Take me out contest

Part 22.

It's been two hours, we sat on the back stage. There were four women who were chosen by the men in this event, I was the last participant to be called to the center of the stage.

Hm, if it's like this, I can run out of stock of handsome and well-established men for me. There have been two women who have succeeded in bringing their partner to the back stage. This means that the two pairs have won in the previous two sessions.

My heart is getting excited waiting for my turn. My mind has been traveling all over the place, thinking about the answers to the finalists' questions.

"Don't be nervous, Cla, just pretend you're

talk to a friend." Misel remembered.

The audience applauded loudly when the third session of the program ended. Now comes the last session where the female participant is me. With a prayer in my heart, I walked to the center of the stage and introduced myself.

Here lined up twenty handsome men who were ready to ask me questions. After introducing myself, almost all of the green button lights are on. I cheered in my heart, meaning my statement made the finalists curious.


The host of the event invited the finalists one by one to ask me questions. For over an hour they and I asked and answered each other. Now comes the decisive round, One by one the green buttons are off, they don't choose me.

I feel really disappointed, even though I had high hopes for this event. Until I didn't notice there was still one green button that was lit. And the finalist who came out became the champion. Which means we managed to become a new couple in this take me out event.

As soon as I observed, this man had not asked any questions at all, only listened to all of my answers. The man walked towards me, he took off his glasses.

It was like a windfall, it turned out that this man was the CEO's boss where I worked. I was shocked half to death as I spoke.

"M-r- Calvin ..." a muffled voice screamed from my lips.

"Congratulations Clara! Starting today, we are officially a couple!" he said casually.

I still can't believe it, meanwhile the host mentioned the prize and the nominal money I got, because I managed to get a partner in the matchmaking contest.

"Hopefully this gift can lighten the cost live your family, Clara," said the CEO boss.

"Thank you very much, sir," I replied.

The two of us walked around on the stage waving to the audience who support this event. On the back stage, Misel was waiting for me impatiently.

"You two know each other, don't you?" ask Misel surprised, at the same time paying attention to the boss CEO

"He's my boss at the office," I explained.

"Hah, right?? It means that your prayers are heard by God, right, Clara!"

"Yeah-dong, just pray-in I can be really great couple.

Meanwhile, the hands that were holding each other, I immediately let go when I was on the back stage. This handsome CEO returns to his original nature, which is fierce, cold and indifferent to women.


After receiving a number of prizes and transfers from the event, the three of us were already in the parking lot.

"Clara...!" Calling Calvin surprised me.

"Yes-Sir," I said as if in the office.

"Remember, yes! We became a couple just for the sake of this event and call me, Calvin! Outside of this event we are free, have no ties! And in the office, you are obliged as usual, don't mess around!" he ordered in a curt and cold voice.

Misel and I fell silent hearing all the requests, precisely the orders from him that I had to obey. After all, my position is only as a new employee in his office.

Misel who heard the order from Calvin became confused. He scratched his head, not expecting this complicated pairing with a rich CEO.

"This agreement is only the three of us who know! If the event party contact you, quickly notify me. Remember only for the sake of this event!" he ordered again.

"Sorry, Calvin! If this is the condition, why are you bothering to join this event?" I ventured to ask.

Calvin paused, then looked at me then said. "I'm just helping! So that your problem is quickly resolved!"

Hm, Misel and I were confused by the answer. How did this CEO know that my family is in trouble. Does he have a spy who follows all my family's daily activities.


"Clara ... looks like this CEO has a spy! He can know the problems in your family!" Misel said while whispering in my ear.

"I guess so," I said in a low, muffled voice.

"Then excuse me, good night!" Calvin said as he walked away, getting into his luxury car.

Out of curiosity, I didn't answer him. Instead standing like a statue in the parking lot with Misel.

"Cieee, now you're not single anymore!" His teasing interrupted my thoughts.

"Hm, strange lovers, a lot conditions," I said.

"It's okay, Clara! The important thing is, you've won all those prizes!" remember Misel.

"Oh-yeah, I forget that I was the winner," I said, clapping my forehead.

"Ha-haa, you more, the focus is only on that handsome CEO all the time," she sneered.

"But I'm really curious about this, why is Calvin here and know that I'm taking part in this event? Can't it be just for fun?"

"Never mind Clara, don't worry anymore! Think of it as a mate that was given by God through this event," Misel comforted.

Tiin... tiin, the sound of car horns is deafening. Angga's car stopped behind us, he came to pick up my best friend. After they left, I immediately went home. I forgot to say thank you to Misel.

It turned out that last night's program was broadcast on social media and many campus children watched it. You can already imagine how excited the whole campus was to see me win and get the partner of a rich and handsome CEO.

When he entered campus, many classmates congratulated him. The real goal is just to get a prize. But I get two advantages at once. And that made Riki very jealous.

To be continued ....