Mrs. Mentari anger

Part 44.

Look into the CEO's eyes, implying a deep apology. The CEO slowly took my hand and kissed it gently. I quickly withdrew this hand, then immediately left the room.

All the way to the elevator, I felt uneasy. There is a feeling of warmth flowing in this chest. Remembering all the sweet treatment of the CEO towards me.

"Hey, just daydream!" said the voice behind me.

"Eeh, sorry! Mr. Rendy just startled!" I protest.

"He-hee, it's still morning, just daydreaming! Still haven't moved on, ya, with last night's events?!" mocked Mr. Rendy full of mystery.

"Ugh, you know so much," I replied as I walked into the elevator.

Mr. Rendy was walking towards the CEO's room. I glanced at the watch in my hand, fifteen minutes until the meeting was about to start. I saw that on the second floor another staff would attend the meeting this morning.

"Miss, here's the file! It's done in sign everything," I said.

"Why did you take so long, anyway? Dating first, yes with the CEO boss?" she quipped.

"No, Miss! It took me a long time because I spoke briefly with Mr. Rendy when I was about to enter the elevator," I explained.

"Oh, I see, sorry, I was just kidding," she said.

We were getting ready to go to the meeting room. It feels a little nervous because I will meet with the President Director, namely Mr. Surya. Several employees looked enviously at me. Because my position counts in this office. Always attend meetings or meetings to discuss progress in the company.

We are already in the meeting room. Miss Catherine arranged glasses of water for all members present in the meeting room. We are just waiting for Mr. Calvin as the Manager and Mr. Surya, as the President Director.

While I was busy opening the file for a meeting, I was startled by a voice at the door.

"Good morning," said a voice from outside.

"Good morning, sir," said all of us who were present in unison.

"Sorry, I'm a little late," said the big boss. Followed by the company manager behind him.


It turned out that this meeting was about the sales promotion section. According to Mr. Calvin and Mr. Surya, the position is suitable for me. In other words, I will be promoted to move to product marketing.

"What do the other colleagues think? Do you agree that Clara fills the position in the promotion and marketing department of the product?!"

Everyone present was silent for a moment, they looked at each other. I didn't think that I, who had not worked for a year, was about to be promoted by a big boss to get promoted.

"For your consideration, just look at the sales chart of our products. Since Clara has been promoting through social media, our sales have continued to increase. The demand for housing and land remains stable. Even though the economy is currently difficult," explained Mr. Surya at length.

"It is undeniable, thanks to Clara's brilliant idea, our marketing is increasing to other sectors. For example, consumer demand for warehouses and apartments," explained the CEO completing the big boss's assessment.

"Then there is no reason for us, to refuse the big boss's request!" said Miss Catherine.

"Once again I'd like to hear from planning, engineering and industry, and marketing and finance!" said Mr. Surya.

"I'll give you fifteen minutes to negotiate! Tell me whether you agree or disagree and why!" said Mr. Calvin.

Miss Catherine and I looked at each other. Likewise, Mr. Surya and the CEO. I don't expect much from the chief of staff's decision.

Because I realized, I have not worked for a year and I still have little experience. Only able to promote products through social media and managed to convince consumers to buy and cooperate with this company.

I didn't expect this to be a separate judgment for big bosses and CEOs. Now I'm being promoted to a promotion as a product marketing staff. When she moved to that section, Miss Catherine was left alone in her study.

"How are you guys?" asked Mr. Surya and the CEO surprised me.

They looked at each other, and from each section began to express opinions and reasons. Of all present, more than half of the voters wanted to ask me to work in that marketing department.

Part of another voice, objected if I was in that position. Because I'm a new employee, work experience is not enough. Have to study again for the next few years.

However, that didn't affect the big boss's decision. Because more than half of the votes were present in the meeting room.

"Okay, we've heard your assessment firsthand. So it's clear that starting next week, Clara has taken up a new room and position in this office!" said Mr. Surya while looking at me.

"Congratulations've made it to marketing!" said Mr. Surya.

"Congratulations Clara ... I hope you feel at home and work harder, and diligently promote our company's products!" said the CEO.

"Th-thank you, Mr, " I stammered.

"Well, don't be sad, this is luck!" Miss Catherine whispered in my ear.

"Wait ...!" a voice was heard from outside. Everyone present became shocked and looked towards the door.


Gubrak ...

Suddenly the meeting room door opened wide. A glamorous woman was standing there. Behind him are two security people.

"Sorry, sir, we have prevented Mrs. Mentari from entering! But she insisted!" said the thin-bodied security.

"Hey, wait...! I don't approve of that woman getting promoted!" shouted a voice from outside.

"Don't dream of being an important part of this office! You're just a woman trying her luck at a matchmaking contest. So don't pretend you have an important position in this office, be aware, please!" snapped Mrs. Mentari full of emotion.

I immediately stood up, unable to accept being humiliated like this. I approached Mrs. Mentari and said.

"Sorry, Mrs! Don't insult anyone! I didn't ask for a promotion, but Mr. Surya and Mr. Calvin chose him! One more thing, I was lucky in that contest!" I answered firmly.

"Don't defend yourself! I will never approve of your relationship with Calvin!"

To be continued...