Application event

Part 23.

When he entered campus, many classmates congratulated him. The real goal is just to get a prize. But I get two advantages at once. And that made Riki very jealous.

With a sly smile, Riki came to the cafeteria to meet me. Incidentally this afternoon the cafeteria was quiet, only three students were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria resting. I was sitting alone, because Misel was still in class.

"Hey, Clara... congrats, you've managed to hook a rich CEO! So much so looking for a mate, afraid of not selling, ya?!" he quipped.

"It is none of your business!" I replied curtly.

"If you need money, just tell me! But there is a condition, you already understand what he means," said Riki while touching my cheek.

My emotions immediately provoked hearing his words. "What do you mean, huh!" I shouted, tugging at his collar.

"Hey, relax, don't be so rude!" he said, brushing my hand away.

"This cute bunny like you, fits in love and caress!"

My hand reflexively punched Riki's cheek, from the corner of his lips it seemed to be bleeding. "Get out of here, you!" I shouted.

Students who are taking a break, immediately come and surround me. Then they kicked Riki out of the cafeteria. I sat down rubbing my face roughly.

"That playboy is really suitable for you to box! Because his mouth likes to talk carelessly!" they told me.


Hearing the noise in the cafeteria, Misel who just came out of class immediately followed me. Incidentally, the distance between classes is only five meters from the canteen.

"What's wrong Clara?" Misel asked.

"The Riki just talks to his heart's content!" I answered.

Then I explained what just happened to Misel, he was also emotional when he heard the story. Such is the nature of a playboy man, if he can't get what he wants, he must try to justify it by all means. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, the important thing is that he's satisfied.

"You have to be careful with Riki. He's still curious, because his love was rejected. It's better to avoid dealing with that playboy!" remember Misel.

"You don't scare me! He's the one who cheated, why is he the one who's angry? You're a stressed man," I cursed.

"Come on, let's go home! I'm lazy to linger on campus. Luckily, the thesis will be finished soon, so there's no need to see that jerk again!"

"Okay, I'll call Angga first! Let him come here," said Misel.

Less than fifteen minutes, Angga was in the campus parking lot. Misel is very lucky to have a lover who is loyal and on time. Angga never let Misel to wait long.

He always gives news if you're busy or don't have time to pick up your lover. So Misel can come home with me From afar, it seems Riki is watching us. He stood beside his car, then approach me.

"Hey, Clara! My offer is still valid, if you need money, just come to me!"

"You stressed guy, it's still been rejected force!" I taunted.

"Halahh, you don't have to sell too much! How much do you pay to be able to walk with such a rich CEO!" Riki deliberately provoked my emotions.

"Hey, don't be careless when you talk! Clara is not something you can use and throw away as you please!" This time it was Angga who answered Riki's taunt, his emotions were also provoked.

Angga walked up to Riki and said.

"If you talk like that again, you're dealing with me! Came that!" Threatened Angga while pointing at Riki's face.

"Who do you think You Are?" Challenge Riki.

"I'm Clara's family, you understand!"

Riki immediately left us, he got into his car. Then it left behind the black smoke of the vehicle.

"Thank you, Angga! Already consider me your family," I said.

"It's okay, Clara," said Angga while thumbs up. We also part in the parking lot, then enter to their respective cars.


A month later...

Brother Roy's health has recovered. All the wounds on his body had dried up. Mama knows that I won a contest. At first he was angry, he didn't like seeing me take part in the matchmaking contest.

After I explained what I meant to find extra money for Brother Roy's treatment, Mama couldn't help but listen to it. Meanwhile, Mama's savings have been used to pay off debts at the store.

The rest of the money I got was to help Bro Roy propose to his girlfriend. Mama was touched to hear this good intention. Meanwhile, Brother Roy was speechless.

I suggest to Brother Roy to tell his girlfriend, we will come to propose to him. There are no more words of rejection from Kak Sarah's parents. So we agreed to come three days later.

Preparations for the application have begun. Like people who are getting married, Brother Roy has already bought a ring and a set of prayer tools. Put in a beautiful box and decorated with a ribbon.

Mama also gave a beautiful white dress complete with hijab for Sister Sarah, the future daughter-in-law.

Then Mama called Mr. RT and his wife to come with us to propose to Sis Sarah. If something happened there, Mr. RT could be the mediator for our family.

"The important thing is that we show this goodwill to their families!" said Mr. Rt agree with his words.

Three days later, we set off in Papa's car. Actually, my heart is pounding, I'm afraid something like yesterday will happen. The more it is postponed, it becomes a burden on my family and their families.

"Mr. RT is driving the car, isn't it?" I asked.

"Okay, fine. Where's the car keys?" I handed the keys to his hand.

"Take it easy, sir! Don't speed!" remember Mrs. RT.

"Relax, Mom." Leave this driving busines to you!" he answered.

Mr. RT drove the car at a moderate speed. The streets looked deserted because of the holidays. Less than an hour, we had entered the prospective besan residential area.

Brother Roy's face looked tense and anxious. Likewise with Mama, she often has a fever thinking about proposals. And now we have arrived at this event.

Mr. RT honked the car horn, a sign that we had arrived at their place. Several people came out of the house to welcome us. Alhamdulillah, it means they still appreciate our arrival.

To be continued ....