The evil witch and gretel

Willow could almost smell gunpowder at this point. He stepped in and tried to calm them down, "I'm sure you guys are having fun talking, but let me draw my slip now, okay? Ms. Everdeen is waiting."

Ms. Everdeen, a poor extra who'd just been used as a scapegoat, was startled. Still, it's not like she can oppose the leads so she hurriedly agreed, "Uh, yeah! Mr. Astor, please draw your role."

Willow nodded and immediately chose one chit at random, not taking forever like Adelia. For him, this situation was already at rock bottom. It's not like it could get any worse-


Curse his crow's mouth. It just got a lot, lot worse.

This gave Willow a lesson. Always be grateful to god. Even if you think what you're experiencing is the rock bottom, remember, there's still underground. At least you fell on the ground, not below it.

On the surface, he expressionlessly nodded. Since Willow was taking part, Charlie stepped up next. He too chose one without much thought and gave it to Ms. Everdeen.

She was a little creeped out by the cold war between the two children. She wanted to step in but didn't dare. Claude was always soft spoken and polite, so the wrong and rude one here should be Charlie Taylor.

Taking his slip, she slowly unfurled it and announced, "Evil witch."


Charlie's gaze turned even colder. Ms. Everdeen stiffly shrank back and cried, "I- I'm sorry but we can't change roles!"

"I never asked for that though," Charlie's tone was indifferent. He turned sideways to look at Willow. "All I care about is being in a play with Will."

A light laugh sounded. Every eye turned to the blond boy who made a slightly apologetic face. "Oh, sorry for laughing, but I just couldn't help myself. Evil witch? Your luck is really too good, Mr. Taylor. You actually got a character that corresponds so well to your personality."

Charlie scoffed, "Oh, is that so? Well, at least the witch had 'some' chance with Gretel. Hansel? He's just a brother."

Although Charlie was talking about how Hansel was just a brother, it was directly pointing to how Claude was just an 'old friend'.

Claude's smile got wider and even more faker, if it was even possible in the first place. He argued, "Well, at least, Hansel protected Gretel-"

Before he could continue, a female voice floated in, "Can I sign up for the last role?"

The blond girl walked to the front from the very back of the class. Expressionlessly weaving through the crowd, she headed straight for Ms. Everdeen. "Can I?"

Although she asked for permission, her hand was already in the bowl reaching out for the last slip. Opening it, she read herself, "Father. Seems like I'm the dad."

Relieved that this was finally over, Ms. Everdeen decided to end this before Claude and Charlie could start fighting again. "Okay, this settles it. The roles are confirmed. Please read the story once before you come tomorrow. Thank you for your cooperation! Let's try to do an amazing play together!"