Discard the old

"Let's talk about important things first, alright?"Willow's gaze was still fixed on the window, determined not to look at him. He gave him no reaction or took notice of his words, but Liam couldn't care less about it. He continued, "It's been about a week since we started 'dating'. Don't you think, sweetheart, it's about time you discarded the old and focused on the new?"His words caught Willow off guard as he instinctively turned, looking at Liam with an alarmed gaze. "...What?"Delighted to finally get a reaction out of him, Liam's smile widened. He tried to act nonchalant as he said, "Oh, don't act so oblivious, love. As much as I love you, I'm still not a fan of two-timing."He picked up his glass of a red, non-alcoholic drink and leisurely took a sip as he said in a wronged tone, "Will, whenever I brought it up before, you said you needed more time. I gave you time, didn't I?"He wiped a nonexistent tear and continued, "How long are you going to hurt me like this? Let go of the past, sweetie. Embrace the present.""I feel so bad whenever I see you with that guy. I feel...I feel like you're going to go away from me, like you're going to leave me for him," his eyes flashed dangerously. "You wouldn't ever do that, right? You wouldn't ever choose him over me, right? You- you wouldn't ever go back to him, right?"Willow didn't know how to reply. "...I-""No excuses, please. I really can't give you any longer, love. I know Charlie will be hurt, and you want to break it slowly to him, but I'm hurting too. I want you to be mine, only mine. Even the...Even the thought of someone else laying their hands on you fills me with endless fury."Although he meant to sound threatening at the last part, his short stature made it really hard to believe it. Though it might appear harmless to normal people, Willow wasn't someone who needed him to have a big physique to feel afraid. For him, this short boy could do more damage than any amount of weapons or thugs.Willow knew his patience was wearing off, and he'll have to do something soon. He tried to buy time, "...I just need a little more time-""No, love. Please. If this goes on any longer, I don't know what I might do. That's a bad ending for everyone, isn't it? I don't want that, and I'm sure you don't either.""Let's take care of unimportant things fast, alright? So we can start a new beginning together."Willow knew he couldn't avoid it any further. Still, he tried to reach an agreement and said, "I- I understand. I'll try to take care of this within this week-""That's too long," said Liam, boredly picking his ear. He smiled softly and said, "The best time to do stuff is now, right?"He leaned on the table and took Willow's hands in his before pressing them on his lips. "Darling, can't you spoil me a little? Can't you just break up with that guy now, for my happiness?""But-" Willow said as a pitiful last plea, "how can I- how can I do it now-""Oh, don't you worry about that, sweetie." He laughed, "Why do you worry about such things when you have a man like me as your lover?"Liam had a pretty face. His long eyelashes fluttered as he smiled, pink lips drawing in a thin line. The soft evening light illuminated his well-structured face as he smiled, looking as beautiful and leisurely as a predator does when the prey is already in front of them, helpless and waiting to be eaten."You see, Will, I already arranged that. You just wait and follow my lead, darling." He got up and leaned in very close all of a sudden, his mouth right beside Willow's ear. "I'll take care of everything."