Willow's 'amazing' dates

"Dear hosts, your score remains unchanged at 51 points. After the big sum you earned on the play, there has not been one positive comment. Even if there are some, they're being canceled out by negative reviews of readers in need of more 'action'."

Willow frowned at that. He said, "Hey, but we went on so many dates! Why aren't there positive reviews? We're already dating..." He trailed off, lost in thought.

Adelia scoffed, "It's only natural that the readers are not satisfied. Will, think about it. It's been almost a month since you guys started dating, but is the situation any different? Aren't you just like how you were before?"

Willow nodded thoughtfully. What Adelia said was true, after all. "Yeah...To be honest, Charlie does feel more like my friend than lover."

"Exactly!" Adelia cried, delighted that he understood in one try. Wow, it seemed like her brother's EQ increased. "That's why we need more skin ship, y'know? Like, act more like lovers! You're basically just two friends who are boyfriends just in name! Even a fake relationship is more real than yours!"

Willow agreed with her. During this month, they met up many times to hang out and even went to watch a movie together, but nothing happened at all.

The strange thing was, every time they planned something, Claude just happened to be incredibly free and tagged along. Every time, Willow could only shrug and let him join when he pleaded how he doesn't have any friends here, how Willow is abandoning his friends for his boyfriend and how 'bros are always before hoes'.

All these 'dates' pretty much went along the same lines. Claude would glare at Charlie, vice versa. Claude would intentionally pick on Charlie about how he isn't a good lover, Charlie would reply that at least he is a lover, Claude would retort, Charlie would insult him back and after infinite repetition, Willow would have to step in.

Willow sighed as he remembered his failed dates. It's not like he didn't want any skin ship, he never got the chance! Every time they're alone, someone comes along third wheeling. Sometimes it's Adelia, more than half the time Claude or even some random extra!

They met up mostly in public places. Willow invited Charlie to his place multiple times, but he always refused.

What did he say? Oh, something like how he isn't ready to meet his parents yet and he would work hard to become worthy of him before daring to meet his parents.

Willow heaved another sigh when he remembered that. How old fashioned was this male lead...He won't even kiss him, he won't come over, he won't hold his hand without asking. To be honest, the gentlemanly nature of this male lead is truly useless. What good is waiting? Just pin him on a wall and kiss him, for God's sake! It isn't rocket science!

Ever since that day when he opened up to him, Willow started to like Charlie. Only when he carefully observed this socially challenged guy did he discover how kind and considerate he was.

Willow was this sort of guy. If he hates someone, he'll hate them to the depth of hell and if he likes someone, he'd sacrifice the world for them. Towards most of the people, he just had a neutral attitude. That was the case with Charlie before.

But ever since he started liking him, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with Charlie. Love is a strange thing. Willow remembered how much he hated this whole idea before. He even thought he would have to sacrifice his body to live.

Then, he discovered that he liked Charlie, and couldn't stop liking him even thought he was a guy. He wanted to know him more, get closer to him, closer than any person ever did. Gender, role or anything else didn't matter. All he knew was that he loves Charlie, and Charlie loves him.

Willow had some pretty big expectations for his first love. He always imagined how they would get together and love each other. Even if he dreamed of the other to be a girl at that time, now, he can't even bear to imagine doing stuff like that with anyone other than Charlie. Even though this sounds do corny, he couldn't help but still want it. He has some dreams and expectations too, after all!

He...He also wants to do the sappy shit couples do! It's his first love! Even though he gags when other couples show affection publicly- He still wanted to hold hands, share cups and do other couple things together!

But his damn guy was too gentlemanly!

Willow slammed his hand on the table in annoyance. Adelia was startled by the bang and jumped. "What's the deal with you, Will?"

"Adel...For the first time, I genuinely want your advice."