Rice box

Part 45.

Mrs. Mentari's words shocked the entire meeting room. The new section chief's staff found out that I had a relationship with the CEO. Mr. Surya and the CEO immediately approached Mrs. Mentari. They ordered security to take him to the President's Director's room.

"Let go! No need to hold me like this!" he snapped at security.

"Mom, what's the matter with Clara, to hate her so much?" I still hear the CEO's voice scolding Mrs. Mentari.

Because the meeting wasn't over yet, we went back to our seats. This last session is devoted to Mr. Surya and the CEO apologizing to me. They hoped that I would not leave the company, because they still needed my energy and thoughts.

It's hard for me to neutralize this heart. I don't know what the dream is, it's still early in the morning that I have been tested and humiliated like this. After leaving the meeting room, Mr. Surya and the CEO immediately returned to the President Director's room to meet Mrs. Mentari.

"Patience, yes, Clara! Consider this a trial in your career and love!" Miss Catherine supports me.

"Thank you, Miss," I said quietly as I entered the study.


Meanwhile, in the President Director's room, Mrs. Mentari is still angry with her husband and child. Once they arrived, there was another dispute.

"What's this papa? New employee, really

given a good job?!"

"Well, where's the problem, Mah? Clara is a smart girl and a scholar too!" Calvin explained.

"Halah, you've been seduced. So always judge the good," protested Mrs. Mentari.

"Thanks to Clara's intelligence, our customers are increasing! The girl is good at promoting all the products we are selling," said Mr. Surya.

Mrs. Mentari immediately fell silent, she looked away. Then immediately stood up and left the President Director's room.

"Mom, why do you hate it so much, with Clara? Like hiding something?" asked Mr. Surya to the CEO.

"I don't know, Papa! Even though I don't know Clara, Mama likes to judge people based on their economic status!" replied the CEO annoyed.

"Try to order Mr. Rendy to investigate! What caused it to Mama? You hate Clara!" said Mr. Surya.

"Okay, Papa, Calvin will call Mr. Rendy to come here!" he said.

"Oh, Mama, who did you come with?" asked

Calvin to Papa.

"Hm, just let it come and go home alone!" said Mr. Surya annoyed.

Soon a knock sounded from outside. Mr. Rendy appeared behind the door. Mr. Surya immediately ordered him to enter.

"Sit down Randy!" Sun's orders.

"Thank you, sir," he said.

"I have an assignment for you! Investigate Mrs. Sunrise, and what makes her hate Clara! Because according to my feeling, she has something we don't know!" Lord Sun's orders.

"Okay, sir, I'll investigate immediately," said Mr. Rendy politely.

"Yes, already, please return to the study!"

he ordered.

"Thank you, excuse me, sir." Mr. Rendy came out while closing the door.

"How are you feeling, Pa?" asked the CEO.

"You also investigate Mama, who knows before she knew Clara's family?!"

Mr. Surya's words almost brought the CEO's memory back to the events of three years ago. Later after work, he wanted to meet Clara and ask her out. Want to ask something, who knows if there will be a bright spot from all the hatred Mrs. Mentari has towards her?

After meeting the assistant CEO, Mr. Surya immediately went downstairs. He left the office for another branch of the company. As usual, he leads two property companies. Only in another company, sales turnover is not as much as that managed by Calvin.

Before leaving, Mr. Surya seemed to be talking to the two security guards. I wonder what they are talking about. The CEO just watched from his study window. Then sit back in the chair. His heart felt guilty for Clara because of Mrs. Mentari's words that had embarrassed Clara in public.


Derrtt... derrtt...

One message goes to the green app.

["Dear Clara, forgive Mama's words, yes! I will not stop apologizing to you until Mama approves of our relationship,"] said the CEO by sending a love emoji and a crying face.

I just read the message but didn't reply to anything. It's hard to describe this feeling. Wanted to resign, but now I have become the hope of the family. The salary in this office is enough to support my family.

I can't expect much from Kak Roy, because the turnover from the shop is only enough to support his new family life. Want to move to work elsewhere, it feels tired too. Have to adapt to employees and learn more about the work system in the new office.

It seems that life has no solution but to be patient. Now the whole office already knows, that I have a special relationship with the CEO. Duh, what will happen to me next?

["Clara ... please reply to my message!"] the CEO asked.

["I really don't deserve you who is a rich CEO from a respectable family,"] I replied with a crying emoji.

["Looks like we need to talk! After office hours, I'll be waiting in the parking lot!"] the CEO replied.

Right now I can no longer hold back tears, I really cry to express all the upset in my heart. Luckily I was alone in the room. Miss Catherine is out for lunch with Mr. Rendy.

The CEO never spends time working alone with me. He is very authoritative. That's why I fell in love with him even more. But a serious problem is in sight.

Just for lunch, I'm not in the mood. Especially when you go out and go down to the cafeteria. Luckily, there is always a water dispenser in this room for making drinks.

I got up from the chair to make tea. Hopefully, this hot tea can relax my chaotic mind. While I was busy stirring the sugar in the cup, there was a knock on my door from outside.

"Yes, come in!" I said.

"Sorry, Miss Clara, here is a box of rice for lunch, ordered online on behalf of Miss!" obviously office boy.

"Oh, who ordered?" I asked confused.

"Just accept it, Miss! It's safe," replied the office boy reassuring me.

"Okay, thank you," I said as I accepted the rice box with the name of a famous restaurant on it.

To be continued...