Did Charlie find someone else?

"Hah...." Willow sighed in frustration for the nth time.

"Would it kill you to shut up, Will?! I'm trying to talk to someone here!" Adelia spat out, annoyed.

He got even more angry by her shout and screamed back, "Why?! You're just texting someone! How is me wallowing in my relationship misery related to your texts?"

Adelia slammed her hand on the table. She snapped, "It's hella disturbing to me, okay? Hurts my concentration."

"Why do you even need to concentrate? You're just texting Louise," Willow sighed again, earning a glare from Adelia. "-At least you can text."

"Why?" Adelia mocked, "You forgot how to write or something?"

"No... It's not like that," Willow trailed off, eyeing his phone with a longing expression. "It's just-"

He didn't continue, just staring off in space. Adelia waited for the rest of the sentence and when it didn't come, rolled her eyes. "Just what, Will?"

"You know how that guy is, right? -"

Adelia interrupted, "Who? Charlie?"

"Do I know any other guys?" Willow asked dejectedly. He didn't even bother to argue now, just replying with a 'so done with life' expression.

"Nah you don't. I know you don't have any friends."

"Yeah, right," Willow agreed. He was not only not defending himself, but also joined Adelia in mocking him. That's a new level of despair.

She couldn't help but feel a little bad and softened her tone a little. "Willow, my dear brother, tell me what happened? Your beautiful sister Adelia will try to make it better."

"I just, you know... I don't know what to do!" All that frustration inside him came pouring out. "I mean, we haven't talked in 3 days! It's just so... So annoying..."

Adelia raised an eyebrow. "Then what? We did the pool prompt four days ago, and even got 10 points because the readers felt bad for the main character and wanted to be respectful of his 'trauma'. We have 61 points, duh!" She shrugged nonchalantly, "I think the plot's pretty good. It's alright if you don't talk for some days."

"This isn't about the damn plot!" Willow cursed in frustration. "It's about my love life! My boyfriend! My real first love!"

"...Oh." Adelia felt a little awkward. She unsurely apologized, "I'm sorry? But you know, I wasn't that wrong either. Our lives do literally depend on the plot, so I naturally thought you were asking about that."

"I know! But-" Willow got up and turned to face Adelia. "I... I just love him so much! That even if the male lead was someone else, I would've still loved him! Even if it costed my life!"

"Look, bro, cool sentimental lines and all, but it isn't just your life on line. It's mine too, something you have no authority to toss around casually in the name of love." Adelia felt that their conversation had drifted away too much from the original topic. She asked, "...Oh, what was your original problem? Let's solve that first."

Willow also remembered the earlier issue and exclaimed, "Right! The original problem! Let's not go off topic again."

"Was it me who just made such a big deal out of nothing?" Adelia asked sarcastically.

"...Ahem," Willow coughed indignantly before continuing, "A-Anyway. The issue. Charlie and I-" He paused and looked at her straight in the eye. "–Haven't even talked once for three days straight! Do you think-"

His expression worsened as fear crept into his eyes, "He's tired of me? What if he doesn't love me anymore?" He assumed the worst as his expression turned horrified and said, "What if he found someone better?!"

"-Not to interrupt your inner insecurity moment or anything, but all of these are, frankly, impossible. Look, I know Charlie's a real person and not a mere character-" She added cautiously before Willow starts his speech about this world again. "-But he's still the male lead. Even if he wasn't, any normal person with eyes can see that he's so madly into you. So, forget that. Maybe he's just nervous?" Adelia guessed. "You know how nervous that socially awkward guy can be."

"Maybe," Willow nodded along absent-mindedly.

While he was pacing around the room and lamenting about the unnecessary abstinence of his partner, his phone rang. It was a text message, from Charlie.