You are in love

Willow and Charlie came from the other side, already in their respective costumes. Claude followed close behind.

Willow's eyes were down, his cheeks burning. He was wearing a dress, for god's sake! A. Freaking. Dress.

Although it was tattered and didn't look much different from the Hansel costume Claude wore, it was still women's clothing at the end of the day!

Not only has he been bent, but he also wore women's clothing. This better get him some seriously good reviews. Sure enough, there really wasn't any hope for the straight male Willow anymore...

Charlie mistook Willow's downcast eyes as him being shy. He patted his shoulder and tried to cheer him up, "Don't be sad, Will! You look so cute!" He couldn't help but fawn over him. With wig and women's clothes, Willow really looked like the prettiest girl in the world.

When Willow didn't reply, Charlie thought he was offended. After all, 'cute' is something only girls would enjoy being called. He hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, Will, I didn't mean to call you cute! I meant, you look very pretty-"

Shit, that sounded even worse!

"-I, I mean handsome! Yeah, very handsome!"

Willow stared emptily at Charlie and sighed at his sorry attempt to cover up his previous words. Well, at least this guy was trying. "No problem, Charlie, it's okay. I'm not offended. I... I just need some time to organize my thoughts."

Even though he was ready to accept this new reality, he still needed some time before he could finally let go of the past and move on. Charlie was a great guy, he really was. That was precisely why Willow had to carefully think it through. If he really, wholeheartedly wanted to be with Charlie and give him what he deserves, he needed to properly move on first. After all, sexual orientation isn't something you can change in the blink of an eye. Even if he does accept that he is, in fact, gay for this guy, he still needed to organize his thoughts, confirm his feelings. He needed some time to process this all first.

Charlie nodded like an obedient puppy, choosing to be silent for the time being. He understood Willow's mood right now wasn't right, even his voice sounded so hollow. Charlie didn't know what was troubling him and couldn't help, but still, he didn't want to add on to his stress by saying something unnecessary. Sometimes, people really just need to be alone, and Charlie perfectly understood that.

He walked away to give Willow some space and organize his thoughts. Even so, he couldn't help but sneak a glance every minute or so, checking on him. He was all smiles as he looked at the other boy, even the mere sight of him filling his heart with happiness.

Willow was really pretty. Or maybe it wasn't Willow who was so pretty, rather, it was Charlie who viewed him to be so beautiful. After all, once you fall for someone's personality, each and every aspect about them becomes beautiful.

'Charlie Taylor, you're really, hopelessly in love,' He thought. Strangely, Charlie didn't feel anxious but felt a strange sense of hope, as if he wasn't someone stuck in an eternal hopeless crush.