Chapter 24 - The Full Moon




3 POWER STONES = 3 Extra Chapters on 3rd August Mass Release


Tanji, the next day, cultivates in the harsh cold. The influx of moonlight is almost too much for him to handle. It flushes throughout his body and causes a massive uproar of power within him. He stops cultivating from the amount of power he has to control and looks out of the window. He exhales and says "Oh yeah! Full moon!" He quickly begins to try and see what he can do.

He opens his stats and notices his control stat depleting at dangerous speeds. He almost feels this happening within his body. He looks at the stat in confusion and fear. His claws grow unwillingly and he painfully grows sharp fangs. He drops to both of his knees and grasps his torso in pain. He feels his skin burning like he's in an oven. His bones crack and reform into new shapes. His shoulder blades enlarge and reform to give him a stooped down posture. He stands up to one knee and rips his shirt from his body. He snarls and shakes around his head as his spine reforms. He claws against his wooden floor and leaves deep dents. The transformation gradually brings to a halt and he exhales. White steam emits from his mouth. He smiles and leaps through his window.

It cracks and he lands on the roof across from him. He scratches at the red roof and howls to the white moon above as if it's his god. Tanji turns to look back at his apartment before turning the other way and leaping into the distance.

He notices a rat and grabs its tail tightly. He slams the rat into the wall before ripping its insides apart with his sharp claws. He snarls as he continues to destroy the rat's lifeless body. He stands and kills any animal in his path. His claws become coated with smelly animal blood and flesh. His shaggy hair across his body also starts to get bloody around the end of his limbs. He runs into the open and snarls while looking around for another thing to kill. A City Trooper then lands in front of him. He roars at the City Trooper with his blissful silver breastplate. He kicks Tanji right in his chest and finishes him off with that kick alone.

He hits the rough ground several metres away and snarls in agony. He tries to get up but then a syringe wielding a dull white substance is injected into his neck. He quickly stops resisting and hits the coarse ground. His vision becomes hazy before his eyelids shut.

The City Trooper approaches him and picks up his body. He whispers to himself "Where are his sedatives?" He just gets back to work and gets up to a roof with one simple jump.

He leaps from roof to roof, using minimal effort to do so.

Tanji wakes up and slowly assesses the room. The room is blank. White walls and a white table. His vision is still very hazy and he can't focus on things for long. His eyelids start to feel heavy once again and he passes out.

His eyes open sufficient time later. He looks around the room once again but there's a man present. He locks eyes with him then the man spontaneously says "Wake up!" His vision is almost handed back to him. He locks onto him with his full vision and he says "Why were you out on a rampage! We gave every werewolf sedatives for this!" He says "It's a long story." The man sarcastically laughs in fury and slams the table. His eyes glow a furious gold and the vibration from the slam rushes through Tanji's body.

Tanji glances upon him instinctively and looks at his stats.

(Unidentifiable Man)

Strength: ??

Speed: ??

Defence: ??

Constitution: ??

Control: ??

Intelligence: ??

Species: ??

Tanji is shocked and thinks "I can't even identify his name?! He must be super strong then!" He replies to him furiously. "This is no joke!! You were out there and could've killed somebody! Where are your sedatives and why did you not use them?!" He replies quickly "I haven't been a werewolf all of my life!" He says "Oh, you were bitten." He says "No, my dad's a werewolf and my mother's human." He says "A Half-Blood. It makes no sense for you to not have powers all-round." He says "They developed late, I'm a late bloomer." He sits back down in realisation and says "Ohh! Whats your name?" He replies with "Tanji Bjornulfsson." He writes in the name on a computer and it comes up with his name. "Oh yes! It says you're a human here. I'll update it and give you the sedatives." He clicks on the black keys smoothly and swiftly. He then proceeds to rip the shackles off of Tanji's wrists. He shakes up his tight hands then a door appears almost magically to his right.

He opens the door and the man signals for him to leave. He leaves the room and is handed white sedatives at a till. He follows by exiting the building to see a massive building behind him. Several floors and made out of red brick. He just turns and reveals his phone. He makes his way back home from the building right after.

He places the sedatives within a small drawer and closes it shortly after. He drops down onto his computer chair and begins searching. He is looking for a dojo. He wants to find a way to get stronger really fast. He eventually stumbles upon the 'Black Dragon Low-Tier Dojo.' He likes the sound of it and reads about the dojo. It is basically a dojo that allows weaker supernaturals and humans to gain as much strength as possible. This is so they can survive in the harsh world around them.