liam's special dates

"Will? You're going somewhere?" Robert asked when he saw him walking down the stairs, dressed in formal clothes."I... I just have to take care of something, Dad. I'll be eating out," he replied hesitantly.Robert didn't think much of it and nodded, "Alright. But don't stay out too late, alright?" He automatically assumed Willow was going with Charlie and continued, "Although, I'm assured that Charlie's with you."Willow's face distorted at that, hurt flashing in his eyes. "I'm not going out with Charlie."Robert was surprised. "What? You're not hanging out with Charlie? These days, you guys didn't meet up at all so I thought—"Willow's expression was uncomfortable as he cut in, "Dad, I'm getting late. Can I go now?"Robert knew interrupting others like this wasn't like Willow, but he didn't question it. After all, the exams are just around the corner. Maybe he's feeling stressed?"Alright, alright. Come back early, alright?"Willow nodded as he took unwilling steps to the door, not wanting to go away one bit but having to do so at the same time.'Darling, I'm waiting. Where are you?' Liam smiled as he typed, seated at a two-person table. It was a romantic candlelit dinner in an upscale restaurant, the entire floor empty. The large transparent window could be used to look at the city.He didn't wait for long as a waiter led someone in. "Mr. Liam, I've brought him."Liam nodded, dismissing him. He turned to the other person and said, "You're here, sweetie. I even thought you stood me up for a moment."Willow didn't reply and turned his head the other way, not looking at him."Then again, how could that be?" Liam was almost enjoying this whole thing as he answered his own question, "You love me too much for that, right?""...I love you as much as Charlie loves Adelia, which is, not at all."Liam wasn't offended and laughed it off. "Oh, it seems you're in a good mood today, love. You're even joking.""If I'm in a good mood now, then I'm about to be freaking delighted if you continue speaking."Willow was tired of just listening to his mock love talk. They met up a few times before. Although he was wary at first, Liam really only wanted to meet up and didn't try anything strange. All this time, he talked in this fake loving tone, like they really were lovers.Most of the time, Willow didn't reply, but that seemed to encourage him even more. So now, whenever he said something, he replied with an equally spiteful and sarcastic remark, in a sorry attempt to assure himself of his retaliation. Maybe these petty fights were his way to falsely assure himself that he was doing something, anything to go against Liam and wasn't just uselessly following along with his demands. It created a false security that he could get back at Liam, while in reality, his actions were just like trying to dry up the sea while pouring out a handful of water."Why aren't you eating, love?" Liam had a fork in his hand, having already started his meal a long time ago."Not hungry," Willow looked away from his face, staring out of the window.City lights shone in the dark, mimicking stars that used to shine in the night sky. When there were stars, the city didn't exist, and now there was a city, the stars ceased to show, covered by the smoke and pollution."The food's not up to your taste?" Liam reached out to hold his hand, only for Willow to pull away. Liam wasn't bothered and continued, "Should I order something else?""...No thanks," Willow spat out, "The food's good enough, but I think the sight of your face ruined my appetite. Think you can do anything about that?"Willow mimicked his mocking tone and said in a fake curious voice, "Maybe just go die in a ditch or something? That's bound to help my mood.""Wouldn't I be making you a widow if I do that, love? I don't want to make you sad."Willow expressionlessly tilted his head. "...Oh, I'm sure I would be sad beyond measure, but I think I'll manage, 'darling.'"Liam laughed at his words. He didn't bother with him anymore and asked the waiter to clear the table, Willow's plate still untouched like before. The staff, who witnessed this whole exchange, didn't show any signs of noticing the strangeness and worked professionally. Desserts were brought out. It was a fancy cupcake thingy, something Willow didn't know the name of.Even the world seemed to be slapping him in the face, the dessert not very different from the ones Charlie made for him a few months ago.He laughed humorlessly at the similarity and for the first time in the meal, actually picked up his spoon and started eating.Liam noticed his change in behavior and asked, "What's so funny? Don't get me wrong, it gives me endless pleasure to hear your melodious laugh, but I just wanted to know what caused it. Maybe we can laugh together about it?"Willow still stared out of the window, images from the past flashing in his mind. He replied, "I don't really think we can do that. After all, the stupid person doesn't notice his actions' absurdity."Liam didn't reply and instead, decided to change the topic. "Well, let's leave the chit-chat for later. Let's talk about important things first, alright?"