Sleeping arrangements

Adelia got over her initial disbelief and cried, "What. The. Hell! This is a disaster! Plot twist? No! They're just throwing in aliens randomly at this point!" She frustratedly got up and said sarcastically, "What's next, huh? Creature from hell, or time travel to ancient times? At this point, I bet I wouldn't be surprised even if Charles and Caden end up together."

After 50 minutes, as Caden and Charles kiss at the sunset while Grace looks on happily with a weird alien guy.

"..." No words. She simply has no words.

After the abduction, Charles and Caden worked hard to save Grace, unknowingly falling for each other in the process. Grace, on the other hand, discovered that Caden didn't actually betray his brother and it was all a misunderstanding. His brother, who used to be insecure because of Caden being better than him, developed an inferiority complex because of the achievements of his own brother. His hatred made him frame Caden, causing his parents to banish him to another planet. Even then, he always feared his more brilliant brother showing up to snatch the throne from him, driving him to do such things.

Grace noticed the good in him and like a typical female lead, 'healed' him. He apologized to Caden. Caden and Charlie got together, everyone was happy. The end.

Charlie's face was green as he glanced at Claude. Claude's expression wasn't too different either, an understandably disgusted expression on his face. They both locked gazes, reaching a silent argument to never, ever mention this thing again. For the sake of both of their mental health and sanity.

Willow was the only one who seemed to have enjoyed the movie. He got up and stretched. "Whew, that was a long one," He looked at the others and asked, "How was it? Did you guys like it?"

No one replied so he continued, "-That was a nice twist, I guess. Plus, I'm really happy that all of them reached their happy endings. I mean, usually, one of the male leads ends up alone and it's really heartbreaking. Caden's brother found his happiness too."

Charlie wanted to agree but couldn't. He stayed silent, a forced smile on his face. Claude's situation wasn't much different either, he too finding it hard to comment.

'Hello, hosts,' The system waltzed in. 'You received 8 more points this week, making your total 87 points. Please continue to work hard like this.'

He vanished immediately, not staying for longer. Well, Charlie and Claude were here, and it would've looked strange for them to see Willow and Adelia talk to a seemingly empty wall. After they passed 60 points with that pool disaster, the comments have been consistent. Since they regularly started getting points, the system's temper improved too. He either started tolerating them or learned that arguing with people like Adelia is only a waste of both of their time. Well, either way, at least Willow didn't have to witness their catfights anymore.

"Let's sleep?" Willow asked. "-Or do you guys want to do something else? Well, since it's Saturday tomorrow, waking up a little later is alright too-" His words were cut short as he yawned, a sleepy look in his eyes.

"Let's go to bed now," Charlie said, noticing Willow's dark circles and tired appearance.

Claude didn't object either, both of them agreeing on something for the first and hopefully, not the last time. "Yes, let's sleep."

Willow released a breath of relief, almost astonished to see them conversing peacefully for once. Maybe they are capable of co-existing after all-

"What makes you think you'll sleep in the same room as Willow?!"

"-Because I know I will sleep with Willow!"

"If you think I'm going to let a predator like you anywhere near my boyfriend, you're obviously very, very wrong, Claude Laurent!"

"Oh?" Claude mocked, "-Insecure much, huh? You don't trust Willow already?" He gave Charlie a very conspicuous side eye and said not so discreetly, "Somebody's having trust issues. Just saying."

"It's not Willow, it's you I don't trust! Letting a manipulative jerk like you near my sweet, innocent Willow is like carrying a wad of cash in a high crime neighborhood, just asking to be robbed!"

"Oh, so you're comparing Willow to a nonliving thing now-"

"You know that's not what I mean!" Charlie cried back. If only they were on a reality tv show. At least then, Willow would gain something other than constant headaches from their catfights.

Charlie threw some other insults at Claude before concluding, "-Point is, I don't trust you!"

"I'm his friend, okay?! Not everyone thinks of their precious friend the same way you do! Willow was merciful enough to accept you, but let me tell you Charlie, if it were me-"

"I'd have killed myself before confessing to you, you pee colored bug!"

"You think I want your confession? If you were my partner, I would've poisoned your coffee!"

"Oh? If, God forbid, I had a lover like you, I would've drunk it!"

"SHUT UP!" Willow screamed, not able to take it anymore.


"Shut! Up!" He glared at them. "Both of you, silent!"

Before anyone could object, Willow declared, "No one's sleeping with anyone. We have enough rooms. Come, I'll show you both guest rooms."

"But Will, we used to do it-"

"Claude, please, shut up. I'm in no mood for this right now, really."

His look of pure exasperation and annoyance shut Claude up as he silently followed him, not acting up again. Charlie looked triumphant but couldn't verbally flaunt his success and resorted to constantly giving him a side eye, a smile on his face. Claude glared back but neither of them spoke anything, knowing damn well that Willow turning around a second time wouldn't end well, for either of them.