An upcoming disaster

Willow had stars in his eyes as he hurriedly opened the message, eager to see the content. "He messaged me! Adel, it's here!" He cried excitedly.

"What does it say?" Adelia stood up, coming beside Willow.

"... Oh my god," He covered his mouth with his hand. Willow's eyes were wide, his cheeks red. "How can he be so cute?"

"What?" Adelia asked again, her anger increasing more and more by each moment.

"Charlie, oh Charlie, you're making it too hard for me not to kiss you!" Willow took no notice of Adelia's question, still immersed in his own happiness.

Adelia finally snapped and took him by the collar. "WHAT THE HECK DOES IT SAY?!"

Willow was startled by her sudden scream. "Hey, what are you getting so hyper for?!"

"Idiot! I've been asking for ages, what does the message say?" There was a threatening look in her eyes, entailing that Willow might be in big trouble if he didn't tell her.

Willow removed her hands from his collar and muttered, "What are you even getting so angry for? Don't Overreact, jeez... "

"Hmm?!" She stamped her foot, hard.

"Uh, nothing, my dear sister. Here, see for yourself," Willow extended the phone towards Adelia, latest messages already opened on it.

'I'm sorry for not texting. I'm, uh, bad at texting first, so I always end up hoping you would.'

There was an awkward face emoji after the message, followed by an embarrassed one. Beneath it was Willow's reply.

"Charlie, you can text me whenever you want. Even if you have no reason to.'

Adelia couldn't help but sigh, "Ah, you guys surely are worthy of being the leads of a novel. So cute! This Charlie is also quite cute when he isn't spouting that shit out of his mouth."

"You know that he only does that with you, right?"

"Yup. He really needs to learn how to score points with the family."

Willow was about to say something when he suddenly stood up. There was an alarmed look on his face as he hurriedly took the phone from Adelia. "I forgot to tell Charlie that dad invited him for dinner on Friday!"

"Friday?" Adelia wondered, "Which Friday? Next week? Or after that?"

"This Friday! Today! And it's already 6!"

"Oh..." Adelia casually flicked her hair. "-Then, that dude's pretty short on time. Will, you know what?" She tried not to laugh as she continued, "Based on our past experiences, I'm like 100 percent sure this dinner is so not gonna end peacefully. On the bright side, we'll get points! The readers just love-" Adelia stretched the last word, barely trying to keep that laugh off her face. "-A good parody."

Damn your points and parody!