with help. Staying here would only increase the number of people for him to look after.

Willow ran out of the corridor, out of breath. His phone was still in the restaurant, and he couldn't see any cops here. Was that guy alright? He had to find help fast.

Now, contrary to what you might think, Willow wasn't being sentimental or anything. It's just basic human courtesy, okay? He's only worried because this guy was in danger because of saving him. After he rescues him, look if he'll care even if blondie was to get hit by a car the next day.

His significant other was definite anyway. Girls are the only creatures who can fall for someone in 8 seconds.

When he didn't find anyone, he started to panic. Why weren't there some cops here for god's sake. He didn't even bring his phone....

Now, in this situation, a normal person can borrow a phone to call the police. But of course Willow doesn't do that. Why? Because he's the main character of a novel. The most obvious solution is almost always invisible to the protagonist, after all.