Carier and family

Part 11.

I mean Papa's car, I use it while Brother Roy uses my motorbike. But why don't you believe him? Because this is my favorite motorcycle. Always hassle free when driving by motorbike.

However, it will be discussed later when Mama is healthy, I want her to go with Mama every morning. Before going to the office, first take Mama to the store. After making sure everything is fine, then I go to the office.

Because tired thinking my eyes are getting sleepy. Suddenly I heard a voice outside the room, it seemed like it was from Brother Roy's room. I peeked through the gap in the door, Kak Roy came out of his room and walked towards the car garage. What does he want, did Mama forget to ask Brother Roy for the car keys.

I came out of the room and met him in the car garage.

"Brother where are you going, it's already this late?" he is shocked to hear my voice.

"Oh-eh, Clara! Did you just startle Big Brother!?"

"Brother just wanted to check the remaining gas in the tank of this car," he answered nervously.

"Don't go out at night, Bro! Later, Mama will get sicker, because she thinks about her behavior!" i said.

"Hmm, yes," he said curtly.

"Are you done checking the gas? Here's the car keys, let Clara save it!" I asked.

"What the hell, just let Big Brother hold it!" he replied as he tucked his car keys into his trouser pocket.

"Watch out, don't come out! I'll tell Mama later, loo!" I threatened as I walked away.

It turned out that Brother Roy was still afraid of my words and threats. He closed the garage door and went back into the house. It's suitable no longer given the car keys to him. So that he couldn't go out, to meet his asshole friend.

The sound of Brother Roy's room door being opened and then closed again. I was so worried when I went to sleep later, Brother Roy secretly came out again and took the car. Tomorrow morning I will ask Mama to ask her for the car keys. If he wants to leave the house, tell him to take an bus.


The next day, I woke up early. After the Fajr prayer, I went straight to the kitchen to cook and prepare breakfast for the three of us. Hearing a voice in the kitchen, Mama came out of the room and said hello.

"Clara, you just woke up, yes?"

"Yes, Ma. How is Mama this morning?" I asked.

"Alhamdulillah, it's starting to get healthy. Head doesn't dizzy again, the body is not warm anymore, " Mom answered.

"Thank God, Mama should get a lot of rest! Don't be too tired, no need to force yourself to make money!" remember me.

Mom was silent. Sitting at the dining table chair watching me prepare breakfast. Also cook for lunch.

"Clara... Mama forget to ask for the car keys

last night, where's the key with you?"

"Same Brother Roy, Ma! He was the one who drove the car last night!" remember me.

Mama immediately stood up and walked towards the side of the house. As soon as I saw the car in the garage, Mama immediately breathed a sigh of relief. We had the same thought, we were so afraid that Brother Roy would take the car in a drunken state. Only the house, shop and car were left by Papa for the three of us, so we had to take good care of them.

An hour later, Mama and I finished breakfast. Brother Roy just came out of the room. With a frown on his face he walked to the bathroom. Soon he came out with a fresh face then sat on the desk chair eat. Without waiting, Mama immediately asked him for the car keys.

"Roy... give back the car keys to Mama!" he ordered.

"Hm, hold on, Mah!" Brother Roy entered the room and then came out again carrying the key.

"Here, Ma!" he left the keys in Mama's hands

"From now on, Mama drives herself when she goes to the store!" she said firmly.

"Are you sure?!" I asked and Bro Roy.

"Yes!" Mom answered firmly.

Brother Roy immediately fell silent, did not ask again. He immediately spooned the rice into the plate and started breakfast.

After that, I went straight to work. Don't forget to say goodbye to Mama while kissing the back of her hand.

"Mah... Clara is going to work, okay! Mama, take care of your health, get some rest, okay?" my message.

"Yes, honey! Be careful on the road, okay!" say he waved his hand.


I drove the motor at a moderate speed. I glanced at the watch on my left hand, in half an hour, it was time to go to the office. I raced w a little tighter. This thought still reminds me of Mama, afraid that Brother Roy will force her to ask for car keys or ask for money. Having a son often makes his mind difficult.

It seems that Brother Roy has a problem, because he has come home drunk three times. Mom and I were really worried about his condition. But seeing his face, always makes my heart irritated.

If you let it, it will destroy itself. It's true, there must be busyness like work. So that Brother Roy can think normally again. Let me just ask Mis Caterine about job vacancies for high school graduates.

I didn't realize I had arrived at the three-story white building. After parking the motorbike, I went straight to the attendance room. I just hope I don't meet that fierce CEO again.

"Hey Clara, good morning!" who's voice in

behind me.

"Oh-eh, good morning, Mr. Rendy!" I said.

"Duh, I'm surprised! It's not good. The morning has been daydreaming," he teased.

"Hee-hee," I just smiled at his ridicule.

How could you not be surprised that the fierce CEO who greeted you, eh, turned out to be his assistant. I quickly got into the elevator, deliberately avoiding to meet them in the elevator. I glanced at the watch on my hand, I only had five minutes to go to work.

In front of the admin room, I met with Miss Caterine. He was deliberately waiting for me because soon there will be a meeting. Meet with clients who want to cooperate in the property sector. So he deliberately waited for me to explain the meeting theory later.

To be continued ....