
Part 12.

In front of the admin room, I met with Mis Caterine. She was deliberately waiting for me because soon there will be a meeting. Meet with clients who want to cooperate in the property sector. So he deliberately waited for me to explain the material for the meeting later.

"I have to attend a meeting, yes, Mis?" I asked.

"Yes, an order from Mr. Calvin. Since you have been working here for two months, you must understand the routine activities in this company," explained Mis Caterine.

"Before the meeting, you will deliver the file from last night to Mr. Calvin's room, so that it will be signed!" said Mis Caterine.

"Okay, Mis," I answered

I took the file in the cupboard on the second shelf. This shelf is specifically for files that have not been signed, so I don't take it wrong. After confirming once more, I immediately went to Mr. Calvin's room on the third floor.

In the elevator, my chest began to beat wildly. The body feels hot and cold, the stomach is also heartburn. What's wrong with me, every time I want to meet Mr. Calvin it feels like I have a fever.


Arriving on the third floor, I went straight to the marketing director's room, Mr. Calvin.

Tokk ... tokk ...

"Come in..." said a voice from inside.

"Good morning sir!" say hello.

"Hm, Morning, what's wrong?"

"I'd like a signature for last night's file, sir!" I said. "Why didn't you take you last night?" ask Mr. Calvin furrowed his brow.

"Sorry, sir! Last night I was allowed to go home early, because I took Mama to the hospital!" I explained while lowering my head.

"What's wrong with your mother?"

"My mother has hypertension and stomach acid, sir!" I answered.

"Hm, don't bring personal matters to this office, I don't like it! Moreover, there's a lot of noise in the parking lot!" Deg ... my chest immediately rumbled hearing Mr. Calvin's words.

That means last night he saw what happened in the parking lot. Duhh, how is this, I'm scared and feel guilty.

"Once again sorry sir! I didn't mean to make a fuss!" I said.

Sometimes he frowns reading the files I write on the laptop. I'm waiting for the file, anxiously. Fear of making mistakes and fatal consequences for my career.

Fifteen minutes later, all the files were signed and I could breathe a sigh of relief. Then I put the file in the blue folder.

"Thank you sir, excuse me!" I said.

"Wait!" Mr. Calvin's voice startled me.

"What's the matter, sir?" I asked confused.

"That man in the parking lot, your lover?" I didn't expect Mr. Calvin to see Riki.

"Ex-lover to be exact, sir!" I answered.

Mr. Calvin breathed a sigh of relief, what's wrong with this CEO boss, why does he want to know about my personal business. Ahh, never mind I better get out of this room.

As soon as I arrived at the administration room, I handed the file over to Mis Caterine. He immediately took the blue map in my hand and then collected it with another map.

"Are you ready Clara? Come on, let's go straight to the meeting room!" invite him.

"Yes, Mis," I said.

We immediately went to the meeting room, it was the first time I went with them to meet clients. Don't know what to talk about. As soon as the meeting started, three guests came into the room, sat opposite the handsome CEO, he was so full of authority. It is appropriate to lead a company.


We sat side by side, me, Mis Caterine, Mr. Rendy and Mr. Calvin. There were three guests sitting in front of us. Mis Caterine opened the conversation by introducing herself, then mentioning our names one by one, along with the position and title.

This meeting discussed about: Continuation of last month's meeting. Introduction of new properties to clients. How many facilities from the property to be marketed. What percentage of the profit from the property will be obtained by the client, if this collaboration is successfully carried out.

Almost two hours, I listened to all the conversations between guests or clients, boss CEO and personal assistant.

"How's Clara, any questions or suggestions?" Suddenly Mr. Calvin asked me. I was shocked, but immediately controlled myself.

"My advice is:

1. Improved quality marketing and advertising materials, starting from accurate property photos, attractive and error-free text.

2. When speaking on the phone, make sure it sounds clear and polite.

3. Build an attractive and informative website and social media display. In the case of written communication, such as letters, emails, or chats, it should be made as good as possible by avoiding spelling or writing errors.

4. Post Property Listings in Online Media.

"I think that's all my advice, sir," I said firmly.

Everyone present was amazed to hear the results of my thoughts. They nodded their heads in agreement with what I said.

"Okay, I will accept the suggestion from sister Clara, and today's meeting is over! I wish you a good morning,"

"Morning, sir," we said in unison and we shook hands.

We welcome guests or clients out of the room first. Then in followed by Mr. Calvin and his personal assistant. And lastly, Miss Caterine and I walked side by side out of the meeting room.

"You are great, Cla! Mr. Calvin is amazed by your courage to give advice," said Mis Caterine.

"Oh, it's okay, Miss, don't praise me too much. This is my first time attending a meeting, I'm still learning about how this company works," I explained.

"Okay," Mis Caterine gave me two thumbs up.

When we got to the admin room, we just sat down at our respective tables. I heard the phone ringing at Mis Caterine's desk. She picked up the phone while mentioning Mr. Calvin's name.

Mis Caterine listened to the person on the phone. Then nodded his head in agreement. I'm curious about what they're talking about. After placing the phone on the table, Mis Caterine said.

"Clara ... starting tomorrow, you can wear your office uniform, yes!"

"However, I haven't worked for three months, Miss?" I asked surprised. "This is an order from Mr. Calvin!" he explained.

I nodded my head. I feel happy inside, it means that my training period is over. Deliberately accelerated to only two months, according to the boss CEO's orders.

To be continued ....