The confession part 2

Willow could feel his heart racing. The whole hall was unnaturally silent, the only sound being Charlie's heavy breathing against his own heartbeat. Was this...really happening?

His answer wasn't exactly a secret, of course. Willingly or unwillingly, he would have to say yes. After all, the lead's confession almost always gets accepted unless it's one of those dog blood angsty trash top novels. Since this obviously isn't, we won't go into detail.

"Yes...I'd love to." The words flowed out of Willow's mouth. They weren't even a bit forced. At this moment, for the first time, Willow felt that even if it wasn't a novel and Charlie wasn't the male lead, his answer would've been the same. Even if he had the freedom to say no, he would've never been able to get those words of denial out of his mouth.

Previously, every conversation he had with Charlie was perfunctory. It was for the plot, for the sake of their lives. He didn't know when or what changed. But if there is one thing he's sure of, it's that something is different. He didn't know when his fake loving words became real. He didn't know when he began to see Charlie as a person like him, not a mere character.

He doesn't know all of that, but if there's one thing he does know, it's that he likes Charlie Taylor. Not the male lead. No, he likes Charlie Taylor the person. The Charlie who blushes even at the slightest of things, respects him and cares for him. The boy named Willow wants to be close with the boy called Charlie, just as two teenage boys, not as the top and bottom of a novel.

Maybe...Maybe this whole transmigration thing wasn't so unlucky after all...

Although Charlie appeared confident, he was still quite anxious about Willow's answer. Time seemed to stop as he looked expectantly at Willow, waiting for it.

He couldn't even react when he heard Willow's yes. It seemed like he had already prepared himself for rejection, waiting for it to come. So, when he heard Willow's answer, he just stood there, gaping at the boy in front of him.

Was it one of his dreams again? Charlie pinched himself. He was so overjoyed that he didn't even wince at the sharp pain. So... Was this all real? Willow really said yes?!

Before he knew what he was doing, his body moved on his own to hug Willow tightly.

His previous confidence vanished, revealing the anxiousness beneath. Though Charlie was sure Willow would never leave him, he was still very anxious when he confessed. His calm facade and confidence all broke down, revealing just how stressed he was underneath.

Maybe it was his anger at Claude which made him do something so reckless. Charlie didn't know what he would've done if Willow refused. There were many what if's in his mind, but at that moment, all he could care about was to make Willow his. He felt that if he didn't say it then, he might not get the chance again. Even if there was only a 0.2% chance of Willow accepting, a value even smaller than the size of mycoplasma in micrometers, he would still say it. Because as long as there's still hope, he'll never give up on something related to him.

Willow was a little startled by the sudden hug, but soon recovered and hugged back.

To be honest, he...He was expecting something else. Don't people generally, uh, kiss after confessing?

He even closed his eyes.

A light blush appeared on Willow's cheeks. Shaking his head, he tried to dispel the dirty thoughts.

He...He was so lewd minded! Here is Charlie, so innocent. Poor guy had a crush for such a long time but just hugged after confessing. And then there's Willow, who only liked Charlie for some time, already wanting to experience the physical side of love!

"I'm so happy," Charlie muttered. His voice was very low, almost a whisper to himself. Willow didn't know if Charlie was talking to him but enclosed in a hug, heard each and every one of his words clearly. The embrace felt warm and comforting, making it hard for him to pull back. Charlie wasn't in a hurry either as they stayed in each other's arms, relishing the other's touch for as long as possible.